Crackdown 3 Reviews
Sumo Digital's "Crackdown 3" offers an extremely explosive gameplay experience with no doubt. However, the game leaves a lot to desire on many fronts, and this is the reason why.
Against all expectations, Crackdown 3 managed to survive where others from that same E3 2014 show like Scalebound and Phantom Dust failed to see the light of day, but what we got was just a shinier version of a 2007 game.
I don’t hate Crackdown 3, and that’s because I knew exactly what it was I was getting into and wanted that very thing. While the original Crackdown games don’t rate so highly with most, I had a real blast with them for the stupid fun they offered, and Crackdown 3 was the same for me. It certainly helped that it was short because if I had to deal with the game’s many problems for long, I’d be singing a different tune. And those problems that are present could be enough to put off anyone not familiar with the series that wants to try. The design is underdone and the gameplay exceedingly simplistic and unchallenging, with a co-op mode fraught with technical issues and a couple of PvP modes not worth a damn. The good news is that a sequel, or maybe a significant update, is absolutely set up by the ending, which means that Microsoft must be planning on keeping the series around. It absolutely has the potential, and under Microsoft’s new “Initiative” program, I reckon Crackdown could be something really great. Right now, it’s just really alright.
Crackdown 3 is a mindless collectathon that may tickle the right spot for fans of the franchise or those seeking a game stripped of everything but side-missions; those seeking a Terry Crews simulator, like I was, will be left sorely disappointed.
A really fun game but needed a little more variety
Going up against some stiff competition in the sandbox arena, the destructive power and nostalgia that come with Crackdown 3 doesn't do enough to make it stand out, or even stand up, to the competitors. Even though they took some time to make sure we get it, the cracks are too evident in its foundation and it makes us wish they cracked down on these imperfections.
Kills for skills makes a grand return, and Crackdown 3 is the sequel fans have been waiting patiently for since the original launched.
Crackdown 3 does not innovate the genre. It is extremely similar to the first game, which is a shame in some aspects. I was hoping the extra development time would give us some interesting twists to the franchise, but it didn’t besides destructible environments. Despite the similarities, it is still fun to play! It’s one of those games that I can pick up, play for a few hours, and leave with a smile on my face. And in the end, that is all that matters to me. If you enjoy it, great. If you don’t, it’s ok to let others enjoy it. If you have Xbox Game Pass, then it is definitely worth a try.
Crackdown 3 is a disaster both in presentation and gameplay and fails to move the franchise forward. The game is utterly unsatisfying and lifeless and isn't worth anyone's time.
The game is not just about Terry Crews as Agent Jaxon. Instead it is about a select elite group of agents trying to free the world from a mastermind corporate psychopath who wants to enslave humanity into working for them. TerraNova stops at nothing to dominate this little island and it is your job to take them down anyway you see fit!
Considering how short-lived both the campaign and multiplayer modes are, it’s astonishing this sequel took this long to come out. If you are a fan of the franchise, you’d find things to love here. Even then, it feels too little too late.
Overall there is a lot of fun to be had with Crackdown 3 but it is slightly mindless fun and won’t stimulate you a great deal, its just a shame that this has been in development for so long everyone expected more from it, including me, just switch off your brain and enjoy the mindless fun while it lasts because you probably won’t come back to it for a long time.
Though there are moments here that'll bring a smile to your face, Crackdown 3 is crammed with ideas and game design choices that were done better over a decade ago. Just play the original game and wash your hands of this version.
An exercise in mediocrity that would have flown under the radar were it not for the ludicrous development cycle and marketing.
Unlike the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4, the Xbox One doesn't have an acclaimed title that would entice someone the purchase Microsoft's console. When Crackdown 3 was announced many hoped it would become the system seller the Xbox One needed, even those unfamiliar with the franchise were excited for this. After numerous delays Crackdown 3 is finally here and it was not worth the wait. A mediocre campaign stuffed with busy work and a tacked on multiplayer makes Crackdown 3 only worth playing if you own Xbox Game Pass.
I don’t hate Crackdown 3. There are certain design flaws in the game and it is clear that perhaps the end product is still not exactly what people were wanting to see. Graphically it is heavily underwhelming, but the gameplay itself is very fluid and the game offers a lot of stuff for you to do, almost too much. This is a game that Crackdown fans will enjoy, but I would say it’s best to either wait for a sale or utilise Gamepass to get the game for at least a month.
Crackdown 3 feels like a dated open-world game with little depth beyond its zippy traversal mechanics. It’s slick visuals and fun platforming moments mask repetitive combat and a severe lack of Terry Crews beyond the opening cinematic.
Unfortunately, gamers have moved on. Crackdown 3 hasn't.
Crackdown 3 isn't an instant hit, but after a slow start it rapidly builds into an action-packed shooter with brilliant character control and movement. While orb collecting is the key for prolonged play, the campaign in Crackdown 3 is always entertaining and visually there's a lot to appreciate if you look at the bigger picture. Crackdown is back. Shame about the multiplayer Wrecking Zone, though.
Despite the setbacks and delays, Crackdown 3 has put the franchise firmly back on solid ground and that is mostly because of the exceptional work and dedication of developers Sumo Digital. They have not only addressed all of the shortcomings of Crackdown 2 but they have improved upon the core gameplay and the experience itself. Crackdown’s future is so bright the cigar chomping, slave driving, blow hard, sour puss of an Agency Director would be cracking a smile if he could. Good things come to those who wait and Crackdown fans have certainly had to do that.