Super Mario RPG Reviews

Super Mario RPG is ranked in the 93rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.8 / 10.0
Jan 20, 2024

ArtePiazza and everyone involved nailed revitalizing this classic for modern audiences in practically every aspect.

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6.5 / 10.0
Dec 12, 2023

Super Mario RPG is an excellent example of why developers' remakes that reshape and, for some fans, “adulterate” the original experience. This conservative relaunch exposes an adventure rendered archaic by time, unable to escape direct comparisons with its spiritual and effective successors and to come out on top in them for once. Not without new features, the adjustments made in this remake orbit around the major problems of this RPG instead of addressing them. Without the substantial changes that Square's source material deserves, the game's positives are tarnished by the frustratingly easy combat and the uninteresting, disjointed story and world. Ultimately, Super Mario RPG is an obvious recommendation for fans of the original version and for anyone who wants to discover a little piece of Mario's history and his first steps in the genre; Since the global experience is so ambivalent, I don't dare go any further.

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4 / 5
Jan 2, 2024

I loved every minute spent in the cozy, quirky world of Super Mario RPG, bopping to the remastered music, smiling at its humor and hijinks, timing battle actions, and enjoying my time spent with its memorable characters. I may have been left wanting a little more, but kudos to Nintendo for bringing back this updated classic, warming the hearts of fans worldwide, and bringing generations together to experience the charm and wonder of Super Mario RPG.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 26, 2023

While feeling more “evolutionary” instead of “revolutionary” overall, this enriching Mario journey is still as memorable as ever, and makes a terrific swan song for the Switch.

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9.5 / 10.0
Dec 22, 2023

Definitely no reason not to play this game.

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4 / 5.0
Dec 14, 2023

Super Mario RPG Remake is extremely faithful to the original game, with the biggest changes in the form of reworked graphics and a rearranged soundtrack. Featuring fun mini-games and a lovely story full of adorable characters, the game will surely captivate more fans while allowing returning players to enjoy the story of the seven stars once more.

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80 / 100
Dec 15, 2023

Super Mario RPG is one of the few remakes that can practically speak for itself; it’ll get hold of you and somehow keep you going for the sake of finding the next part of the story. It’s a well-done remake in just about every sense, from the environments to the different enemies, while maintaining that infamous Mario silliness through it all. The only downside is that there will definitely be a lot of reasons to do it, and voice acting would’ve made this release a star in its own sense.

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Nov 15, 2023

At the end of the day, Super Mario RPG has not received much love, outside of a surprising appearance on the SNES Classic and some Geno ephemera in the Smash series. To describe it as a purely niche oddity would be wrong, as it was a massive seller back in its day and has popped up on best-of lists ever since, but it still comes off as an oddball first-party Nintendo game. Super Mario RPG Switch fulfills most expected obligations and even surprises with a few new features, making it a predictable crowd-pleaser for those in the know who should welcome it with open arms while left wanting for even more content. The House of Mario doesn’t bless us with many full-spectrum remakes like this, and maybe this will be enough to spark interest in a real sequel some day.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 11, 2023

Super Mario RPG may not be able to touch the classic status of its original form, but the developers have delivered lessons in how a historical title can be ported in a safe yet fun way

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8 / 10.0
Dec 10, 2023

Super Mario RPG is a delightful little remake that adds a lot of quality of life updates to the combat especially, that remains as fun as ever. Despite some dated aspects that strangely remain, and a choppy framerate at points it's still a great experience for all ages.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 22, 2023

A delightful, updated experience that is still full of SNES-era charm that both new and veteran players will enjoy.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 21, 2023

It may not shake things up too much, but the shining force behind Super Mario RPG is that it showcases all the great aspects of the original and now lets a whole new audience enjoy it for themselves.

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4 / 5.0
Nov 28, 2023

A few quality-of-life changes make it more palatable to modern audiences, but this is still the same fantastic RPG from all those years ago.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 4, 2023

It’s an interesting look at a neat experiment, and it’s fun to get a chance to discover – or rediscover – a game that finds Nintendo breaking out of their comfort zone. It may not be a perfect game, but it’s an interesting one, and that’s enough to make it worth checking out.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 26, 2023

Super Mario RPG delivers an enjoyable experience that will charm most fans of the mustached plumber, but is unlikely to be remembered as a unique experience in the long run. Cool humor, an interestingly crafted world, a good soundtrack and gameplay improvements are definitely upsides to the revamped RPG, but the afflictions of the past still inflect today's gaming experience.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2023

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars has always had a strong following and this remake will only do wonders in introducing this game to a whole new slew of fans. The game features enough quality-of-life changes and feels much faster than the SNES version, making it an absolute joy to play. The pacing of the game is lightning fast and this will keep gamers glued to their Nintendo Switch, and they won’t feel short changed with the smaller-than-usual run time for the genre. Yes, the game is a condensed easy ride, but it’s fun from start to finish and manages to capture the fun of a Final Fantasy game whilst also perfectly representing the world of Super Mario. It’s an almost ideal “first” RPG for any budding gamer and a perfect palette cleaner for others.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 28, 2023

Super Mario RPG effectively rescues the sensations produced by the original title and brings back an immortal Super Nintendo classic in style. Although the adventure is not very long or challenging, it shows its value through a light and humorous world, great characters, interesting mechanics, a series of small improvements and even some completely new content after the end of the main plot. New generations now have a better chance of not letting this classic pass away — and if you remember it fondly, it's definitely worth revisiting.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

8.3 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2023

Buy it!

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Nov 29, 2023

I really liked Super Mario RPG! It's a fun time through and through. Seeing all the zany characters in a gorgeous art style, accompanied by a beautifully rearranged soundtrack really took me back. The combat is engaging and smooth, especially with the updates provided by ArtePiazza. It takes everything that was beloved about the original and keeps it intact while adding minor tweaks to sandpaper down some rough edges. Some may complain that some of the mechanical additions make combat too easy, but I find that they further push the idea of a "beginner's RPG". Super Mario RPG is a beautiful, funny, and diverse experience for any RPG player, mind you.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 28, 2023
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