Outlast II Reviews
Outlast 2 maybe is not the best game in the genre, but it still makes a great intense horror. Developer knows, how to correctly expand the series' universe and delivered slightly better game than the last one.
Review in Polish |
Outlast II is a marked improvement over the original Outlast in almost every way. It's still scary, yet utilises smarter designed scares to keep the tension high from beginning to end. The story is bound to be controversial, given the themes it tackles, but will easily demand and keep your attention from beginning to end. First person indie horror as a genre has lost its vision over the years, but Outlast II firmly stands tall as one of the best examples. It's absolutely terrifying and a staunch improvement over the original.
Gratuitous in lieu of sense, Outlast 2 is unpleasant. Fans may lap this up but, while technically competent, there's nothing here to truly enjoy.
Outlast 2 has a few solid horror moments, but undermines those scares with tedious gameplay.
If you're looking for terror, Outlast 2 is packing plenty of it. It's just too bad that its flow is too often halted by overly flexible game rules and hit or miss level design.
Forgiving a story that leans a bit too heavily on its forebears, Outlast 2 is an excellent horror game. It’s frightening, repulsive, and filled with the thrilling anxiety of the best games of its type. It does exactly what a sequel should. It delivers on all of the refinements and expansions you would expect to find three years from the original; and though its larger environments sometimes lead to repeated deaths, they also amplify the dread of being hunted. Outlast 2 made me uncomfortable, anxious, repulsed and frightened, and yet I couldn’t wait to see what it would deliver next. That’s a horror game done right.
Outlast 2 investigates human perversion from the point of view of a pseudo-religion and its most obscene drifts. It keeps the structure of the previous chapter and manages to satisfy hardcore horror lovers.
Review in Italian | Read full review
I loved Outlast 2 when it first came out, but I can't deny that dying repeatedly until I worked out where I needed to go in some areas annoyed me a little. With those annoyances heavily reduced, the game really does shine even brighter.
The squeamish and the easily offended need not apply.
The story on offer is fantastic and any fan of horror would be kicking themselves if they didn’t try out the gritty and thrilling experience that is found within Outlast 2.
Outlast 2's highs are monolithic, but it spends the majority of its time thoroughly rooted in being just pretty good. That being said the Switch version is an excellent port on a technical level. Outlast 2 is without a doubt one of the best looking horror titles currently available on Switch, if not the most inventive.
Outlast 2 does not quite reach even the average moments of the first game. However, what saves this is Red Barrels' talented artists and voice actors. [Albert Lichi separately reviewed the PS4 (5) and Switch (6) versions. The scores have been averaged]
Outlast 2 is technically amazing and is very scary. But it is also too linear, repetitive and too much focused on jump-scares and trial and error. If you are looking to get a little scared, Outlast 2 might be satisfying, but if you are looking for a complete horror experience, there are far better options available on the market.
Review in Persian | Read full review
Outlast II is a very good game.
Without any exaggeration Outlast II is one of the best horror games that you will experience. The story of the game is really good and there is always a sense of horror and stress in the whole game. Audio and Visual wise the game is really good but Outlast II suffers from gameplay issues specially in chasing scenes. These parts doesn't have any excitement and they just exhaust you.
Review in Persian | Read full review
While it's not as groundbreaking and game changer as its predecessor, Outlast 2's atmosphere and the story it tells makes it one of the greatest horror games ever made. You shouldn't miss it, if you can stomach some of its heavy themes.
Review in Turkish | Read full review
"...I had to decide if I wanted to continue on for this review or come out with a DNF and go watch some cartoons to soothe my tortured soul. Seriously, Outlast 2 has some of the scariest moments you’ll find in a video game."
Outlast 2 isn't the best, but it's still scary. Its story isn't brilliant but there are thought provoking moments. There's no characterization to it except for the protagonist but the polished visuals and sound makes you respect it. So all in all if you love horror at its terrifying peak, don't miss Outlast 2
Review in Persian |
We wanted to see some development of Outlast's ideas in its sequel. Unfortunately, Red Barrels offers us almost the same experience as four years ago. In some ways the original game was even stronger. Still, Outlast 2 is a good horror, and there are a few moments which can scare you to death.
Review in Russian | Read full review
This is an alluring and spooky game along with macabre and horrific atmosphere which shatters your peace. Red Barrels studio not only succeeded in taking new steps in survival horror genre using open spaces and exciting and puzzling escapes but also they are so successful in creating sinister and lethal zones that must be used as a unique benchmark for the movie industry.
Review in Persian | Read full review