EVE: Valkyrie (VR) Reviews

EVE: Valkyrie (VR) is ranked in the 60th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
60 / 100
Apr 18, 2016

Strong first impressions make this ideal when showing off your new Rift headset, but theres little to keep you flying beyond those first few moments.

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Dan Stapleton
Top Critic
7.9 / 10.0
Oct 15, 2016

There is some single-player content, but other than the challenging wave-based survival mode, which is a great way to learn the abilities and limitations of a newly unlocked ship, the appeal wears off quickly. What passes for campaign missions are so quick and easy they’re barely there at all, and the enemy ships are so weak they might be made of tinfoil. There’s also a “scout” mode where you search uninhabited maps for hidden items to reveal extra bits of lore, which couldn’t be less exciting. Not knowing anything about EVE Online’s lore the story of cloned pilots signing up as mercenaries didn’t do much for me, though the voice acting isn’t bad.

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6.3 / 10.0
Apr 22, 2016

The experience of sitting in a VR space fighter is thrilling, but single-player and multiplayer options are sparse

7 / 10.0
Nov 3, 2016

At its heart Valkyrie is a straightforward, arcade shooter which lacks enough variety in its gameplay to stop it growing stale quite quickly, and, for the asking price, it’s perhaps only fully recommendable to the most enthusiastic of space pirates.

Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
6 / 10
Oct 18, 2016

Space combat simulators will hopefully become a mainstay of VR in the future, but although this lays the groundwork the experience itself is limited and repetitive.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 28, 2016

Despite the convoluted focus on getting players to spend money, I can see myself constantly going into EVE: Valkyrie for skirmishes months down the line whenever I boot up the Oculus Rift. It's addicting and easy to pick up, and the progression system has legs without feeling like I need to dump money into it. It's crazy to think we've come this far, as I can recall playing MechWarrior back in the early 2000s with a rudimentary helmet, dual joysticks, and a rumble vest at a friend's house. This is much cooler than that, suffice to say.

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7 / 10
Oct 13, 2016

EVE: Valkyrie could be one of the definitive multiplayer experiences for VR, though it does feel like you’ve seen everything within the first couple of hours. The multiplayer is a bit light on content, but what is here works really well. You can’t really beat that feeling of being a pilot in a space battle even if it is pretend, and EVE: Valkyrie lets you live out that fantasy well. It will need a really active community and regular updates to make sure it has long term appeal, otherwise the game will begin to feel stale as the same few maps and modes cycle over and over. If you are getting a PSVR headset and have always wanted to partake in a space dogfight then EVE: Valkyrie may be for you.

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7.3 / 10.0
Oct 17, 2016

Eve Valkyrie got the most spectacular and breathtaking space dogfighting ever, but it lacks in game modes and fresh ideas.

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Nov 5, 2016

PlayStation VR is all about immersion and EVE: Valkyrie does a fantastic job at handling this, and even with the presence of microtransactions, EVE: Valkyrie is still one of the best experiences thus far on PSVR.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 16, 2016

EVE: Valkyrie triumphantly shows the promise of virtual reality. The addition of head tracking turns a pretty basic space combat game into a captivating experience, even if it might not have long legs. It’s one of the best showcases for what PlayStation VR is capable of, but also a clear reminder that the best is yet to come. It’s certainly an exciting time for gaming.

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8 / 10
Oct 18, 2016

EVE: Valkyrie is one of the better PlayStation VR experiences out there at the moment – a true Top Gun. Packing slick design and stunning visuals, as well as thrilling gameplay. For fans of multiplayer space dogfighting, this is the (un)real deal. Virtual hats off to CCP on creating a fantastic space combat experience.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 12, 2016

EVE Valkyrie is one of the best titles for our Virtual Reality headsets, and a big step forward for spacefight sims.

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Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Oct 27, 2016

EVE Valkyrie is one of the best titles for PlayStation VR, and a big step forward for the genre. Everything, from the interface to the stunning visuals, immerses the player in a frantic space combat that no other title can replicate.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 2, 2016

EVE: Valkyrie is a delight to play, with tight and accessible controls. It’s the space-bound dogfighting dream you’ve always wanted, but a lack of single player content and some nasty microtransactions take the shine out of it all.

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Oct 21, 2016

EVE Valkyrie is a simple game, but keeping the scope small has allowed CCP to achieve something special. This is the space dogfighting game, and I can't imagine playing another space combat game now I've experienced Valkyrie. The microtransactions are a particularly gross negative from CCP, but it's the only misstep in a near flawless dance.

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Oct 21, 2016

An enjoyable, simple arcade-style space combat game that's equal parts a great tech demo for your expensive new toy, and one that gains genuine gameplay benefits from VR.

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80 / 100
Oct 23, 2016

There is nothing quite like experiencing the catapult launch in EVE Valkyrie in VR. The game looks amazing, and the cross-play is seamless. The single player is a welcome addition, albeit a short one, and the new Carrier Assault mode shows commitment to expanding the game by developer CCP. Let’s hope they bring a steady stream of new modes, maps, and ship models to keep this gorgeous game fresh and alive.

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8 / 10.0
May 13, 2016

Currently the best multiplayer experience on the Oculus Rift, if only the servers were more populated due to the bungled launch of the Rift. Easily recommendable once more people have headsets if you've got a hankering for space dogfighting.

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Top Critic
3.5 / 5.0
Nov 20, 2016

Eve Valkyrie is an enjoyable VR space combat game that really puts you into the seat of a star fighter as you take on a variety of enemies all from the safety of your lounge room. The immersion factor of VR works well, particularly how you use your head to track enemy ships that makes you feel like you are part of the next big Star Wars movie. The only downside to the title is the microtransactions which are a real big sin. Sure you can grind your way to victory but it’s going to be a hard slog.

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games™ Team
Top Critic
6 / 10
Jun 8, 2016

VR done right, if you’ve got the stomach for it