Story of Seasons Reviews

Story of Seasons is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
8.4 / 10.0
May 1, 2015

Story of Seasons' kept me occupied for well over 30 hours, and even then I could have kept playing until the cows came home. It took awhile for the interesting options for running my farm and business to open up, but the mix of strategy and good old-fashioned simulation made it all worthwhile. It may not have the prestigious Harvest Moon name, but Story of Seasons is definitely the bees' knees.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 31, 2015

The basic loop is fun for a while, but the repetition and slow payoff make it difficult to stay interested

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7 / 10
Mar 31, 2015

Despite its nagging restrictions, Story of Seasons is an absorbing farming game with a wonderful sense of progression.

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4 / 5.0
Mar 31, 2015

Story of Seasons is probably the best Harvest Moon game to come along in ten to twelve years, depending on if you believe Magical Melody or Friends of Mineral Town was the last great installment in the series.

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7 / 10
Mar 31, 2015

Story of Seasons may rightfully belong in the Harvest Moon family, but it's a strong enough entry to stand on its own. Taking familiar gameplay elements such as farming and the romance system, this title uses the framework that came before it and expands on that in many positive directions. It may not be the most polished game, with its finicky frame rate and an underwhelming 3D display, but the charming characters and satisfying gameplay make this a game worth any Harvest Moon fan's time. If you're looking to start a relaxing new virtual life full of charm and charisma, look no further than Story of Seasons.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 17, 2015

An inoffensive yet unspectacular game that pleases through being something different and relaxing.

8 / 10.0
May 8, 2015

Barring the frame rate drops and sometimes clunky interface, if you're looking into getting into the genre, Story of Seasons definitely does the job well and will easily occupy you with fun and addictive gameplay for hours on end.

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7 / 10
Dec 17, 2015

If you're the sort of gamer that hates to grind, then Story of Seasons is one you should avoid, despite how accessible the overall package is. True, Marvelous has scaled back some of the series' tedious tasks but the option to automate the process for the lazy, more casual gamer would have been a nice addition. However, if you're a fan of Harvest Moons' more recent offerings then Story of Seasons should be right up your alley. There's some initial monotony to get past initially, but it's followed by a rewarding, content-rich game to be explored here and one that will warrant your attention whenever you get a spare few minutes to visit the farm.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 31, 2015

Story of Seasons looks fantastic, feels great, and offers an overabundance of things to do and places to see. It's a farmer's paradise, though its almost excruciatingly slow tutorial and internship will take a large amount of patience to get through if you're to see all the game has to offer, and there is a lot. Expect to clear your calendar for this excellent portable farming sim, as you'll be spending several hours turning a profit to impress the townsfolk of Oak Tree Town, your future husband or wife, or even your friends playing alongside you.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 29, 2015

Leave everything behind and immerse yourself in Story of Seasons, then work hard and get married!

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
6 / 10
Jan 5, 2016

For better and worse this is Harvest Moon in all but name, with a few useful new ideas but still the same old crop of problems.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 8, 2015

Harvest Moon titles have always been a little offbeat, but unfortunately the last few entries in the series have strayed from the series' original focus – farming – complicating the franchise's...

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79 / 100
Apr 2, 2015

Overall, the classic Harvest Moon formula continues to thrive in Story of Seasons with some new features and touch-ups to keep it entertaining and enjoyable for fans. The amount of customization, emphasis on connectivity, and improvement on familiar activities present in past instalments are features that make the game a solid instalment in the Harvest Moon series.

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8 / 10.0
May 11, 2015

Story of Seasons doesn't rewrite the book on farming sims, but it's a big, healthy break from the Harvest Moon series that adds a few strong new ideas. It's Harvest Moon in everything but name, and one of the best of this kind of game to come along in a while.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 21, 2015

I cannot suggest Story of Seasons to everybody, but those who like the idea of a calming experience that lets you peacefully escape to a charming world should definitely consider Story of Seasons. If you can get over a painfully long opening before the game opens up and lets you actually play the game, a poor soundtrack, and dull characters, you will be rewarded with an engaging world and a ton of variety and options. It is a fun, relaxing experience – just remember that it is anything but perfect.

7 / 10
Jan 5, 2016

Story of Seasons feels like a new chapter of Harvest Moon but it goes further than its inspiration. Its gameplay mechanics are very well executed, despite a rather slow start and its trade system, as well as the romance story, work like a charm. Where Story of Seasons disappoints is in its visual interface, which falls behind the benchmarks that the 3DS has set.

Review in Portuguese |

Mar 31, 2015

Story of Seasons is a niche game for an extremely small crowd. It's not bad and as another in this small genre, it's good. The slow pace and plethora of tasks can be overwhelming at first, accompanied by a slow start, but those who put in the time will reap its rewards. Fans of Nintendo's Animal Crossing series will feel at home and enjoy this as well. And to other gamers, like this one, maybe it's time to branch out the old genre branch.

7.3 / 10.0
Mar 31, 2015

I played a lot of Animal Crossing last year, in the process rekindling my love for life sims. Playing Story of Seasons was a much different experience because it's more fast-paced and goal-oriented. It's not too unlike past Harvest Moon games, but it's a worthwhile entry nonetheless. There's a lovely little game to uncover here, though it'll likely take you a couple dozen hours to really get things going. That said, the time investment is certainly worth it, because at the end of the day, you're left with a fine farming sim that's totally rewarding.

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7.5 / 10.0
Apr 6, 2015

Story of Seasons, for all intents and purposes, is Harvest Moon without the title, and continues the series' tradition of making the mundane into compelling gameplay.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jun 12, 2015

With lots to do and a great localization, Story of Seasons is one of the better iterations of this series to come out in some time.

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