Tales from the Borderlands: Episode Five - The Vault of the Traveler Reviews

Tales from the Borderlands: Episode Five - The Vault of the Traveler is ranked in the 98th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Oct 19, 2015

Tales from the Borderlands Episode 5: The Vault of the Traveler finishes off Rhys and Fiona's journey in impeccable fashion. From heartbreak to hilarity, it runs the gamut of emotions in some really effective ways.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 30, 2015

While its trajectory has been off at times, Telltale nails the landing

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9 / 10
Oct 20, 2015

Tales from the Borderlands' finale wraps up a masterful story in an equally masterful package, ending its poignant and witty story on a high note.

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4.5 / 5.0
Oct 20, 2015

This story, these characters and this product are simply too good for only a small segment of the population to enjoy.

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95 / 100
Oct 20, 2015

Episode 5 cements the series as Telltale's best

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9.5 / 10.0
Oct 20, 2015

A fitting finale for what might just be the best series Telltale have ever made.

9 / 10.0
Oct 20, 2015

This last episode maintains the action, drama, and comedy present throughout the series. It ties up all the major loose ends while leaving just a hint of room for more to come. Most of all, it solidifies Tales from the Borderlands as Telltale's best series to date, a pinnacle of modern adventure gaming.

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Oct 20, 2015

Was this story consistent in its delivery in any way? Nope, not at all. But the overall effect is satisfying, and I can't pretend I was bored along the way. I don't know that diehard Borderlands fans will appreciate this series' approach, but it's worth a shot if you're into the story more than the shooting. That final act tho.

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8 / 10
Oct 23, 2015

An excellent ending to an inconsistent but enjoyable season of sharp comedy and surprisingly affecting drama.

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9 / 10
Oct 20, 2015

Tales from the Borderlands has wrapped up its tale of vault hunting, conning, heisting, and finger gunning with the arrival of 'Vault of the Traveler.' And while the fish story element seems to be gone, a surprising amount of replay value and some truly sharp writing makes this some of Telltale's best work to date.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 2, 2015

Great writing, action to match, and a satisfying convergence narrative threads makes for a fantastic 140 minutes of play

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9 / 10.0
Oct 28, 2015

The writing and flow, apart from the sudden cut after (spoilers), are once again top-notch, and Telltale flexes their unique ability to cast a known property in a light that feels completely different, yet retains the crucial elements that keep it rooted in the source material.

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9.5 / 10.0
Oct 19, 2015

Tales from the Borderlands has been brilliant, easily Telltale's finest work since season one of The Walking Dead, and somewhat superior in several ways.

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Oct 20, 2015

Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 5 perfectly concludes the adventures of Fiona and Rhys, and their gang of friends. This episode easily cements the series as one of Telltale's best, and one of the best games this year. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll wanna do it all over again just to see how your choices change things.

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90 / 100
Oct 29, 2015

There is an absolute ton of payoff in this final episode, as there should be, and Telltale does an amazing job of wrapping up the season with laughs, tears, and some epic loot for these would-be vault hunters.

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9 / 10
Oct 27, 2015

The more that we think about it, the more we reckon that Tales from the Borderlands just might be the best series that Telltale has released to date. The game is a consistent joy, fusing humor and touching emotions into one product. A Telltale Borderlands game sounds very strange on paper, but this series, and the finale in particular, illustrate exactly why this pairing has worked. The finale sets itself up for a second season, and we very much hope that we get one.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 12, 2015

Overall, and the vote for this latest episode actually coincides with the global one assigned to this first season, Tales from the Borderlands is a bet won, a title that confirms Telltale's excellent skills and does not disappoint long-time fans and new patrons.

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4.5 / 5.0
Oct 25, 2015

Finally wrapping up a game you've been gradually playing over the better part of a year is always bittersweet, and if that finale falls short the entire experience feels soiled and tainted as a result. Happily, the Tales from the Borderlands finale will make the 10-month lead-up completely worth it, and you'll likely find yourself wanting to go back through and play it all from the beginning in rapid succession. At the end there's just one question left to be answered: when will More Tales from the Borderlands be announced?

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4.5 / 5.0
Nov 3, 2015

Tales From the Borderlands Episode 5: Vault of the Traveler wraps up the excellent story of Rhys, Fiona and company with a satisfying conclusion filled with tense moments, great action and entertaining dialogue from a lovable cast. It bogs down a bit in the middle and is filled with plenty of Deus Ex Machina moments. Nevertheless, it remains an excellent addition to what is arguably Telltale's best series to date.

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Oct 21, 2015

From belly laughs to heart-wrenching despair, Tales From The Borderlands has had it all. It's absolutely Telltale's best series to date, and it's entirely fitting that this finale is also its greatest episode.

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