Knack Reviews

Knack is ranked in the 12th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10
Dec 4, 2013

A charming adventure, Knack will also push your frustrations to the limit with the occasional cheap death and discouraging checkpoints that will force you to replay sections of each chapter. Combat can be broken down into punching everything in sight, but the challenge is welcomed for those looking for a throwback to classic games that weren't afraid about being labeled as hard.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 25, 2013

Knack is a great game that is full of nostalgia and old school gameplay. However its mediocre story telling and main character's voice acting stop it from achieving perfection.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 22, 2013

While not the best in the platformer genre, and it can be very frustrating at times, Knack offers a family-friendly game that is fun, unique and lasts just long enough to keep the kids entertained until PSN offers up something better. It's certainly no Crash Bandicoot or Spyro, but it is a game you should pick up in the PS4 launch window.

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5 / 10.0
Dec 22, 2013

Knack seems to have no ambition beyond wowing you with rendering lots of objects, making it feel like an overlong tech demo. If parents are looking for some cartoon fun to keep the children occupied... well... the PlayStation 4 has a knack for playing blurays, too.

Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Dec 9, 2013

"Wow that little guy sounds like Barry White!"

Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Dec 1, 2013

While I wish the player had more of a decision on when to grow and shrink in size or when to absorb other types of items, there's a simplicity to Knack that just works.

4.2 / 5.0
Nov 15, 2013

With all this said though, Knack is a game you need to have. I say "have" because you will want to keep playing Knack. Much like Jak & Daxter, which I have gone back and played numerous times since originally completing, Knack has that same allure. It is an accomplishment not many games can tout. If you picked up the PlayStation 4, you owe it to yourself to pick this game up: You owe it to the kid inside you and the friends you know who don't know how to have fun anymore. Knack may not be the most revolutionary game, but it is yet another promise from team Sony for what the company plans to achieve with the PS4. A promise I am glad I experienced. You will be too.

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Top Critic
4.5 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2013

Knack, while conceptually interesting, never rises above being an OK platformer without any real positive memorable aspects, but plenty of frustrating ones. If you've ever wondered what a tech demo turned into a full-fledged game would be like, Knack is—or very much feels—like that.

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Top Critic
4.8 / 10.0
Nov 24, 2013

Knack has a few good ideas scattered throughout, but it is never able to pick up the pieces.

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3.8 / 5.0
Dec 28, 2013

Knack is definitely a walk down memory lane and ironically the old school gaming mechanics used by Japan Studio work quite well on the PS4. However for a next-gen title, there is something lacking in the game and although the graphics do look nice, I was expecting a little more "wow" when it comes to the graphical abilities of this next-gen console, including some whacky new gameplay modes. However even though Knack didn't deliver on these two categories, there is something uniquely refreshing about this game that is quite addictive and very enjoyable, provided you don't get caught in a bout of controller rage.

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Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Nov 21, 2013

It's just a bit disappointing that the full package comes together in such an unremarkable way. Knack has its own little thing going here, and it's good enough for what it is, but I doubt there's much about it we'll remember in five years.

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Top Critic
Jan 10, 2014

While I can appreciate the goal of the developer, I can't close my eyes to the obvious.

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Nov 19, 2013

The chapters are so long, they become tedious, even on the surprisingly vicious "Normal" difficulty setting. The challenge of the game could be a draw, but when coupled with the nonsensical morass of Knack's fantasy, there's no good reason to keep pushing forward. Without a clear center, Cerny's game feels as hollow and vulnerable as its hero, a pile of disparate parts all too ready to crumble at a moment's notice.

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Game Debate
Joffy S
Top Critic
5.5 / 10.0
Dec 31, 2013

Knack's enjoyable enough in its own right but it's undeniably as straight down the middle as you can get, unwavering in its commitment to the average. Not much comes across as particularly awful, but then again nothing in it's all that great. Those expecting a platforming adventure in a vein similar to Crash Bandicoot would do well to steer well clear.

6 / 10
Jul 7, 2014

The story is simple-yet-charming and the characters are all very obvious in their roles but make them no less likeable. However, the lack of innovation in the controls department on a new console in an exclusive game, the lack of any online multiplayer longevity and noticeable frame-rate drops make this a tough one to justify buying at full price. Thankfully, now it isn't necessary to worry about that as, at time of writing, it is very easily found for a much lower price and, thus, well worth a play through.

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Dec 10, 2013

How did it come to this? Knack is basically a risible film tie-in without a film to recommend it.

8.2 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2013

Knack is an inoffensive, if overly challenging, platformer that falls just short in Sony's move to next-gen.

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Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
Jan 10, 2014

Knack has left me a little confused. While at times the game is awkward, annoying, uninspired, and even boring, it also manages to be fun, beautiful and rewarding at others. In the end though, if the question is would I recommend this game, the answer would probably be no. The local co-op is a great addition but not enough to sell the game (let alone a new console), while the gameplay is so old-fashioned you might as well dig out the PS1 and play Crash Bandicoot instead.

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Dec 2, 2013

New IPs can be a risky proposition. Add a new console into the mix and the idea becomes even more daunting. Although I applaud the developers of Japan Studio for taking this risk, 'Knack' simply was unable to live up to expectations, and its difficulty negates its possibilities as a great family title. The story was less than exciting, the gameplay was repetitive, and the entire experience felt like one big missed opportunity as a flagship game for the PlayStation 4. 'Knack' has some interesting moments, but they were short lived and never fully realized. Gamers picking up a PlayStation 4 shouldn't cross 'Knack' off their list, but they may want to start with a different title.

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63 / 100
Dec 2, 2013

Knack fails to bring anything exciting to the next-gen table. The features it advertises either do what they claim and nothing more, or they have a glaring flaw dragging down the experience. Those looking for a reason to jump onto the next-gen bandwagon will find no reassurance from Knack.

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