Redout 2 Reviews

Redout 2 is ranked in the 40th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Aug 10, 2022

Redout 2 is a blast play for long-time F-Zero fans. Its blisteringly fast gameplay and brutal difficulty make it feel right at home with some of F-Zero's more recent outings. The game demands precision, insanely fast reflexes, and the willingness to fail and try again. Redout 2 does this with just the right level of frustration, but also rewards and entices you back for more. It's definitely not for newcomers to the F-Zero-like genre, as it's easy to get frustrated and consistently lose races. It also doesn't help that this Nintendo Switch version currently has a few visual and gameplay hiccups; they don't ruin the experience but ultimately hinder it a bit. Regardless, Redout 2 on Nintendo Switch is a must-play for F-Zero fans.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 21, 2022

Thanks to its focus on speed and a relatively high-skill ceiling, Redout 2 might end up being too niche for some. This also means that it's a rather one-of-a-kind game these days, and if going down insane tracks at high speeds in futuristic rocket ships sounds fun, Redout 2 can be a great time.

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6.5 / 10.0
Aug 15, 2022

As a big fan of AG racing, I'm disappointed to see Redout II not live up to its potential. It's possible that the game will improve over time as updates are released. As-is, the Xbox version of Redout II feels more like an early access title with some good ideas than a fully polished game.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jul 17, 2022

Redout 2 wanted so much to be shocking and extreme that it's extremely hard to convince yourself. However, if you are a real hardcore, you will find suitably crazy challenges here.

Review in Polish | Read full review

7 / 10.0
Jul 10, 2022

A good F-Zero and WipEout successor which badly needs some balance changes. Right now it feels like the developers expect more than players can actually do.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 8, 2022

Redout 2 may be the fastest racing game in the universe, but it is definitely not the best one. It's a cool tribute to F-Zero and WipEout, but there are too many flaws (and lacks of content) for the game to reach their level.

Review in Slovak | Read full review

80 / 100
Jul 5, 2022

Overall, the Redout 2 experience was mind-blowing due to its speed and excellent mechanics. But it was also frustrating because of some paths, some events in campaign mode, and the inconsistent AI. It is certainly one of the best and most complete packages in the genre today and a highly recommended title for racing fans and those who like a good challenge.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jul 4, 2022

Redout 2 is a beautiful-looking, anti-gravity racing game that has you driving at ridiculously fast speeds. This difficulty level is pretty high, but if you are willing to practise and hone your skills you will definitely be rewarded.

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6 / 10.0
Jun 25, 2022

While the core gameplay of Redout 2 is solid, the difficulty spikes will suck much of the fun out of the experience for some. And while steadily developing your ship helps players adjust to the increase in speed over the course of the career, it’s a strange and unfortunate choice to not offer a range of starting craft, tuned to multiple play styles. With a bit of work, then, Redout 2 could really stand out in the anti-gravity racer genre. But until then, it’s hard to recommend to all but the brave and the hardcore.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 24, 2022

Redout 2 is one of the fastest racing games I’ve played. The game is stunning, with diverse tracks and unique hover ship models. Controlling hover crafts are smooth but take time to master. This game will break you down and test your willingness to come back. The rubber banding from AI competition will make the game frustrating but overcoming those obstacles and winning races is so satisfying.

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80 / 100
Jun 20, 2022

Redout 2 is a spectacle that will have players on the edge of their seat. Just be warned; one will need to cut their teeth with its difficulty curve – one best bring their A game.

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7.1 / 10.0
Jun 28, 2022

Redout 2 is a racer that's hard to put down as it's very satisfying to master while you gradually memorize tracks and perfect your skills. However, with some unintuitive aspects and unforgivable load times, it can also kind of be a pain in the ass.

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6.2 / 10.0
Jul 19, 2022

Coming back to the Switch with its high-speed futuristic racing that features some truly rollercoaster-like tracks, Redout 2 is quick to make an intense impression...

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Sep 26, 2022

Redout 2 is a fast-paced high-octane racing game that focuses heavily on perfection. Was this title one that stood out because of its tight mechanics or did it end up being too fast for its own good? Find out in this Rapid Review.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 20, 2022

It’s hard to talk a lot about Redout 2. It’s much better than its 2017 predecessor in almost every single aspect, but it’s just serviceable. Decent at best. It’s a good antigrav racing game, but I can’t point out a single thing about it that makes it stand out against other titles like Fast RMX, Pacer, or even the Wipeout remasters for PS4.

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Jul 4, 2022

Redout 2 does a lot of things right. It so excellently captures the sense of speed, the sound design and soundtrack are phenomenal and it runs like a dream. It does however fall down in some critical areas, most notably the career mode and extremely steep learning curve, that could turn off newcomers to the franchise. Once over that steep learning curve though it delivers a crisp, smooth and rewarding experience that will have you beaming when you start to master it. Hopefully, the talented team at 34BigThings bring some additional features and tweaks to the game with future updates. I applaud what they have achieved here and would love to see them entrusted with making a new Wipeout game. They would bring some fresh ideas to the franchise.

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Jul 7, 2022

Redout 2 provides a unique arcade racing experience that few other games can compete with. If you find the modern trend of open-world racing games disturbing and want to try something a little different – this game’s definitely for you. If you’re a big fan of high-stakes racing, the high-octane experience provided by the game is sure to keep you stirring in your seat like a child. A fair word of warning – if you’re not willing to invest time in mastering the art of arcade racing at insane speeds, Redout 2 isn’t for you.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 1, 2022

Redout 2 delivers an experience with high speed and solid gameplay. The experience is difficult thanks to the complex gameplay and unique mechanics. Dedication and customization of controls are the solutions to make each race fun and properly competitive. Beautiful vehicles and tracks and a first-rate soundtrack complement the game, which is a great choice for fans of the genre and of great challenges.

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7.4 / 10.0
Jul 2, 2022

Redout 2 sports a great variety with lots of tracks in gorgeous environments, vehicles and different play modes, while introducing a more challenging gameplay removing the pick-up boosts of the first game and betting everything on the boost system; it feels even overly challenging due to some balance and design choices. Adding the too basic multiplayer component to the picture , this feels like a game needing some meaty post-launch adjustments and additions.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 1, 2022

For those willing to stick those lumps out, build the muscle memory to hit those perfect lines on specific tracks? There’s a lot to like here. The environments are gorgeous, the sense of speed is fun and there are those aforementioned unlockables that combine with the lengthy career mode to create a very nice sense of progression. However, the uneven difficulty and some areas where the rough edges show through might be just enough to turn many players off before they ever reach those racing heights mentioned above.

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