Dead by Daylight Reviews
After almost five years, Dead by Daylight has grown into an incredible slasher film simulator, and the best asymmetrical multiplayer game around.
It's shocking how much depth Dead By Daylight packs into its systems.
Overall, Dead By Daylight Special Edition is a fun and challenging asymmetrical horror game pitting a killer and four survivors in an enclosed area. There's plenty of customization players can undertake in terms of powers, perks and attire, so break out your fashion ideas. Included in this special edition are several DLCs that were released on the PC version. Given the already low price of the game and how it compares to similar games within the genre, Dead by Daylight is a hands down win.
The tension is high in every match, with jump scares and thrilling chases peppering each encounter with the killer
Dead by Daylight has evolved into an unrivalled asymmetrical competitive multiplayer game, and one of the best horror games around.
Dead By Daylight has been around for quite while now and has remained a pretty popular game on both PC and console over the years. It’s a straightforward and repetitive online affair that, if you're lucky enough to be matched with the right bunch of randoms or happen to be playing a custom match with friends, can deliver the goods in terms of frights and tension from time to time. However, it has also always been a pretty clunky affair, a fact which is amplified further here by the noticeable graphical downgrade, laggy menus and the exclusion of a bunch of DLC that we really feel should have been included for the steep asking price.
It lacks polish, but Dead by Daylight is a genuinely tense ode to 80s slasher movies.
Dead by Daylight "dies" a little in this console version which features several translation problems and works as a poor PC port of the original game. Enjoyable if you play with your friends, but it's all.
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Dead By Daylight has evolved into somewhat of a phenomenon, proving that the often maligned games-as-a-service model produces more than just cookie cutter loot shooters. It's still an acquired taste and a bit rough around the edges though stands out as one of the most unique ongoing multiplayer games of the generation.
This console version of the famous PC game has some issues that make this installment a boring game without too much content for a single player.
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A great idea that offers really funny and tense moments. Unfortunately, it's not as well optimised as the PC original and it lacks some more content.
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This just feels like an all around sloppy port that was quickly pushed out to try to score some cash off of Friday the 13th's bungled release. The console version doesn't even include all the download content released for PC, including the Halloween DLC with Michael Myers. The mouse-like controls in the menus, coupled with the fact that most all the actions are mapped to the triggers and shoulder buttons, makes it feel like whoever ported this doesn't play consoles to begin with (thankfully you can remap the controls). The bugs and ugly graphics might be excusable if the game were fun to play, but to me, it just isn't due to a lack of balance and the need to work with your team in an era where no one talks to strangers in online games anymore.
Dead for Daylight for the Switch does the bare minimum you'd expect from a competent Switch port, but performance issues make the asking price hard to swallow.
Dead By Daylight is a fantastic concept that, in practice, needed much more work put into it. I love its 80s horror aesthetic and the occasional match can be thoroughly enjoyable. There are going to have to be a lot more changes for the thing to have any sticking power, however. Should Behavior continue to work on it, I could see Dead By Daylight turning into something I adore. Right now, it’s just not there.
Dead by Daylight is a lot of fun once you get into a match, especially with friends. The tension of struggling to complete objectives while avoiding an invincible killer can't be understated. But the downright unfair difficulty for survivors can be discouraging, especially since you have to play a very long time to unlock useful perks to make things easier.
Dead by Daylight has the potential to become a cult classic among asymmetric games.
Whether you play as the killer or prey there is gruesome fun to be had, but this console transfer cuts too many corners
Dead By Daylight is a fun, generous and addictive horror multiplayer game. After five years of service, the app is not empty and continues to gorge itself on content.
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Dead by Daylight now runs at 60 fps and 4K on Xbox Series X/S.
Twenty seven months worth of patches, content updates and a next-generation coat of visual sheen is enough to allow Dead by Daylight to realize its ambition as one of the most enjoyably terrifying online multiplayer experiences out there. If you've been holding off and waiting for Dead by Daylight to 'get good' or 'get fixed', now is the time for you to finally jump in. You won't regret it.