Worms W.M.D Reviews

Worms W.M.D is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2016

Still one of the best multiplayer experiences.

8.3 / 10.0
Aug 23, 2016

Worms W.M.D. is a Well Made Distraction that I Would Most Definitely recommend.

7 / 10.0
Aug 22, 2016

There’s no reason any new player to the Worms franchise wouldn’t get a quick kick out of this one, but it’s difficult to recommend the game to series veterans who can get a cleaner experience from the entries they currently own.

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4.3 / 5.0
Aug 23, 2016

What's more dangerous than a worm? A worm in an armoured mech!

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Joseph Sale
Top Critic
7 / 10
Aug 31, 2016

The vehicles radically change the gameplay but are in keeping with the outrageous power and unpredictability of Worms combat

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 22, 2016

In short, Worms W.M.D. is probably the best that the series has been in years. While it doesn’t necessarily reinvent the wheel in terms of how the game is played, it adds an awesome amount of components, costumes and weapons to make it feel right at home.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 8, 2017

Worms WMD is resetting the series and delivers in all the important areas while adding some minor improvements. If you like Worms and specifically want a portable version of it, this a fun investment of your time. It doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it's probably the best version of the game currently available.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2017

Sure, the camera could have been more modernized, but its shortcomings are worth dealing with. The hours flew by in not only the single-player levels, but also the constant stream of multiplayer matches. If you are searching for a strategic timesink, this game can get you quite far.

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Dec 21, 2017

It's Worms, and Team 17 has done a good job in restraining itself this time around so that the only gimmicks within the game genuinely add to it. What's important to note here is that the Nintendo Switch is absolutely perfect for Worms, and that fact alone makes this the best entry in the series in years.

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Az Elias
Top Critic
8 / 10
Nov 23, 2017

Another game perfectly suited to the Nintendo Switch, Worms W.M.D is a return to the classic format the series is known and loved for.

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8 / 10
Nov 26, 2017

Worms W.M.D features a strategic turn-based combat with the traditional humor and super weapons expected from the series. It is an enjoyable experience on the Nintendo Switch with its short mission based campaign and challenges that offer a good amount of replay value.

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Simon Brown
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Aug 22, 2016

Worms W.M.D as a whole is a lot of fun, it’s the best 2D Worms title we’ve had in a long time and it reminds me why these games are so enjoyable to play. If you are looking for a multiplayer game to play with family and friends on the couch or for a game night over the internet you could do a lot worse than get a bout of Worms!

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8 / 10.0
Sep 16, 2016

Overall, the game is one of the best entries into the Worms franchise for years now. I’d be shocked if you haven’t played a Worms game at some point but W.M.D provides a ton of fun and charm that’s well worth your time.

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Aug 27, 2016

'Worms W.M.D' offers up some of the best multiplayer fun available on PlayStation 4. It's dumb in all of the best ways, from its ridiculous voice acting to the farting grandmother that I often used (unsuccessfully) as a weapon. There are a few rough edges, such as the platforming, but whenever I would die due to an unfortunately timed jump I always ended up laughing. If Team17 have accomplished anything, it's that they have made a game that always leaves me chuckling with a grin on my face even when I was dealt a raw hand.

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Thomas Wrobel
Top Critic
8 / 10
Aug 24, 2016

Worms W.M.D provides enough new features to keep it feeling fresh, with plenty on offer for solo players. Those with friends should also be more than content with the high amount of customisation, plus support for up to six players with eight worms each, potentially making matches of 48 worms. While it might not be a revolution, it is a very solid entry in the series, and at its core Worms is still Worms. It is to the TBS genre what Mario Kart now is to racing - both different and accessible enough for newcomers, in-depth enough for long-term fans, yet also enjoyable enough for those formerly not fans of the games. It's a title that's good to have in anyone's collection, ready for an unexpected batch of friends. For a lapsed player of old (or somehow having lived life to the maximum, without participating in mass wormicide), W.M.D seems a great time to ninja rope on over and join the creative carnage.

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Digitally Downloaded
Jim S.
Top Critic
Aug 25, 2016

W.M.D is a fun game, loaded with tons of content that should keep Worm fans and newcomers alike very busy. The series still has that sense of humour that it is so well known, while constantly adding in new features to deepen the gameplay experience. This one, in particular, is a really well formed game, and deserves to be on high multiplayer rotation for a long time to come.

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80 / 100
Sep 27, 2016

Worms W.M.D is another rock-solid entry in this remarkably long-running franchise; meaningful gameplay additions in the form of vehicles, crafting and buildings keep things fresh without betraying what makes this a classic series.

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7.9 / 10.0
Aug 25, 2016

W.M.D manages to add some interesting new aspects to the classic Worms gameplay, but it still feels almost identical to previous installments.

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3.5 / 5.0
Dec 28, 2017

So to sum it all up, if you’re looking for a zany and fun multiplayer experience on the Switch (or your platform of choice), then Worms W.M.D. is a solid choice. Just don’t expect any revolutionary new features if you’re an old veteran of wormy warfare.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 5, 2017

A classic with new ideas and a load of hilarious weapons. The benefit of the Nintendo Switch version: you can play Worms on the go now!

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