Child of Light Reviews
Although not every element is as impeccable as its presentation, that shouldn't stop anyone from experiencing Child of Light. Simply absorbing its sights and sounds would almost be enough to carry you through 12 hours, but the game offers much more. When it clicks, the battles are exciting and tense. On top of it all is a cast that sticks with you long after it's all said and done. Child of Light may not be the biggest game this year, but sometimes it's the smallest things that shine the brightest.
If not for a few missteps, Child of Light would be the first must-buy role-playing game of the next-generation.
Child of Light will satiate pretty much everyone but the most hardcore of RPG fans, and even then, they'll find plenty of enjoyment. There are a few minor issues here and there that hold it back from instant-classic status that could be enhanced in a sequel or future work, but regardless, Child of Light is a noble effort from Ubisoft Montreal, and another win to put in the studio's diverse portfolio.
Child of Light is a joy to behold, with the tale of Aurora and Lemuria very well told. The way the whole experience has been crafted is nothing sort of fantastic, and this could turn out to be a classic. The story, the characters, the battle system, the art, and the music all shine. This is a game that wears its heart on its sleeve while bringing something fresh to the landscape; it's quite divine. I suppose the time has come to score Child of Light then, and I give this game nothing less than a 10/10
Child of Light is a must-play for casual and hardcore fans of RPGs alike.
I want everyone to play this game! Child of Light is a great example of a modern RPG that bridges gaming with other forms of art. I will be showing this game to any friends and family who are not too familiar with what gaming can be, or who have some uninformed stereotypes about what all video games are like these days. Beautiful painting-style art, moving music, refreshing and simple gameplay, and a multifaceted, emotional storyline make this game well worth the time and money.
Ubisoft Montreal's artsy and affordable RPG will draw you in with its gorgeous looks and keep you playing with great turn-based combat.
It is a blending of genre and style that is an unexpected treat, and already one of the year's role-playing game highlights.
Child of Light is a game that should not be missed, especially by RPG fans. If someone asked me to give them an example of why video games are considered art, Child of Light would be that game. Child of Light is easily an early contender for Game of the Year.
Between its artistic strengths and its addictive gameplay Child of Light is a fairy tale well worth the price of admission that I wish more studios would take notice of.
Child of Light has a few flaws, but these don't prevent it from being an instant classic. A lot like Braid in 2008, this will be a title that comes to represent a whole new generation of 'artsy' affairs, and while its running time leans a little on the short side, its excellent battle system and outstanding art style will ensure that you enjoy every minute while it lasts. If you're looking for something a little different for your PS4 – or you just want to reward the poor writer who had to spend months slumped over a rhyming dictionary in order to concoct the cunningly clever plot – then this is very much a must buy.
Parts of the game don't work, but they don't take away from what it's trying to do.
Child of Light is an artist's RPG through and through. Combat is more thoughtful than intimidating, the story is at once archetypal and clever, and the game's visual and auditory flare is truly something to behold.
Child of Light is a beautifully rendered, fun, and fairly engrossing RPG that every fan of the genre should try. It does enough different to stand out from the pack, and I'm talking about more than its artistic styling. It won't drain forty plus hours of your free time, but for $15? Yeah, this one's worth the three Starbucks coffees it'll cost you and won't leave a bad taste in your mouth in the process.
Offering high-quality gameplay and a beautiful world to explore, Child of Light is one of this year's downloadable standouts.
Child of Light is nothing short of a delight of appealing mechanics and marvelous artistic component, set to enchant those looking for a charming RPG. Its storylines could use some additional development, as well as more tasks outside the plot's line, but this remains a solid choice.
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Someone will likely prove this statement wrong, but there hasn't been a game that's run this far with the storybook conceit, and if there is, it's a near-certainty it wasn't executed with this much beauty, heart, and care.
A lovable combination of classic Japanese RPG adventure and European folklore, dressed to look like a gorgeous, hand-painted platform game. It's a little too slight for classic status, but it still has some of the old magic and mystery of the nineties Square Enix greats. It's superb value for a download title, and unmissable whether or not you played and loved its inspirations.
The visuals, the gameplay, the music, the story, and everything else — when all of these elements come together perfectly and form a true world. A world that takes no effort to get lost in, a world that takes you far away. Individual parts of a game are huge, to be sure, but it is a world that we as gamers truly crave, a world that takes us to an experience beyond anything we previously could have imagined.