Oxenfree Reviews

Oxenfree is ranked in the 86th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Jan 16, 2016

Oxenfree is a mature look at growing up through the lens of a supernatural mystery, but awkward pacing and simplistic interactivity hold it back from excelling.

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Top Critic
8.2 / 10.0
Jan 15, 2016

Oxenfree is elegantly simple, using branching dialogue and a little something supernatural to develop three-dimensional characters and drive the coming-of-age story. There's not much else to it in terms of gameplay, which is absolutely a good thing, but pacing issues in its story can make it feel sluggish between conversations. Mostly, though, it's like walking through a stunning painting, listening to the idle chatter and revealing talks of (sometimes unnatural-sounding) teenagers.

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No Recommendation / Blank
Jan 22, 2016

Oxenfree isn't a horror game with a message, but it's still got lots to say.

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Andy Kelly
Top Critic
83 / 100
Jan 15, 2016

A beautiful story-driven adventure game with a compelling story and great characters, set on an island filled with intriguing mysteries.

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Top Critic
9 / 10
Mar 16, 2016

Inventive, spooky, and compelling, marred only by an overly vocal cast. The story is clever, you will want to see this to the end. Surprisingly deep mechanics, and a different take on managing NPC opinions. Overall a very logical and thoughtful game.

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Jan 15, 2016

Oxenfree's easy to like, with its inspired dialogue system feeling like a step forward for this genre. It's the lack of challenge and compelling gameplay that leaves it a few steps behind.

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7.8 / 10.0
Jan 15, 2016

Oxenfree has charm and experiments with choice in a fun way, but it has a few missteps that prevent it from reaching its full potential

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8 / 10
Jan 15, 2016

Masterful audiovisual design and a witty script set Oxenfree's tale of angsty teens battling the supernatural apart from other horror games.

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7 / 10.0
Jan 15, 2016

Oxenfree doesn't live up to its potential, but has a story worth telling

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4 / 5.0
Jan 19, 2016

Despite its affinity for the supernatural, Oxenfree's soul is firmly planted in reality.

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Jan 20, 2016

Oxenfree was an unexpected delight for me. Atmospheric, beautiful and with the ability to feel real connections between its characters.

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9 / 10
Oct 10, 2017

A genuinely creepy creation, Oxenfree combines a clever story and smart dialogue mechanics with superbly sinister music to leave a deep and lasting impression on the player, one that should encourage an all-important second playthrough. Fans of Stranger Things and Poltergeist will love the direction this game takes – if not to hell and back, exactly, then absolutely to some other place where horrors abound, just waiting for an invitation into our world. It's yet another Switch essential.

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95 / 100
Jan 15, 2016

Oxenfree might just be a big next step for adventure games, particularly when it comes to the way it presents dialogue choices. Night School Studio has managed to execute an interactive story that treats player choice in a mature and subtle way. It's an emotional experience with wonderful characters and great writing, and it's one that masters its 70s and 80s influences.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 18, 2016

Oxenfree is a haunting, emotionally-charged mystery that spreads its shocks a little too thinly, but still manages to deliver an engaging, memorable experience.

Top Critic
8 / 10
Jan 15, 2016

I can't think of many games like Oxenfree. It's simple if judged purely on gameplay mechanics but wonderfully accomplished in terms of storytelling, characters and dialogue.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 18, 2016

Not perfect, but absolutely worth experiencing.

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Jan 19, 2016

"Oxenfree" captures a mood (an eerie night), intensifies it (people get possessed!), and then efficiently wraps things up before anything becomes tedious. This analog, supernatural story unites its characters in a web of guilt and showers them in decorative static.

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Jan 20, 2016

In a lot of ways, OxenFree is the first game in quite awhile that focuses on the art of audio and video to engage the player. Limbo comes to mind, a title that might be more expressionistic than this, but nonetheless both get under the skin. Also, like Limbo, OxenFree begs to be replayed beyond just the reward of multiple endings. What resonates most is that feeling of something that has passed by. Whether that's one's own nostalgia or solely heroine Alex, OxenFree won't be forgotten anytime soon.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 15, 2016

Oxenfree is a walking simulator that is confident enough in its characters and dialogue to bet that you won't mind just hanging around with them. It believes in the sinister low-ebb horror of the island to worm its way into your mind without having to crutch on a jumpscare every few minutes. It knows that its atmosphere and style will be enough to make you want to wander through its forests and dilapidated military bases. It's a walking simulator you should play.

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9 / 10
Jan 15, 2016

Oxenfree is sure to keep you guessing until you reach the final ending screen. At which point I can't promise you won't just start over, ready to explore the ghostly realm ocne again.

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