Dragon Quest Heroes 2 Reviews
There's a lot to be played and a lot of fun to be had here, if you loved the first chapter of the series. Unfortunately, despite some improvements, you'll find the same limitations as well.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Making me wander over to the shop to purchase a stat upgrade already behind a progression gate is so pointless.
Despite the lack of character development and the occasional forced grind for gear, Dragon Quest Heroes II is a monstrously fun and childish game that will appeal to both grown-ups and children alike. It's witty script and adorable looking characters makes the game enjoyable to play throughout plus the sheer size of the customisable skill trees will keep Dynasty Warriors fans happy.
Dragon Quest Heroes II is a great improvement on its predecessor in almost every way – while it's far from being a perfect game, those put off by the last might actually find this more to their tastes. Dragon Quest Heroes is becoming a great action game series in its own right, though still has plenty of room to grow.
Despite some pacing issues near the end of the game, Dragon Quest Heroes II takes what its predecessor did right and builds upon it in positive ways. Its open world design is definitely a step in the right direction, as is its more prominent narrative and larger cast of colourful characters. Meanwhile, combat remains fun and satisfying, and a sprinkling of new systems add some welcome depth. Dragon Quest Heroes II is exactly what a sequel should be.
If you played the first Dragon Quest Heroes, know that this sequel improves in just about every single facet. I'm impressed that Koei Tecmo didn't just phone this one in, but made some great changes that really enhance the overall experience.
Dragon Quest Heroes 2 provides a fantastic RPG-Musou experience, giving players the best of both worlds. The story might fall flat, but by Lu Bu, is the gameplay is an absolute blast.
Dragon Quest Heroes II is an incredible sequel that surpass in every aspect its predecessor. It has great gameplay, a better story, more mechanics that refresh its experience and a cast of memorable and diverse characters specialized in many combat styles that make to not turn so easily en a repetitive and boring experience.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Like some unholy love child, Dragon Quest Heroes II continues its predecessor's attempts at merging JRPG conventions with the hack-and-slash gameplay of the “Musou” or “Warriors” franchise. Although it isn't always a perfect union, Dragon Quest Heroes II is a fun romp that provides one of the more challenging experiences in Koei Tecmo's “Warriors” franchise. If you enjoyed the first game or Hyrule Warriors, you'll certainly want to try this one out.
Dragon Quest Heroes II takes everything people love about Musou games and ramps up the fun factor. If the core gameplay elements don't interest you this game won't change your mind, but if large-scale action RPGs appeal to you even a little bit you'll likely have a blast with this one.
On the whole, Dragon Quest Heroes II is a mighty success and one that I'll definitely keep coming back to as the year unfolds, even if it's to simply put a big smile on my sorrowful brow.
Dragon Quest Heroes 2 takes all the best ingredients of the first episode and improves the formula by adding lots of gameplay elements that make the experience even more cool.
Review in French | Read full review
Charming and sympathetic Musuo offshoot, which adds new elements to the mass brawls and is also worth a try for sceptics.
Review in German | Read full review
I won't lie to you: Dragon Quest Heroes 2 is an acquired taste. It helps if you've acquired a taste for either Dragon Quest or the Warriors series previously, preferably both. That said, it's easily one of the most accessible and enjoyable games Omega Force has produced, and a real joy to play if you already know and love Dragon Quest.
Massive enhancements to gameplay make this a wonderful action RPG to play, but its disappointing story holds it back from greatness.
Dragon Quest Heroes II is one of the most flexible Warriors games on the market, full of nods to its dual lineage for better and for worse.
Dragon Quest Heroes 2 is a fast-paced, ridiculously fun hack-and-slash RPG. Even if you're tired of the Dynasty Warriors style of hack and slash gameplay, the open world and massive amount of depth should be enough to keep you interested for the duration of the game.
Dragon Quest Heroes II is an hack-and-slash Dynasty Warriors clone that's laced with appreciated RPG flavoring. A must for any Dragon Quest fan, and a nice starter to those who aren't into this kind of genre.
Omega Force and Square Enix fixed all flaws presented in Dragon Quest Heroes. Sequel is bigger, better and without any bad things which made previous game not so good as it could be. Truly great showcase how to make good sequel.
Review in Polish |
Probably not meant for me - but that didn't stop me enjoying it!