Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age Reviews

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is ranked in the 95th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
May 25, 2019

If you did enjoy it and have forgotten most of what happened, or have never played the game at all and want to experience the Final Fantasy series transition from old school games to the newer mechanics that have been introduced in FFXIII and FFXV, then picking up Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is a great choice.

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9 / 10
May 2, 2019

Final Fantasy XII is a welcome departure from the lacklustre Nintendo Switch ports of past Final Fantasy games. There's enough in way of gameplay changes to justify picking it up while the story remains as good as ever. If you own a Nintendo Switch, this is one Final Fantasy game you have to play.

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David Lovato
Top Critic
6 / 10
Sep 23, 2018

Final Fantasy XII is a good game that broke a lot of ground upon release, as an RPG, as a work of fantasy, and as a Final Fantasy entry. With that said, The Zodiac Age feels like a bare-minimum up-port, with little besides the textures being improved.

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8.5 / 10.0
May 29, 2018

As a game, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is quite good if you're open to changing up a long-established formula.

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Simon Brown
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Feb 27, 2018

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is an extremely solid and polished remaster of the most unusual mainline entry. If you've never played FFXII this is the best way to give it a go and if you are a veteran, having the changes from the previously Japan only IZJS version give you another reason to revisit Ivalice.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 23, 2017

Overall, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is mostly a triumph. The few issues that do exist aren't enough to detract from the overall quality of the underlying game, and most of the updates, upgrades and tweaks really work in the game's favor. For too long, Square Enix has let one of their most compelling and ambitious games languish while lesser titles received multiple and unnecessary re-releases.

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10 / 10.0
Jul 25, 2017

Final Fantasy XII is a rearest example of the timeless classic. After 10 years it is still one of the best jRPG ever created and the best, most innovative and mature chapter in the long running series. Ivalice, we missed you so much.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jul 20, 2017

All in all, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is a top-notch port. It won't make you rethink the game if you didn't enjoy it in the first place, but the majority of the improvements do a lot to elevate the game. The updated gameplay and visuals make the experience more fun. Only a few nagging flaws, most of which are a legacy of the original game, decrease the enjoyment a bit, but they won't sour the game for JRPG aficionados.

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Drew Hurley
Top Critic
8 / 10
Jul 21, 2017

A long-forgotten joy that deserves to stand side by side with the best of the franchise. There are so many great elements that all combine for such a special experience. The soundtrack from Hitoshi Sakimoto is filled with such a wide variety of tracks, ranging from grand orchestral themes, like the self-titled "Final Fantasy" to the light cheerful tones played throughout towns and some fantastic battle music. All of these sound even better here, reworked with 7.1 surround sound. The models and designs look stunning. The story falters, but still tells a gripping tale. Most importantly, however, the gameplay is ridiculously addictive, with the quality of life enhancements addressing most of the problems with the original. A must-buy for both those who played the PS2 version and those who missed it. Fantastic.

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9 / 10
Jul 23, 2017

A divisive entry that revolutionized a lot and was ahead of its time, and this enhanced version is a must try now more than ever.

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Gamers Heroes
Johnny Hurricane
Top Critic
8 / 10
Jul 20, 2017

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age shows what remasters should be all about. The improved visuals and audio, along with the tweaks made to the gameplay, make the game much more enjoyable. Any fan of Final Fantasy or JRPGs in general can't go wrong with this title.

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Jul 19, 2017

The definitive way to play Final Fantasy XII.

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9 / 10
Jul 13, 2017

The Zodiac Age basically takes many of the issues with the original Final Fantasy XII and presents a polished perfect version of them. It is also the first time we can play the International Zodiac Job System version of Final Fantasy XII.

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Staff LevelUp
Top Critic
8.7 / 10.0
Jul 10, 2017

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is much more than just a paint job trying to make a 2006 game look good, it's so much more than that. If you loved the original game you will fall in love with this one. If you didn't have a chance to play it back then and love RPGs or Final Fantasy, don't wait and grab a copy, you wont be disappointed.

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Jul 10, 2017

Final Fantasy XII's willingness to be different and innovative has left it feeling every bit as modern and poignant now as any new JRPG on the market, and it remains my favourite game within a series that I hold very precious to me.

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95 / 100
Jul 10, 2017

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is a well deserved remaster of one of the best, yet most underrated, RPGs of all time. If its original release at the end of the PS2 life cycle/beginning of the PS3 era made it fly under the radar of many, this is the perfect opportunity to experience a game that, even a decade after its original release, aged incredibly well and surpass, with flying colors, many of the games released in the past few years.

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9 / 10
Jul 10, 2017

Whether you're a long-time fan of Final Fantasy XII or a total newcomer, The Zodiac Age marks a triumphant and memorable return to Ivalice.

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Jul 10, 2017

The Zodiac Age takes what was originally a mediocre game and makes it one of the best gameplay-oriented entries to the series.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Aug 26, 2019

On a scale of best to worst Final Fantasy titles, XII sits somewhere in the middle. It exists in a bland limbo of mediocrity. The best qualities lie in its art direction, music and animation. Being able to play with a high speed mode truly illustrates just how slow and tedious the combat actually is and by circumventing it entirely, a huge portion of the experience is compromised but also the overall product is made more enjoyable.

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10 / 10.0
May 24, 2019

The Spring of 2019 has been a wonderful stroll down memory lane of Square Enix glory, and Final Fantasy XII is the high note it ends on. Featuring every quality-of-life improvement to date, and the ability to play in handheld or on a television at a moment's notice, it's an easy decision to call the Switch version the definitive experience. Final Fantasy XII may end up being the best of the franchise on Switch, but with so many titles still available, hopefully it won't be the last.

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