Wheels Of Aurelia Reviews

Wheels Of Aurelia is ranked in the 10th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Oct 5, 2016

You’ll want to play Wheels of Aurelia several times to see all the paths you can take, but practical issues make that a chore

3.5 / 5.0
Sep 28, 2016

It might sound like Wheels of Aurelia is a slog, and although it can feel that way on occasion, it is still an enjoyable jaunt across the Via Aurelia.

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Sep 23, 2016

I love being exposed to new places and histories, but the distancing of Aurelia’s structure had me looking for a way to get closer; that brush with the familiar pulled me right in for a moment and I wanted more of the same.

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3 / 10
Nov 1, 2017

As a visual novel, Wheels of Aurelia is a lacklustre experience. As a driving game, it's even worse. However you wish to identify it, this title lacks genuine substance; it's a solid idea executed poorly. The key themes and settings are deceptive, making the title seem like it is built on strong foundations when in reality, it's made up of a series of convoluted verbal exchanges between characters who forcefully touch on an array of dicey topics relevant but not always central to the time. The historical-links also suffer as this information is often overridden by an aggressive sense of agenda-setting that robs the exchanges of impact. Then there's the main narrative focused on a person you're likely to not even care about due to the concise nature of each road trip. It's simply not on par with the best titles this genre has to offer, and although you could argue that the esoteric nature of the game means it will illicit wildly different emotional reactions from different people, the core package just isn't compelling, challenging or appealing enough to back up that line of debate.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 6, 2016

An original mix between interactive fiction and arcade racing that brings you in the Italy of the seventies: a truly unique game that deserves to be played.

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4 / 10
Dec 22, 2017

Wheels of Aurelia presents a captivating premise and its dialogues are nothing short of interesting. Unfortunately the game's execution does not allow it to become a fully enjoyable hybrid between a visual novel and driving simulator and the dialogue's mechanics often disappoint, which along with an unpolished visual component makes this an unfulfilled promise.

Review in Portuguese |

Nov 28, 2016

For anyone looking for a refreshing change from open-world time sinks after the glut of Mafia III, Watch Dogs 2, Skyrim: SE and Final Fantasy XV, Wheels of Aurelia may be the perfect game for you. Each playthrough takes no longer than 20 minutes and it can be completed in a tenth of the time these games take. It’s also recommended to those that like getting the most out of games as by the end you will have a preferred ending and despite its short length, it’s a game people can have different experiences with and then share those stories with each other, much like the most successful AAA titles.

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45 / 100
Sep 26, 2016

Wheels of Aurelia sputters onto the race track

5 / 10.0
Nov 14, 2017

undefined.We certainly need developers willing to take risks and experiment with different ideas to move the industry forward, but unfortunately not every new idea is going to work. As with every niche I'm sure there is an audience that will appreciate the beautiful visuals and pleasant soundtrack, but for me I just couldn't get past the uninteresting back stories and repetition of playing through the same experience to get slightly different endings.

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4.5 / 10.0
Nov 2, 2017

Wheels of Aurelia plays out as a hodge podge of ideas put together in a package that is hard to define a target audience for...

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1.9 / 5.0
Nov 7, 2017

Wheels of Aurelia is a disappointing attempt at bringing the Visual Novel genre to the Switch, it's too short to be engaging, and at its current price tag seems a bit too steep.

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5 / 10
Nov 16, 2017

Wheels of Aurelia is about the road trip not the destination, we’re told. Santa Ragione should feel proud of their efforts to bring to light stories and events in Italy’s history, in educating a generation that may well be less aware of them. I’m just not certain that this was the best way to impart what they learned.

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Oct 5, 2016

But it would be remiss to end on a negative for this review of a very, very special game. Wheels of Aurelia is a narrative triumph, with dialogue that has more to say than the vast majority of games would ever dare.

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7.2 / 10.0
Nov 24, 2016

Wheels of Aurelia is unlike any game I've played. It's 1970's style and original approach to story telling make for an experience you won't find anywhere else. Good or bad is a matter of opinion; what we have here is something new and for that alone, it's a road worth taking!

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5 / 10
Nov 2, 2017

Wheels of Auerlia has potential but squanders its opportunities to say something.

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5 / 10.0
Nov 2, 2017

Tally Wheels of Aurelia was the most difficult summary that I have ever written, in my head I had the idea, for whom this game? She gives the player? Is it worth it to buy it to fans of graphic novels? But, upon further reflection, I realized that the Wheels of Aurelia does not give the players anything. The entire journey is reduced to a simple trip with a disgusting physics, where the car felt like iron on the ice. The trip, which does not carry anything unusual, the dialogue simplistic, and the story of the characters uninteresting.

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