Wild Hearts Reviews

Wild Hearts is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Feb 17, 2023

Wild Hearts fits into a genre landscape dominated by an extraordinary contender. The "tested" elements are many and evident, but the game still finds its dimension thanks to the introduction and management of karakuri.

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6 / 10.0
Feb 22, 2023

Although WILD HEARTS puts up a valiant effort to capitalize on the success that Monster Hunter has found in the West these past few years, it still leaves a lot to be desired. The most disappointing aspect is how bogged down it is with technical issues that prevent a seamless online co-op experience. A lot of the joy in hunting monsters is being able to do it with friends. Despite featuring cross-platform play, I preferred to play WILD HEARTS alone rather than be bothered with the slow-downs that I encountered. It shows great promise with their weapon types and the upgrading mechanics, but ultimately WILD HEARTS feels like an unfinished product. I hope that the upcoming content updates can turn that around. In the meantime, I’d look elsewhere for getting that next hunt in.

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90 / 100
Feb 22, 2023

More than a Monster Hunter clone, Wild Hearts managed to be a worthy competitor to the Capcom series, thanks to its original ideas and handling of well-known concepts. Omega Force has delivered a new series that could well become a mainstay for the Japanese studio.

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Top Critic
Feb 21, 2023

Wild Hearts is a refreshing take on monster hunting that features huge creatures, cool weapons, and highly useful support systems.

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8.5 / 10.0
Feb 20, 2023

The monster hunting genre has always been big enough to support more games besides Monster Hunter. It’s just that previous games haven’t quite scratched that itch the same way that Monster Hunter does. Wild Hearts is the first one to come pretty close. That’s good news if you’re a Monster Hunter fan because it means you now have one more good hunting game to play. It’s honestly good for a first crack at the genre — the Koei Tecmo’s solid Toukiden series notwithstanding — and I look forward to seeing how it further evolves in the future.

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4 / 5.0
Feb 16, 2023

Despite some performance issues and awkward camera controls, I would recommend Wild Hearts not only to long-time fans of monster hunting but to players like me who never quite understood the hype before. Wild Hearts will make you understand as it made me understand. From its immersive world to its unique building system, this is one big release you will not want to miss out on.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Feb 16, 2023

Too bad, we were close to touching an absolutely huge title. However, if you skip the not-so-sexy packaging, Wild Hearts might just surprise you.

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80 / 100
Feb 16, 2023

Wild Hearts will not surprise you with its graphics, but it will do so for its combat system and its ability to stay glued to the screen either playing alone or playing cooperatively

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Dave Irwin
Top Critic
Feb 16, 2023

I’ve got plenty more to see of Wild Hearts before giving it a score, but as it stands I’m not relishing the task. Its frame rate issues and graphical glitches make this RPG game unplayable on PC, and it’s not just me; other colleagues within PCGamesN and PC reviewers across the internet have found the same thing. I’m desperately hoping that a day-one patch will fix these issues, because the game shows a lot of promise. While it may require a bit of relearning for some experienced hunters, there are plenty of fun new ideas that make hunting in Wild Hearts different enough. But in its current state, we can’t recommend picking it up.

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Feb 16, 2023

Wild Hearts treads familiar ground as you hunt one monstrous beast after another, but Omega Force has added new tricks and gimmicks that help separate it from the games it draws inspiration from. At the end of the day, it proudly stands as a unique experience with its own identity.

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7.5 / 10.0
Feb 16, 2023

Wild Hearts has everything you need for a competent Hunting style game. The weapons are fun to use and the upgrades go a long way to make you feel powerful. It's the Karakuri system that will be what draws new players to it adding a new level of depth to gameplay.

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Feb 20, 2023

While having to hunt monsters driven from their habitat by human intervention and a lack of food engenders a sense of Shadow of the Colossus-level guilt, there's no avoiding the sheer depth and consistent enjoyment that Wild Hearts has to offer.

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9 / 10.0
Feb 17, 2023

Wild Hearts is a massive single-player and co-op hunting game with an RPG backbone supporting it. The mixture of story, creative mechanics, thick strategy, and beautiful visuals makes this a top-tier hunting experience. If the controls could be improved a bit and break from traditional stuck-in-the-action sequences, it would be nearly perfect. Overall, it’s a great first go at a genre that is severely lacking in competition.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 16, 2023

Wild Hearts is not flawless and you can see it was made on a budget, but it's a great starting point for a franchise. Most gameplay mechanics are good enough and some are even exceptional.

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9 / 10.0
Feb 17, 2023

Wild Hearts is a great success that takes the template laid out by its competition and strikes out on its own with the addition of an invaluable new tool in the form of the karakuri. That magical string not only holds the game together, but lets it stand tall at the end of the day. Sure, you can boil it down to Monster Hunter meets Fortnite, but also if you stop and think about that for a second, that idea kind of rules, and so does Wild Hearts. All the while, it makes smart tweaks and skews heavier into style rather than simulation, allowing Wild Hearts to step out of the shadow of giants and carve out a space for its own.

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Feb 16, 2023

Wilds Hearts is an incredibly fun monster hunting experience that's really only held back by its technical issues. Performance issues across the board on all platforms are what stop the otherwise faster paced and stylish action game from truly giving Monster Hunter a run for its money.

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7 / 10
Feb 16, 2023

Beyond its unacceptable technical issues, lies one of the most unique takes on the Hunting Action genre in years.

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Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Feb 16, 2023

Still, that Wild Hearts gets so much right on its first tentative step into the arena is bloody impressive. Omega Force has created the first title I’ve played that is a genuine contender in the space and they’ve done more than enough to justify Wild Hearts’ place in it. The result is something meaningfully different in a genre no one else has been able to touch. It’s kind of like if someone made a Souls-like on par with an actual Souls.

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8.5 / 10.0
Feb 17, 2023

Wild Hearts' unique Karakuri mechanics and skill systems do just enough to offer a new take on the tried-and-true monster-hunting genre. While there is some inconsistent performance across all platforms, Wild Hearts bewildering bestiary of unique creature more than makes it worth a look.

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Feb 13, 2023

Wild Hearts is shaping up to be another great monster-hunting title that suffers the most from obvious comparisons to the well-established Monster Hunter series. The developers have promised that DLC is on the way in the coming months with more kemono and karakuri, and it’s all going to be free with no paid updates in the plans (not yet, at least), so even after you’ve finished the base game, there’ll be more to bring you back to Azuma. It’s an impressive effort all around, with a world that continually beckons hunters to return for more. Gear up, for the hunt is on!

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