Game of Thrones: Episode Six - The Ice Dragon Reviews

Game of Thrones: Episode Six - The Ice Dragon is ranked in the 48th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Nov 18, 2015

As far as season finales go, The Ice Dragon brings no shortage of excitement to the table, but fans looking for confirmation that their choices really mattered will be left disappointed. For the rest of the crowd, there's ample amount of action and plot developments to keep things moving at a staggering pace, and Game of Thrones fans should be left satisfied – though perhaps not ecstatic – with the end result.

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Dan Stapleton
Top Critic
6.7 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2015

We knew this wasn't going to end in happiness for the Forresters - if it had, I'd be crying foul that it didn't feel like Game of Thrones at all. The problem is that sense of inevitability mixes with the lack of resolution for major parts of the plot in an unappealing way. Most of what this uneven season finale has to offer is found in a few strong moments and continued hope for answers to questions in a hypothetical season 2.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2015

The finale races by without pause, stuttering periodically with character logic, but is largely successful in making the player want to see more

8 / 10
Nov 17, 2015

Game of Thrones' finale includes surprising twists, gut-wrenching decisions, and myriad branching paths, encouraging you to return to Westeros one more time.

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2.5 / 5.0
Nov 20, 2015

It's been a full four months since Episode Five ended on a massive decision that left players reeling. Given Telltale's past work on the series, it was hard to imagine that Episode Six would actually do right by that decision and manage to wrap the season up in a remotely satisfying way. Sure enough, huge chunks of Episode Six are just as middling as everything else in the season, and on a technical level, it's even worse. Still, there's bright spots throughout the episode, especially with Mira's storyline, that prove enjoyable enough that players who have made it this far should finish it out.

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Top Critic
94 / 100
Nov 17, 2015

Telltale has put together an incredible Game of Thrones story. I've said all along in my previous reviews that I am happier with this than the television show proper, and I stand by that. I still can't wait for HBO's next season to debut, but I'm far more interested in seeing what happens with this story.

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6.5 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2015

TellTale's meandering Game of Thrones ends with an episode that is very much like the rest of the series. Just "alright".

8.5 / 10.0
Nov 24, 2015

Likewise, the season-long trial for Gared Tuttle to discover the fabled "North Grove" detailed by his family also comes to its conclusion, with its end in particular providing plenty of promise and airs of spectacle. While Gared's storyline was never in particular one of my favorites in the series – given its heavy resemblance to that of Jon Snow's in the television series – the finale provides some great closure in Gared's story, despite his action having been so secluded from the rest of the Forrester clan in comparison. Despite some of the more uneven aspects of the series as a whole – its mixed visual style and its sometimes over reliance on recreating events similar to the original television series – "The Ice Dragon" proves to be a finale as satisfying as much as it is incredibly bloody and heartbreaking in many ways. Though Game of Thrones' experience wasn't always at the level of some of Telltale's previous efforts like The Walking Dead or this year's Tales from the Borderlands, Episode 6 brings the Forrester's tale to a close, but leaves more than a few loose ends to clearly suggest that their tale may be able to continue for additional seasons. Even though winter is coming, it's clear that the Forrester's tale of vengeance and redemption is just beginning.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2015

The Ice Dragon caps off a year of fretting and worrying. Telltale's take on Game of Thrones has been spot-on in that regard. Now that it's over it's almost a relief, even with a bleak end.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
5 / 10
Nov 18, 2015

An unsatisfying end to what has been Telltale's weakest game of recent years, with Game Of Thrones proving a poor fit for their usual formula.

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8 / 10
Nov 17, 2015

Out of the six episodes, The Ice Dragon stands head and shoulders above the rest. Although this was to be expected, as with most story-driven games, this final instalment does a grand job in showing just how cinematic Telltale's adventure series have grown while passionately adhering to source material.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 15, 2015

The final episode in Telltale's episodic series raises more questions than it answers, but doesn't lack for action or drama

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Nov 17, 2015

Game of Thrones: Episode 6 is a fitting conclusion, but the series as a whole has faltered to the point that many will find it unsatisfying. If you were seeking redemption from this finale you will find a little, but not enough to put this into the usual realm of Telltale excellence.

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5 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2015

As a big fan of Telltale's work, and a Game of Thrones aficionado, I found this to be a dismal letdown. I expected better – hell, I at least expected to feel something at the end of this chapter. Instead, I feel nothing. I'm just completely apathetic to the whole thing, and I feel no reason to be excited about a second season because, well… it'll just be more of the same, if past experience is any indicator.

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7 / 10
Nov 20, 2015

Game of Thrones: Episode 6 – The Ice Dragon offers an alright ending to a slightly disappointing spin-off overall. We struggled to care about a lot of the deaths here, but the story moves along reasonably well and it sets up what we hope will prove a superior second season. It can't light a candle to some of Telltale's finer work, but it's never been outwardly bad. If that's the best that can be said about a six episode series, though, it's not a resounding endorsement, is it?

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7 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2015

Game of Thrones finale has the big, brutal moments you'd expect, but they are diluted by technical issues and a feeling of unfinished business.

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Nov 20, 2015

Games of Thrones Episode Six The Ice Dragon is an awesome narrative of a family that does everything in its power to keep it. Thanks to a variety of choices and characters you care about, it's an emotional ending to a wild first season.

Nov 17, 2015

Although it's been a bit uneven as a whole, Telltale's Game of Thrones series concludes with multiple bangs thanks to a deep and memorable final episode. Multiple outcomes -- including some rather sad ones -- also combine to create a replayable and continually interesting finale.

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2.5 / 5.0
Jan 6, 2016

Although Telltale's "Game of Thrones" series started out on a promising note, the constant barrage of shocking and depressing developments involving its protagonists will test even the most well-adjusted person. The fact that episode six fails to provide a resolution to House Forrester's story and kicks the can down toward a second season also leaves players hanging. Fans who enjoy Game of Thrones' gritty and brutal storytelling might enjoy the ride. For others, however, the unyielding narrative formula eventually gets a bit old.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2015

It's been an tumultuous journey to get to this point, to be sure, but no one person's story in Game of Thrones ever goes quite the way it was envisioned.

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