Broforce Reviews
While having some repetitive levels, Broforce is a high octane ride with plenty of unique boss battles, side quests, and unlockable characters. This high octane title is a perfect addition to the Switch with the brisk pacing of each area.
Broforce is a fun game, but it's overbearing and obnoxious tone made it difficult to play for more than an hour or so at a time. If you're a fan of 2D action games, and have an appreciation for action flicks, definitely check it out. Seeing characters like Brobocop and Broblade in detailed pixel form wreak havoc on their enemies is a joy. There is just not much else that Broforce can offer you once you've cycled through the characters.
Broforce brings the fast paced action, but its amazing concept can't hide the limits to its gameplay or the rough nature of its final release.
Broforce is a silly, but sincere love letter to iconic action movies, refined to perfection with rich environments and wonderfully-crafted enemies. Even when you're killed by an out-of-control explosion which you triggered, you'll be having an absolute blast with this game.
Broforce is that action movie you pop in when you want to unwind and not think too much. It doesn't have a lot of depth and there are better action games out there but it's a quick, funny little shooter that aims to please.
Worth sharing with your bros.
For anyone who hasn't had their fill of retro side-scrolling platformers, Broforce effortless and undeniable fun. Load-up, settle in, and invite a few bros.
A hectic run and gun experience that is both fun to play and well designed.
Spreading freedom like a bro!
New school meets old school in the brand new adventure. Get ready to take on legions of enemies just for the heck of it.
The best game for guys who just want to shoot and blow stuff up in an 8-bit world
My time with Broforce followed an arc of first loving the concept, then being exhausted by it before coming back around and loving the blend of nonsense bro jokes and amusing gunplay and levels. This all works best with a bros playing locally, but even if you're playing solo (brolo?), Broforce is still a fun romp.
Broforce is a fun 2D action platformer that pays homage to the classic action TV and movies we all know and love, all in a tight and entertaining package that will keep you coming back for more. Unlocking new characters as you rescue prisoners is a great mechanic that will keep you playing to see who else is going to pop up and join your crew.
The extent to which Broforce's ludicrously silly, testosterone-drenched stylings appeal will likely be the determining factor for most people in choosing to take a chance on the game. To miss out on it for this reason would be a real shame though; beneath its macho posturing is a fine game, easily one of the best 2D shooters of the last few years.
If you are looking for a bit more dudebro dipshittery in your life, then look no further. Broforce is a heaping helping of nostalgic happiness in concentrated game form. Aside from a rather repetitive set of mission goals and overly complicated level designer, this is the kind of game that is worth sitting down with four friends in the living room and having at it. This is a perfect reminder of what makes couch play coop so much fun. So party up and buckle in, because this is a ride down memory lane that is sure to have some amusing collateral damage.
Broforce is an exciting and satisfying 2D action game that any fan of the genre will love.
More Broforce is always Good. With Forever as its last patch, Broforce still is a fantastic game. Not only keeps the insanity at 100% as usual, but also Forever brings a lot of performance to the game, specially with some many explosions as it was here. Almost 8 years after it was first released, the game feels fresh as ever and a must for people that wanna play a chaotic game or pee Satan's tomb.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
The PS4 Version of this game isn't great. If you were to get Broforce I recommend you get in on the PC.
If you’re an old school shooting fan who cut their teeth on the likes of Contra and Metal Slug, BroForce is the testosterone-juiced progeny of those titles and an action geek’s collection of old VHS tapes. Its intense and sometimes maddening action, insistence on positioning explosive barrels everywhere, reverent love and humor concerning action icons, gravel-voiced announcer, and screeching metal guitar riffs at the conclusion of every level absolutely feel like home for me. While it may be a little touchy with its controls and aggravating at times it’s still a whole lot of ridiculous fun!
Broforce is a very well-made action comedy game at first, besides being a great homage to the classic movie heroes. It's so long and repetitive, though, that the player's happiness slowly fades away, leaving behind an expression of frustration and weariness.
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