Mario Strikers: Battle League Reviews

Mario Strikers: Battle League is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Jun 20, 2022

The sleek and dazzling Nintendo polish does not disappoint in Mario Strikers: Battle League, and the online felt smooth and responsive even with a subpar connection speed. It could use a bit more variety and some mini-games to add some value, but you won’t find a more intense and in-your-face ball sport than Mario Strikers: Battle League.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 14, 2022

Although the Battle League is far behind in terms of gameplay compared to the old games of the series, the possibility of online matches closes this flaw.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 8, 2022

Mario Strikers: Battle League Football is a very wisely prepared production that offers dynamic and interesting gameplay. Somewhere in the end there was no suitable content, but even in this situation it is worth putting on traffic jams, doing a few tricks and scoring a hat trick. This game provides a lot of satisfaction.

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Saudi Gamer
Top Critic
7 / 10
Jun 27, 2022

A fun and engaging football & brawl mashup that is let down by its anemic content especially in single player.

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7 / 10.0
Jun 22, 2022

Mario Strikers: Battle League is a bare-bones experience that facilitates tense competition but leaves behind casual players. The limited selection of game modes, stadiums and characters further limits its potential, leaving the title with good gameplay but almost no interesting ways to engage with it. The hope is that Nintendo has more to add via DLC, but what, when and how is still a mystery. As with previous Nintendo sports titles, you're better off waiting for the additional content to make a more informed purchase decision. In its current state, Battle League is fun and great to play, but it's hardly worth the full price tag.

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75 / 100
Jun 19, 2022

Mario Strikers: Battle League tears up the rule book of what you might expect in a traditional soccer experience and injects personality, outlandish action and mischievous tactics into the gameplay - though it could have used more content.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 19, 2022

The ability to create a Rosalina who is the boogeyman haunting the goal-keepers' nightmares is surprisingly fun, and the game's Club feature allows you to use your friends' wacky stat goblins for yourself if you so choose. Strikers is at its core still as fun as it ever was, and still outshining regular soccer at every avenue. Hopefully once more additions have been made to the game's content some of the overall issues will have been addressed and Battle League can truly shine as bright as it is meant to.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Jun 15, 2022

Mario Strikers: Battle League is a promising start to filling the football boots of the long awaited sequel. Solid, liquid smooth performance on the pitch and that signature cocktail of personality and gritty football fun from Next Level Games. Where the game falters, at time of review, is the significant lack of offline content, supporting characters and lack of basic online features found in similar multiplayer games. If these issues are patched in, the base game is a solid package that sets the foundations for what could grow to be a more complete package.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jun 9, 2022

After 15 years of absence, Mario Strikers: Battle League returns with a competitive approach. The best part is its multiplayer mode and deep mechanics, which make every match a challenge. It's a shame that its content is sparse at launch day but it's a very fun and frantic game that can improve with future updates.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 8, 2022

After a long wait, we got a new Mario Strikers game and it's a lot of fun. Action gameplay and variable character abilities will keep you entertained, local multiplayer for up to 8 players is really great. But the game critically lacks content.

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7 / 10.0
Jun 14, 2022

Overall, the game is very good and deserves good praise. Ignoring the minor mishaps, this new Mario experience will open new possible sports-themed games in the future and I personally hope that happens. For those who want to try the game first, I highly recommend downloading the demo version and experiencing the tutorial to get deeper knowledge on how to play the game.

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7.9 / 10.0
Jun 8, 2022

Mario Strikers: Battle League strikes an excellent gameplay balance to make every match exciting and action-packed. It may not take many risks when it comes to supplementary content but what's here is one solid soccer game nonetheless.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 13, 2022

Mario Strikers: Battle League may be barebones, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t fun. More characters, customization options, and game modes could really help improve the game, but the package delivered on release still holds incredible replay value. It’s a game worth coming back to over and over again, whether with friends or by yourself. Over-the-top action and the stylized Mario look make Mario Strikers: Battle League one of the most fun sports game experiences, I just hope more is added soon so it doesn’t get stale after a few months.

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3.5 / 5.0
Sep 23, 2023

Mario Strikers: Battle League offers great gameplay paired with creative customization, but it does lack in the single-player department.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2022

Mario Strikers: Battle League is more than just the Mario Kart equivalent of a soccer game. Next Level Games has showcased its talent through its amazing attention to detail and giving us a worthy sequel to its beloved franchise.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 27, 2022

Mario Strikers: Battle League could very well be one of the best sports games of 2022.

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6.6 / 10.0
Aug 22, 2022

Playing Mario Strikers: Battle League Football is a lot of fun, especially with a group of friends, but the lack of worthwhile progression or unlockable content severely hurts its longevity/replayability. Unfortunately, the initial euphoria fades too quickly. Those who have been craving a new Mario Strikers game will likely accumulate a lot of playtime. All other buyers might as well look for a new game again quickly.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jun 8, 2022

Mario Strikers: Battle League should easily meet the expectations of those who have been waiting for a sequel for a long time. The game is more fun than ever thanks to a more dynamic and perfectly fluid gameplay. It also takes a lot of practice to master it perfectly and the challenge is there even for veteran players. In short, Nintendo is starting the summer on the right track with this new Mario Strikers.

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6 / 10
Aug 19, 2022

With a very good control system and ways to guide new players, this new Mario Strikers knows how to integrate everyone. At the same time, there's a disappointing lack o content compared to the other games, and its single player experience feels too limited and quick to explore. The online multiplayer is an absolute joy and the main selling point, even if it's missing functionalities we've seen in other games, but solo players will feel like their experience is too short.

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Jun 30, 2022

At the end of the day, Mario Strikers Battle League does not come without its faults. The overall gameplay experience, along with the look and feel, will undoubtedly get a little tiring. When considering the sheer depth of characterisation, however, whether through the selection of characters, the gear they can equip, or the little ways in which characters conduct themselves on the pitch; these all serve as little reminders of how the focus is absolutely on throwing as much personality at the player as possible. Gameplay is as casual as Mario games get, and the game runs as expected. The few faults it does have makes the game a little bit of a hard sell at full price, but overall it is a good title with the ability to become exceptional in time or with a sequel.

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