Abzu Reviews

Abzu is ranked in the 79th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7.5 / 10.0
Aug 11, 2016

Abzu is a beautiful experience, and the visuals are some of the best I have seen all year. The soundtrack for the game is something that needs to be heard and seen in context to truly be appreciated, but it is good enough to give it a listen separately. The game is relaxing and peaceful to play. If there are others in the room, they will be entranced. Unfortunately, the game is extremely short and does not offer much variety. If this type of game appeals to you, buy it immediately. If not, you may want to wait for a sale. Either way, I look forward to visiting the world again soon.

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10 / 10.0
Aug 2, 2016

ABZU, to put it bluntly, is a bit special. A stunning example of game design, allowing you to dictate your own pace through an ocean that gets more complex in both design and feel as you descend, with some moments that, in my opinion, surpass some of Journey's standout points. A beautifully simple game in terms of mechanics, ABZU's strength lies in its world and the emotional resonance it has with its player. If you suffer from anxiety or depression, this game should be made available on the NHS. It is, quite simply, wonderful.

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5 / 5
Mar 6, 2017

Abzu is an artistic triumph in every single way. In most of the different areas in the game, you can rest on a particular rock and meditate. And I found myself just sitting on these rocks and switching between the different views and the different species of fish and watching how they move and interact with each other. And I found this to be oddly relaxing, almost like I was watching a David Attenborough documentary. The only thing I can fault Abzu for is the length of the game, which if you take it slowly and get all the trophies is a 4-6 hour experience. But in my personal opinion, I would rather have a short amazing experience than a long drawn out mediocre one. If you haven’t played any of Matt Nava’s game before I highly recommend you pick up Abzu and then Journey.

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Dec 19, 2016

For those looking for the next Journey, ABZÛ may disappoint. It’s a very enjoyable game but is leagues below its predecessor. Pun intended. For all the niggling gripes listed above, there also appears to be something missing. It’s a game with a very strong message, beautiful vistas and a lot of heart, but the main character felt a bit lifeless. There were times when it got truly tense, but after realising the mechanic in those sections, any connection I had with the character disappeared.

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Dec 2, 2016

If Abzu existed alone, it’d be in its own class. However it has a titan of non-verbal storytelling to contend with. And while in many ways it is excellent, it just can’t quite live up to what came before. However even falling short of perfection leads to greatness, and Abzu is in so many ways great. A game that is absolutely worth every penny, a unique experience, and a truly breathtaking title. If you were curious about this oddly named experience, dive down into its depths and you should find a real treasure.

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Aug 6, 2016

ABZÛ is by no means bad. It's an admirable new studio first effort, one worth a dive for its technical, visual, and audio sensory pleasure that together succeed in offering a relaxing, zen-like experience.

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9.5 / 10.0
Aug 2, 2016

Abzu is just a perfect game that's only held back by being a few hours long, but that shouldn't at all stop you from enjoying such a lovely world.

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Aug 12, 2016

ABZÛ its a chilling and remarkable experience from beginning to end.

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Aug 26, 2016

It's an overwhelming experience with a captivating story submerged in beautiful visuals and music. It has some magical sequences and is an all-around unforgettable game. It holds moments of relaxation but also action and tension. It explores ones of the few places left on earth we still have yet to fully understand and embraces that mystery and wonder. ABZU is a reflection of what makes video games so amazing because they create places and feelings that we will never be able to experience, like the feeling of being one with the ocean.

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95 / 100
Aug 7, 2016

It's very rare that a game releases and can bring out these types of emotions and feelings within a player. Abzu is worth every second that it lasts, which for me took just under three hours. That includes exploring more than just the path from one area to the next. It's a game that is worthy of being explored and experienced, and it will leave you in awe and wonder as you slowly figure out the story, what is happening, and why it's happening. The ending caught me completely by surprise, which in fact was a great thing. Giant Squid Studios created something extraordinary with Abzu, and it will certainly stick with me for quite some time.

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Aug 11, 2016

If you're looking for a magical adventure, you might just stop looking. ABZÛ has some great moments and atmosphere, even if that carries price of its short length. If you've liked Journey, you will like ABZÛ as well.

Review in Slovak | Read full review

Aug 10, 2016

Abzû is not as original as it could be, borrowing as heavily from its spiritual predecessors as it does, but I can whole-heartedly say that Abzû is one of the best games I've played in 2016.

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Jan 7, 2017

Abzu is not a game for everyone. You need to take your time to enjoy the scenery and all the beautifully designed and colorful animals and vegetation. Abzu looks more like an interactive screensaver than a real game. If you're okay with mediocre gameplay mechanics and like to take a slow dive into the deep ocean, Abzu will be very calming and relaxing.

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Nov 29, 2018

Still Abzu-lutely magnificent, but now on the go with Nintendo Switch

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9 / 10
Dec 21, 2018

ABZÛ is a serene experience that has no equal on the Nintendo Switch. It’s one of the most captivating and moving experiences one can have with a video game. It is art and something that will be memorable for years to come. If you are willing to surrender yourself to a video game and embrace all it has to offer, then ABZÛ is the game for you.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 1, 2018

Even as the credits rolled for Abzu I still couldn’t hope to tell you what it all means. It’s an experience that’s full of wonder, some breathtaking moments, and managed to make me feel a bit more connected with nature. What you may come away with may differ but I’d be a bit shocked if anyone could play it without it hitting them somewhere emotionally. The beauty of it all, the wonderfully fitting musical score, and small moments of the unexpected make Abzu a pretty special experience even if I may question whether it’s necessarily a game. In the end I don’t know that I much care, it’s something that will still stick with me for some time.

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Aug 7, 2016

Abzu is a game that is better experienced than explained. Featuring gorgeous visuals and a story that leaves the door open enough for your own personal interpretations. The only real drawback to the game is that it may be a bit too short for those overly concerned about cost per hour.

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Dec 5, 2018

With exemplary visuals and audio, Abzû takes the player on a memorable journey to the depths of the ocean. It’s not a hard, complicated, or long game, but it’s aesthetically impressive, delightful to control, and emotionally rewarding.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2018
Abzu Switch Review (Underwater Exploration has never been so good!) video thumbnail
9 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2018

ABZÛ is a rich audiovisual experience. Its universe was made to be appreciated, and every single gameplay hour serves to fill an internal void in the player themself. At every moment, the game reinforces that its art direction is its strongest aspect, provoking strong emotions. On the other hand, its narrative leaves some blank spaces, and the variety in its mechanics is virtually null.

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