Fallout 4 Reviews

Fallout 4 is ranked in the 98th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10
Apr 29, 2024

Fallout 4's core gameplay loop is still enough to hold everything together, even if the surrounding adventure is really showing its age, almost a decade after its initial release. A smooth 60fps performance mode is exactly what a lot of returning players will have wanted, and there's still fun to be had in roaming post-apocalyptic Boston - especially with the timeless V.A.T.S. system at the ready. But there's no looking past the fact that open world games have come a long way since Fallout 4 - a title that arguably felt outdated even back in 2015.

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Dec 2, 2015

But hiccups and glitches however, in a game so generous in size and adventurous in ambition, are forgivable – for every minute of raised eyebrows at floating dogs or the spasming corpses of the long-dead, there are tens upon tens of wonder and excitement as you trek from one unbelievable wasteland landmark to the next.

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Nov 9, 2015

There's a megaton of killer content to discover in post-apocalyptic Boston, and once you've set foot there, you'll never want to leave. This one will leaving you glowing for a half-life measured in centuries.

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Nov 9, 2015

Fallout 4 offers a whole lot of game for $60. It's a fantastic adventure into the wasteland, and it's packed with diverse content.

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Nov 9, 2015

The best thing about Fallout 4 is the freedom that it gives you, not only with what to do and where to go, but also how quests will turn out. Will you talk your way out of a certain quest or run in all guns blazing? The choice is yours. Obviously the game is not without its problems; starting and ending conversations can sometimes be a little awkward, NPCs have a habit of getting stuck or being in the wrong place, and there were more than a couple of problems in figuring out what the settlements needed. Overall though, the game is pretty close to perfect, and if you decide to pass on exploring the vast wasteland, then you only have yourself to blame. The hype is real, and you won't be disappointed.

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Drew Leachman
Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Nov 9, 2015

Fallout 4 is once again another Bethesda game that people will talk about for numerous years. Just like with Skyrim, this game is open, full of mysteries waiting to be discovered, and open for a mod community that can bring it to life even more, and with Bethesda announcing mods coming to the consoles as well, there will be even more to see and do in the coming months. Until then, you have yourself a well tuned, fully featured wasteland to explore with a great look, improvements, and tons of new features. Sure, it has some issues here and there, but with this amount of fun content to explore I could look past most of it. Fallout fans will be in love once again, and RPG fans shouldn't think twice about picking this up. It has something for pretty much everyone.

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9.8 / 10.0
Nov 9, 2015

Fallout 3 was seven years ago. Fallout 4 is one you can play, off and on, for the next seven. Congratulations, Bethesda: You've outdone yourselves again. You've made the Wasteland more beautiful, ugly, open ended, funneled down, thoughtful, and frantic than ever.

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9 / 10
Nov 9, 2015

Fallout 4 is a masterclass in open world design. Consistently engrossing and absolutely stuffed with intricacies, it's a title that'll keep you enthralled for hours at a time as you gradually unravel its desolate yet hopeful post-apocalyptic portrayal of Boston. Although it's let down by some disappointing frame rate issues, it's not enough to detract from what's otherwise one of the most atmospheric and beautifully brutal games on the PS4. Significantly improved combat, a constant wealth of gameplay options, and a heavy emphasis on player choice combine to create an adventure that's truly memorable.

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9.5 / 10.0
Nov 9, 2015

Fallout 4 captivates with a hauntingly beautiful apocalypse and refuses to let go. Exceptional gameplay is marred by a few flaws, but the Wasteland's flaws have never been fewer.

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Nov 9, 2015

While Fallout 4 has some concessions in its RPG backbone to make a more accessible game, the post-nuclear wasteland remains as intriguing as ever.

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90 / 100
Nov 10, 2015

Fallout 4 might not reach the insane expectations of the hype that built it up these past few months but it undoubtedly comes closer than many other games that have been in the same predicament. Complex, full of depth and infinitely customizable, Fallout 4 manages to stand above its glitches and odd subpar animations to be an experience well worth having. Venture forth from Vault 111 and have a blast!

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8.6 / 10.0
Nov 21, 2015

Fallout 4 is one of the best games I've played this year. It's not the best and not even the best RPG (which in this case is the same thing) due to some missteps detailed in the review, but this shouldn't deter you from an experience that will be worth it for any fans of the genre and setting. Moreover, this is just the beginning: we'll hear a lot more of Fallout 4 in the coming years thanks to DLCs and mods that will likely bring the game to a whole new level. The Commonwealth gates have just opened and few will be able to resist entering.

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8 / 10
Nov 9, 2015

The fact that it's heavier on combat than stats is sure to annoy RPG classicists, but the fact that the combat is fantastic helps a lot. So, too, does the intriguing world, the excellent characters, the hidden secrets, and the difficult decisions.

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9 / 10
Nov 9, 2015

With flaws that are sometimes troublesome for progress, technically not always in focus and much reminiscent of its predecessors in many aspects, Fallout 4 nevertheless fulfills its contract hands down.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 23, 2015

Fallout 4 carries over a number of problems from the past, and some of the more streamlined changes end up hampering the experience - but despite all of that, it's a fantastic game that delivers one of the most compelling and addictive worlds this year.

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Top Critic
Nov 9, 2015
Fallout 4 Review "Buy, Wait for Sale, Rent, Never Touch?" video thumbnail
Dec 29, 2015

It can be rough around the edges and it takes a while to gel, but once it does this is as gripping an RPG as Bethesda has ever produced. We'll handle disappointments like the lengthy loading times, poor facial animation and minor bugs because Fallout 4's world is so rich, strange and beautiful, and because the stories you can make in it are so compelling. Buy it, then dig in for the season.

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Nov 10, 2015

It's weird to say that Fallout 4 operates under the principle that less is more, since its vision of Boston is dotted with hundreds of hours of things to do.

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Will Greenwald
Top Critic
Nov 9, 2015

Fallout 4 doesn't change the post-apocalyptic first-person RPG formula much, but it's a worthy sequel into which you can sink tons of time.

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4.5 / 5.0
Nov 11, 2015

A solid story, large open world, tight combat and plethora of content and things to do make Fallout 4 yet another stellar outing in the popular series. The sheer amount of content admittedly can be overwhelming and occasional glitches are unfortunate. Overall, however, a well realized setting and excellent variety in gameplay makes Fallout 4 one of the standout games of 2015.

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