Caravan SandWitch Reviews
Fire up the van and take a dreamy, post-apocalyptic ramble around this gorgeous sci-fi take on Provence.
Caravan SandWitch exceeds expectations by building upon the success of similar games with a laid-back vibe. This game has depth, an interesting narrative and a fleshed out supporting cast, which are elements that most cozy games fail to achieve through gameplay.
Occasional forced trinket collection aside, this tiny open-world is filled with stress-free exploration, lovely sights, and simple, satisfying puzzles.
Caravan SandWitch presents a beautiful world that is not fully exploited. Everything remains pure appearance, with the story and its characters crying out for more depth and a slower pace. While the gameplay feels great, it doesn't end up shining due to the poor environment.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
While the release schedule is packed with holiday season blockbusters, it's indie delights like Caravan Sand Witch that are the true pioneers of gaming, Sauge's adventures across Cigalo mirroring Plane Toast's exploration of the human spirit.
An 'on the road' adventure to rediscover the sense of belonging to a community, of living to share. Some will criticise Caravan SandWitch for the simplicity of its gameplay, the lack of a real challenge and some minor technical issues. It is legitimate, as long as you don't lose sight of its story and what lies behind it, because this is the element that elevates the game above the crowd of mediocrity.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Caravan SandWitch is just a really pleasant video game. It can be a bit rough around the edges in terms of animations and technical performance, but its story intrigues, and its atmospheric brand of exploration is largely a delight.
Caravan SandWitch is a gorgeous, cozy exploration game with a story that falls flat. It won't hold a spell over you for long, but a weekend is all it needs.
Caravan SandWitch crafts a gently beautiful apocalypse for players to explore but is bogged down by its decision to withhold exploration tools from the player. An otherwise compelling, humble sci-fi tale of family and the machines of progress is held back by a game torn between its open world and goals as a focused narrative experience.
The game does its best to stretch its playtime by having you half-explore places before being able to come back with the correct gadget and access one or two extra rooms, which would be enjoyable if its puzzles and gameplay weren’t simple to a fault, instead creating an overall forgettable experience.
Caravan SandWitch will prove to be a compelling experience for fans of exploration games. Cigalo’s intriguing mysteries and interesting inhabitants makes it a journey worth undertaking, even if it is an uneven one.
In the end, Caravan SandWitch is a game for those who don't want to get into trouble and want to enjoy an interesting story with a simple design and mechanics, perhaps even for those who want to get into video games, but not in a such a deep level. The sense of freedom and exploration is well achieved, although the proposal does not take long to expose the resources that, in my opinion, lengthen it more than necessary,
Review in Spanish | Read full review
I cannot say enough good things about Caravan SandWitch. It is a top-tier chill game. You can tell the instant Sauge steps foot on Cigalo: it’s especially calm for a post-apocalyptic planet, save for a massive storm brewing far out. The very few elements that didn’t work in my favour aren’t enough to even consider lowering my score for the game. That yellow van is instantly iconic the second you lay eyes on any visual of it. Caravan SandWitch has simple controls, colourful graphics, and oddly enough no sense of pending doom (despite Cigalo being on the edge of extinction.)
A mysterious journey through a fascinating world, Caravan SandWitch is a relaxing adventure that is brimming with charm and is highly recommended!
Caravan SandWitch was supposed to be a relaxing game about exploring a planet aboard a van. But instead, the repetition of scenarios and the limitations imposed by a system of collecting components required to proceed in the story hinder a considerable part of the experience.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
As a delightful game to wind down with, Caravan SandWitch presents a stylish and chill world but it's certainly lacking gameplay-wise. 🏜️
Caravan SandWitch is a short exploration game, but one that does a lot in its five to six hour playtime. It quickly introduces the characters and the world so that you’re able to focus on the task at hand and you’re not stuck trying to interpret what’s going on. With brilliant, inclusive characters, a truly intriguing story and fun gameplay, it’s well worth diving into this adventure, especially because you can finish it in only just a couple of sittings.
Caravan SandWitch is a strange amalgamation of genres but somehow it’s charm, cartoon style and fun gameplay makes it all work. Whilst the intriguing story sets the scene, the real wholesome parts of the game lie with the many side quests for the distinctive characters that require your assistance. The world building surrounding the story is even more fascinating and makes you get back in the van in order to uncover hidden details about this devastated planet. With calm music, bountiful exploration and endearing individuals, this is a cosy game with the soul of adventure.
Caravan SandWitch was mesmerizing for me: walking through all these places, getting to know this world and these characters while I was getting more and more invested in the mystery was fantastic. Despite having some very specific criticisms, such as thinking that the game would benefit more from better platforming and that the visuals could be more refined, the experience as a whole was fun and refreshing. Not to mention the French music that constantly reminds me that despite still being European, this game came from a different place and culture than the three that I am most immediately accustomed to. It's not the new game of my life, but it is a very intimate and comfortable experience that I wouldn't want to miss, so don't miss it!
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Caravan SandWitch is a narrative-driven exploration game on a quiet planet with no combat that made me question my gaming impulses.