Danganronpa 1-2 Reload Reviews
Numerous Japanese visual novels have been coming to English-speaking audiences lately, many of them excellent.
Danganronpa 1.2 Reload on PlayStation 4 collects two of my favourite games in a long time into a single package that is immense value but the port could’ve been a bit better.
I do wish both games would tone down the fanservice, since that really does nothing for me aside from making me feel a bit uncomfortable. But aside from that, Danganronpa 1-2 Reload is an easy recommendation. It's a visual novel, yes. You're going to spend a lot of time reading. However, just about everything you read will entertain you in some way as you watch these incredibly strong personalities play off each other. If you have any hangups about playing a visual novel, let them go. Pick up the Danganronpa games on whatever platform you prefer and enjoy some of the sharpest character writing I've seen in years.
Two interesting visual novels with unforgettable moments and a fantastic artistic direction in a single package for PlayStation 4.
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Danganronpa 1.2 Reload brings together two amazing visual novels with a story full of mystery, murders and incredible plot twists.
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A very welcome compilation of two of the best story-based games of recent years, that manage to transcend their anime presentation and apparent absurdity.
I previously told all Vita owners that they owed it to themselves to play the Danganronpa games. With the move to PS4, I urge the same of all console owners. It’s really exciting that non-Vita players are finally getting a chance to play this series with Danganronpa 1&2 Reload. Even having played them through multiple times before, I found that I couldn’t put the controller down as I experienced them again on PS4, and not just because of my review. Though they start off a little slow, the pace at which they begin to move is exceptionally thrilling, and you’ll find yourself drawn in until the very end, especially if it’s your first time through. My hope is that you’ll give in to the despair that is Danganronpa.
To the uninitiated to the wild world of Danganronpa, at the bargain price point only $39.99, there is really no excuse for any PS4 owner that isn't severely adverse to the idea of reading to not pick this up. This collection features some of the most exciting and mind-bending adventures I've had the pleasure of reading, and it remains just as it was three years ago, highly recommended.
With its strong artistic direction and the captivating story, Danganronpa 1·2 Reload is a must have for fans of visual novels and detective stories. The only problem - and the only reason why you shouldn't play it - is that it's a collection of games developed for portable consoles: if you own a PS Vita, you'll probably have already in your collection.
Review in Italian | Read full review
One part Persona, one part Ace Attorney, and one part Battle Royale, Trigger Happy Havoc and Goodbye Despair are two of the very best murder mystery titles available for PS4 right now, together in one pack. While the games may move just a tad too slowly for some players, those willing to take a chance on a visual novel with a difference will find Danganronpa to be a fascinating, multi-faceted, frequently surprising story that's among the most compelling on the market, full of engaging characters, anarchic humour, and jaw-dropping twists.
Two of the greatest visual novels of the last ten years are collected in Danganronpa 1&2 Reloaded, a rich remastered edition released on PS4. An unmissable chance to discover the world of Danganronpa.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Danganronpa 1 & 2 are two excellent games, but this PS4 port is a lazy one. You should prefer buying the two separate games on Vita if you have one. If you don't though, then consider buying this PS4 collection and discover a wonderful Visual Novel series (the 3rd episode is coming soon !).
Review in French | Read full review
Throughout the 30+ hours I’ve poured into Danganronpa 1.2 Reload’s two games, I’ve discovered an absolute gem of a video game series that rewards players not with action-packed gameplay, but superbly-written, sinister tales that had me hooked from start to finish.
Essentially, Reloaded is the pair of games, bundled on PS4. The port's pretty solid — when you're playing, things are crisp, clear and look great in 1080p. Cutscenes don't fare as well, sometimes looking stretched and blurry. Still, those instances are hardly noticeable, as you're engrossed in Danganronpa's story by then.
Interesting combination of Persona and Ace Attorney, with a pinch of Joker character from Batman series. Two wonderful games which sadly brings nothing new in the PlayStation 4 version.
Review in Polish |
Full of elaborate puzzles and mysteries, Danganronpa 1.2 Reload brings two excellent visual novels to PlayStation 4 for a great price.
For the ones who don't own a Vita (and, unfortunately, there's a lot of them), Danganronpa 1-2 Reload is a great chance to experience two of the best visual novels around at a bargain price. But for the ones that already played them , this PS4 package doesn't bring anything new to the table.
Review in Italian | Read full review
For those who already owned both Danganronpa games in handheld or PC, this PS4 collection offers little-to-no additions, and becomes a case-by-case basis of whether it's worth dipping in again. For newcomers, this is a bargain price for two of the most memorable adventure games in years, featuring all sorts of stylized artwork and utterly insane twists and turns. It may be more of an extracurricular than a mandatory course, but this collection tour of despair is still worth enrolling in.
Danganronpa 1.2 Reload provides two fantastic visual novels for anyone who likes murder-mystery adventures. This is the best chance for PS4 owners to finally enter the mysterious world of Danganronpa
Review in Persian |
Danganronpa 1.2 Reload provides an excellent opportunity to get stuck into the series for anyone who missed it on the Vita.