Diablo IV Reviews
In conclusion, I'm really enjoying Diablo IV. The gameplay is efficient and suits me perfectly. The story kept me on the edge of my seat right to the end, and its production quality served it particularly well. The sanctuary world is particularly large and I always have something to do even when my friends are offline. I hope that Blizzard will offer quality free content between now and the first paid expansion. For me, it's a success from start to finish, despite minor irritants.
Review in French | Read full review
Diablo IV is the perfect evolution of the series. The many new features make for a truly modern title, giving us an experience capable of keeping us glued to the controller for many hours, without neglecting the historical and most beloved features of the series. If we add to this a technical aspect of the highest quality, a very accessible multiplayer structure, and a huge end-game, we obtain a majestic title that stands as the best exponent of the action-RPG genre and is capable of bringing us plenty of emotions.
Review in Italian | Read full review
You know the old question 'if you were stranded on a deserted island and could bring one game with you, what would you bring'? If that choice was posed to me today, I'd likely respond with Diablo IV. This is a game I feel like I could easily sink 500 hours into without ever getting tired of the rewarding gameplay loop.
Diablo 4 has bursts of genuine fun in its oppressively gothic world, but as well-made as the entire thing is, it just ends up feeling incredibly sanitized and safe for what’s supposed to be the grand return of the franchise.
Diablo IV is an excellent game with huge potential for healthy growth, and with two expansions already announced! Blizzard has always accustomed us to engaging and passionate stories and it also does not disappoint with this new title which, in addition to the enormous graphic quality and the excellent voice acting work, becomes something delicious. With this quality and the number of hours that we can spend on this game, the price tag on the Standard Edition turns out to be more than justified, even if for our reality it may seem a bit steep. It seems to me to be a perfect ARPG for the more casual player, who comes home and wants to relax for 2~3 hours. Alone or with others, it's a super fun and challenging experience on the highest difficulties.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Diablo IV is an excellent game that delivers on the promise of being a worthy successor to the Diablo series. It has all the elements that fans of the series love, such as fast-paced combat, a deep loot system and a compelling story.
Diablo IV is the best installment of the saga and a reference to imitate within the industry.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Diablo IV has been an incredibly long time coming and it’s been more than worth the wait. It has a massive world that always offers something to do, even if it is slightly repetitive. Whilst it’s not perfect, the amazingly addictive core gameplay and character building will keep me coming back for more months, or hopefully years, down the line.
While it is been popular some players and local community boards have been vocal about criticism for the game which I believe has varied from nitpicking to valid but I can honestly say I enjoyed this game significantly more than Diablo 3 and for me, Diablo IV is one of the best releases of the year and has been an enjoyable gaming experience throughout despite some frustrations along the way.
Diablo IV is one of the best games for the summer and definitely the most addictive RPG I've played in recent years. Blizzard's classic formula returns with many new touches that make gameplay addictive and keep the player in front of their screen for hours. The title is really huge, It has too much content that will make the money you gave or give away. I think it's one of the best chapters in the franchise and it's up there with Diablo II. Co-op and cross-platform are a great addition, and if you were looking for a title to play with your friends this summer, I highly recommend it. I also recommend it to those who want to know for the first time what Diablo is.
Review in Greek | Read full review
The result of Blizzard's attitude towards Diablo IV and the respect it showed towards its IP produced what is probably the best Diablo of all time.
Review in Greek | Read full review
The new release of Diablo 4 has exceeded expectations by providing an engaging and dark experience that fans of the franchise have been eagerly waiting for. With its improved gameplay mechanics, often stunning visuals, a wide range of multiplayer options, and extensive endgame content, Diablo 4 has cemented its position as one of the best action RPGs currently available.
Diablo 4 is definitely intuitive, easy to understand for new players and great fun to play, especially in multiplayer but highly enjoyable in single player as well. Blizzard has done a great job in creating a truly satisfying game world, thanks to its campaign mode and how it creates synergy with everything in the Endgame.
Review in Italian | Read full review
The Diablo series continues to be timeless, and Diablo IV is no different, becoming an instant classic. There are so many systems in play at any time, whether it be the skill tree, paragon boards, glyphs, or elixirs, it all comes together – the devil is in the details. There’s so much game here, and there’s hundreds of hours of content, without the Season Pass even being live yet. And with everything leading up to and after the launch of the game being so smooth, the game is set for success. The complexion of Diablo IV could change in a year, or even six months from now. Though, as it stands currently, Diablo IV is a hell of a good time.
Diablo 4 is an incredibly impressive continuation and expansion upon the core foundations of Diablo, offering an ultimately extensive and exciting experience.
Despite a few setbacks, Diablo IV showcases a commendable effort by Blizzard to deliver a sequel that’s bound to please both new and long-time fans of the series.
Sometimes the king is forced to go down on the battlefield and show everyone why he is the king. This quote may apply to the game Diablo IV, which was released in a year full of role-playing games "RPG" to prove its position among the greats. With a story that takes us back to the roots of the series and a rich and massive content even after the end of the game. It featured addictive gameplay, a large skill tree, endless customization, and a world that rewards and encourages you to explore. All of these reasons not only make Diablo 4 one of the best RPGs, but perhaps a fierce contender for the Game of the Year title.
Review in Arabic | Read full review
Diablo is back, better and more addicting than ever, and with an insane level of post-campaign content. It takes some time for the game to open up, but once it does you won't be able to put it down.
Diablo IV is Diablo as you are used to, but without Diablo. The gaphics are many times better than the predecessor. The open world offers endless possibilities for fun. Will you save Sanctuary from Lilith's clutches?
Review in Dutch | Read full review