Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition Reviews
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition is the best way to experience an already great game. With new characters, additional difficulty options, and fan-service galore, there's no reason not to pick up this package if you're a fan of Devil May Cry. While the remaster may not fix all of the flaws of the original game, it does manage to breathe new life into one of Capcom's most beloved series.
It was a true pleasure to return to Capcom's world of jacked up angels, plant dragons, and Dante hamming up every single delicious scene he's in. Truly, it's good to be back. It's better to be back than it ever was.
Completing an HD overhaul for the entirety of the Devil May Cry series, Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition is a definitive package that represents decent value for money for returning players, and is pretty much essential for anyone yet to play it. Grab it with your Devil Bringer arm. It's brill.
The Special Edition of Devil May Cry 4 brings notable improvements, but they're not enough to cover up its repetitive core.
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition like last year's Bayonetta 2 is for hardcore action gamers. It rewards practice and patience. The level design can get repetitive, but the levels aren't really why anyone plays a Devil May Cry game.
Although the excellent combat of Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition remains as enticing as ever, the various troubles that plagued the original release (sloppy camera, lazy backtracking), only feel more egregious this time around.
The Devil May Cry 4 core gameplay that made it fun in 2008 is still very much alive and breathing underneath the 'special edition' moniker, though some of the gameplay mechanics have been smoothed out. The added characters, improvement in visuals and price point might make this something to jump on, especially if you have never played the game.
Combat is as cool as ever, though the basic structure feels outdated
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition is a good game wrapped in a great remastered package. Capcom could have just slapped together something with a higher resolution and called it an HD remaster like many are doing, but they elected to actually build upon their seven year old game by adding meaningful content.
Capcom has delivered yet another fantastic HD remake. While the company has said they have begun to focus more on these types of packages, it still makes me wish we would see more new entries in our beloved franchises. Before that happens though, can we get that Onimusha HD collection along with an updated Dragon's Dogma package for XB1 and PS4? You know, for science?
With a few finishing touches, some additional characters and a new difficulty mode, Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition stands as game fans of the series and newcomers alike should immensely enjoy. While Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition may not compel you to go back and play the other games in the series, on its own DMC4 Special Edition offers plenty of value for the buck.
DMC4's savage swordsmanship still entertains, in spite of reheated levels and uninspired puzzles, and the addition of Lady introduces an explosive new style of combat to Devil May Cry's armoury.
While it seemed a bit weird that Capcom had not originally included Devil May Cry 4 into its HD Collection a few years back, the Special Edition is worth a look for fans of the series on the PlayStation 4 as a stand alone game, thanks to the visual upgrades and new character scenarios.
Not all remasters are worth getting, but Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition is one that deserves a spot in your PS4 or Xbox One game library. If you played the original game back in 2008, the new content here makes for a fun, fresh, and exciting experience. If you are new to the DMC series and are curious about the title, this is a fine way to familiarize yourself with the franchise as its gameplay holds up remarkably well and it remains one of the best action games ever made.
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition reaffirms the series' status as the current king of the action genre. It may not fix some of the blemishes inherent to the game's campaign, but the new characters and styles are fantastic, and will have players creating combo videos for years to come. With respect to DmC and everything it accomplished, this is the Devil May Cry I want to see in the future, Capcom.
I have as much trouble evaluating Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition as I do categorizing it. I feel like the game should be so much more than it is, but what they did choose to add goes above and beyond what I expected. The new characters are such strong, fully-developed additions that I find it hard to be upset that the levels are still the same or that the textures haven't aged well.
If you've never played Devil May Cry 4, or miss the glory days of the series where Dante was fun, and combat was deep, this edition offers fun aplenty.
If you pick up Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition, know that you're essentially getting a prettier version of a 2008 experience. That may sound extremely obvious, but, over the last seven years, character action games have changed greatly, making some of DMC4's choices feel absolutely dated. If you can get past these qualities, though, you'll find the same reliable action we've come to expect from Devil May Cry over the past 15 years.
Even though this game was available previously, PS3 and XBox 360, Capcom have given the game a next-gen face lift with new twists and tweaks that actually works well. Sure the gameplay is a little old fashioned but it works well and really expands the DMC franchise, especially with the choice of playable characters.
If you already love Devil May Cry 4, then this brand new special edition is everything you could hope for. It looks great, runs fast and is loaded with playable characters. On the other hand, new players may not be able to overlook some of the game's outdated designs, including fixed camera perspectives and tons of backtracking.