ReCore Reviews

ReCore is ranked in the 25th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Oct 27, 2016

ReCore is not an AAA game but they want us to think that way. If there is something that we can say about this game to make it kinda cool and important, we might say that is the graphics but that's it! The game is broken and unfinished; but if the developers put more work on it and keep it more in development, now we might have a gorgeous game that makes everybody happy and feel less disappointed.

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68 / 100
Sep 16, 2016

I liked ReCore's first part enough that I wish this score could be higher, but taken as a whole the game can't be qualified as "good". Again, I like ReCore, but I can't recommend it without tacking on a few asterisks.

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54 / 100
Sep 23, 2016

By the game's end, I found I didn't care about any of the characters. Instead, I was fed up, hunting down the rest of the prismatic cores in order to reach the end. The game had done a full 180. It's a major disappointment, given the promise ReCore shows at its beginning, when it's just Joule and Mack.

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6.5 / 10.0
Sep 14, 2016

ReCore starts strong with a fun combination of platforms and third-person shooting, but soon the repetition starts to strike a bit and every enemy feels the same. The same goes for the Corebots that accompany you. Upgrading your comrades is fun, and puzzling with the skills feels cool too.

Review in Dutch | Read full review

70 / 100
Sep 20, 2016

ReCore is a nice game friends. Of course, it has its own ups and downs. Some platform puzzles are so annoying, the open world is sometimes very fainting and the grind system makes you mad, but I still cannot call ReCore a bad game. If you like the grind job, if you like ReCore's universe, I'm sure you'll do fun stuff for hours. The game is currently sold for 110 TL in the Windows Store. As I said, if you like grind and platform-style games, ReCore will give you hours of fun. But the firm has never been a Mighty No. If he had not dealt with 9 and turned directly to ReCore, a much better production would have been waiting for us.

Review in Turkish | Read full review

Nov 21, 2016

ReCore ist ein Spiel, das ich um jeden Preis hatte mögen wollen. Doch leider werden der Spielspaß und meine Liebe zu diesem an sich sehr sympathischen Sci-Fi-Szenario durch arg viele Grafikfehler, eine unsaubere Steuerung und nervige Kleinigkeiten auf eine harte Probe gestellt.

Review in German | Read full review

Sep 20, 2016

ReCore is an unpleasant game. If you're looking for a good game for the Xbox One I don't recommend you get this game.

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6.5 / 10.0
Sep 18, 2016

There are some really great ideas in ReCore and they feel realised, but it never really hits the point where they feel like they have been executed efficiently.

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6.5 / 10.0
Sep 11, 2016

It has its moments, and there's plenty of depth there, so it comes down to whether you can find the patience to battle such a consistent stream of inconsistent quality.

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Dec 14, 2016

ReCore hits the right notes with fun combat and exploration, while at the same time disappoints with bugs and a pace-breaking, repetitive final dungeon.

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6 / 10.0
Oct 17, 2016

The best way to explain ReCore is that it's a game that has the fundamentals of an action platformer nailed, but just to add more "purpose" is walled off at every turn by a progress gate. Give me my fetch quests, I would kill 15 robots, as long as I do not ever need to see a Prismatic Orb ever again.

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7.8 / 10.0
Sep 29, 2016

ReCore is an example of a good first attempt at a new franchise that hits a few stumbling blocks along the way.

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4 / 5
Oct 9, 2016

Despite the poor loading times and occasional glitches, ReCore is an enjoyable game. The puzzles can at times be tricky whilst still being able to give you satisfaction, they are not impossible, which is crucial to keep you playing along. ReCore is a throw back to adventure/action titles of the PS2-era, a type of game that is sadly not as frequent today and ReCore does well to fill a decreasing video game niche, even if it does feel a little unpolished in places.

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7.8 / 10.0
Oct 4, 2016

Normally marketing will begin pushing hard right from day one on a title that is well received, and ReCore was. Instead the marketing and news about ReCore stayed relatively quiet up until it released, and even then it released to little fanfare which is a downright shame because ReCore could be so much more with a little push from the folks at Microsoft and/or Comcept. There are plenty of little moments, like the loving relationship between Joule and Mack, or the overall mission for the game, that really shine and could draw in a lot of gamers, if only it was talked about and highlighted. My biggest fear with ReCore is that if falls into obscurity because nobody seems to be talking about it.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 17, 2016

ReCore is a solid and fun game well worth the $40 price tag. There are some technical issues with framerate and load times but the gameplay more than makes up for it. If you are looking for an old school style game then ReCore has you covered.

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5.8 / 10.0
Sep 15, 2016

What starts out as a fun adventure with a likeable bunch of characters, ends up being an exercise in teeth-grinding frustration. While certain game design choices can be forgiven, the loading times can't, not by the standards set these days.

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68 / 100
Sep 16, 2016

ReCore has potential to be a fun and memorable video game experience, but its ridiculously long load times hamper your time with it. If you are inpatient or don't like wasting time, you should probably pass on this one or wait for a patch.

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Sep 15, 2016

In ReCore's attempt to capture gaming's pervious accomplishments, it failed to create its own personality and be a fun experience.

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Sep 12, 2016

A solid action platformer with polished mechanics and fun combat.

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Sep 11, 2016

Longer does not always mean better and unfortunately ReCore is one of the best examples of this maxim so far this generation.

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