Wild Bastards Reviews

Wild Bastards is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Sep 13, 2024

Spiritual sequel to Void Bastards, Wild Bastards changes up the formula but isn't necessarily the better for it. Its board game-like maps introduce some strategy, but its basic first-person shooter Showdowns disappoint, as do some of its other underdeveloped elements.

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6.5 / 10.0
Sep 12, 2024

Void Bastards is a title that I absolutely adored, so it set a lot of my expectations with what I wanted from Wild Bastards. The roster itself has a great deal of charm and personality, but the elements you engage with; combat, enemies, and the environments, where both of those play out, just fell incredibly flat. The character progression to improve the gang works well, and the abilities they have make for some interesting combat encounters. The conflicts between the gang are well written, acted, and executed, making for a compelling drama with the right amount of humor. As I mentioned before, I don’t think Wild Bastards is even remotely a bad game, it just feels like a step back for the team that gave us the vastly superior Void Bastards.

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Sep 14, 2024

I really ended up loving Wild Bastards, especially once I unlocked the procedural campaign mode. Every run is its own open-ended puzzle of clearly defined rules that you have to solve with both, strategic planning and real-time combat. Both aspects influence each other in clever and satisfying ways using a really cool roster of unique and colorful outlaws.

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Sep 12, 2024

Wild Bastards feels scaled back and lacks the immersion that its predecessor excelled at. Being a “spiritual successor to the award-winning game Void Bastards” sounds great, but tends to feel like an out-of-body experience. Thankfully, the new mechanics and systems are great to interact with, and assembling a varied and diverse crew of thirteen outlaws gives you a lot of wiggle room for experimentation. Add in the personality layer, and needing to manage relationships is a welcome addition. Wild Bastards is about strategizing and optimizing your not-so-merry band of outlaws for a tactical first-person experience that’s more style over substance.

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80 / 100
Sep 12, 2024

If you're looking for a fun space western cowboy game or if you're a fan of anything with a spaghetti western vibe, Wild Bastards will satisfy your hunger just like a good can of beans.

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3 / 5.0
Sep 12, 2024

Wild Bastards adds strategic depth to the roguelite game but sacrifices depth in its shooting to do so. The result is a game that has fun characters and great strategy, but the shooting sections become stale over the course of the campaign.

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Sep 12, 2024

Blue Manchu’s Wild Bastards offers a memorable mishmash with a unique setting and diverse characters, but suffers from underdeveloped elements and pacing issues that can detract from its otherwise entertaining gameplay loop.

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