Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos Reviews
Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos is an enjoyable arcadey experience, but with an incredibly short runtime and iffy controls is hard to recommend.
Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos is not the follow-up that Hyperdimension Neptunia fans want or deserve. There are specks of charm and fun to be had here, but you'll have to dig deep, and after just two or three hours of digging, it'll all be over.
Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos is a short game that doesn't play badly but isn't worth the price of purchase. I was saddened at the lack of Live 2D models and short play time but the charm of Neptunia is still there.
Newcomers to the Neptunia series will be drawn in by the humorous tale which should lead them to explore other titles. Returning fans will eagerly lap up the already known personalities. The several issues of few levels, no multiplayer, and no actual outfits to change into outside the DLC partly impacts the enjoyment of Neptunia: Riders VS Dogoos, which is a shame because it is a cheerful, solid addition to the Neptunia universe.
There are a few good things about Neptunia Riders vs. Dogoos. The silly story provides a good vehicle for the shenanigans of Nep Nep and her friends, and going for a completely different genre is always a welcome move. It would've been nice if the game were actually good in every other area. The gameplay loop is far from exciting, especially since it gets very repetitive rather quickly, and the graphical presentation is terrible when you consider the hardware the game is running on. This is also a painfully short experience without any multiplayer capabilities, despite the format being perfect for team or versus play. Unless you're in the habit of collecting every Neptunia-related game, stay away from this title.
For fans of the series, it’s fun and hits all the right notes. It’s just over way too quickly and the developers missed a real opportunity to make this a dynamite multiplayer experience.
Quite a disappointment, with only glimmers of fun to have peeking through the bike exhaust.
We need more silly games and Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos: Magazine Edition really scratched an itch with its entertaining gameplay and bubbly characterful presentation. Plus, the physical extras are brilliantly put together to make for one fan-friendly package. 🏍️
Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos attempts to deliver a Katamari-like gameplay experience with a comedic premise, starring fan-favorite Uzume Tennouboshi. However, the game falls flat with its rushed narrative, shallow mechanics, and lack of meaningful content, making it feel more like a cash grab than a worthy entry in the Neptunia series.
Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos is a complete miss. It feels like a glorified DLC pack for a previous game that never approaches anything deserving of its own release. The story and presentation feel like the first draft of what could have been special, and the driving itself is lackluster and boring. A proper racing game along the lines of Mario Kart could have been impressive, especially considering the roster of console waifus throughout the series. Instead, it is a creature collecting driving games that is extremely disappointing and barely worth your time.
It's always nice to see characters from a franchise in a different idea from the mainline and Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos definitely offers this. However, maybe the Hyperdimension Neptunia universe had more to offer for this title's content, at least to make it a little longer or more varied for its replay value.
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Although its silly premise, English dub, and character dialogue are amusing, Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos has underwhelming level design, a short campaign length, and pushover opponents. Nonetheless, it still may provide some fun for series fans or those seeking an unorthodox motorcycle action experience.
I think if you’re a fan of the Hyperdimension Neptunia series and just want to see more of the characters and play an easy action game without using much brain power, this may satisfy that itch. But for those looking for more out of the titles they choose to spend $40 on, this three-hour escapade may not be for you.
Overall, Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos is a fun game. Each of the stages has unique features, the Dogoos provide a good variety of effects that make each run a bit different, and the game runs well on PlayStation 5. My biggest issue is you can complete the story in 2 hours and this is a $39.99 title. I get you can extend this by doing the extra challenges the game has to offer, but there should’ve been more unlockables or maybe a two-player split-screen mode to give this one a little more value. I can really only recommend this one to the hardcore Neptunia fans out there. This isn’t a bad game, but it doesn’t offer a lot of meat for non fans of the series, but on a good sale there is fun to be had here for them as well.
As much fun as I’ve had with Neptunia Riders Vs Dogoos, the game does feel like a DLC that has somehow been spun out into a full release. In my short time with Neptunia Riders Vs Dogoos, I had a lot of fun despite the limited gameplay options and lack of variation through the levels. Because of this, along with the quirky and niche humour that the franchise is known for, I’d find it hard to recommend to anyone who isn’t a diehard fan of Neptunia and the Goddesses.
Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos has fun ideas and is enjoyable for its brief running time but the lack of challenge and additional modes makes this entry tough to swallow even for longtime fans.
Neptunia Riders vs Dogoos has a fun but strange concept, poorly executed thanks to muddied visuals and unsatisfying driving mechanics.
What was developed in Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos looks very much like a silly idea that someone from the studio had and decided to turn into a "real game", and in my humble opinion that's what Neptunia spin-offs should be, after all there are many other interesting ways to satirize the games industry while other genres and ideas are explored.
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