Pyre Reviews

Pyre is ranked in the 93rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.5 / 10.0
Aug 23, 2017

Pyre gives SuperGiant games the hat trick on indie excellence. While it lacks the simple perfection of Bastion in favor of a more complex and convoluted set of mechanics, it nonetheless executes everything masterfully. A few nagging complaints here and there don't change the fact that the game is just a delight. The characters, gameplay and story come together wonderfully and are augmented by beautiful visuals and a fantastic soundtrack. When the worst you can say is that the game overstays its welcome a little, you know you have something good on your hands. Fans of SuperGiant's stuff or indie games in general should consider Pyre a must-buy.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Aug 13, 2017

Everything about Pyre is simply just good but it's not as good as supergiant's other games. Pyre is worse than Transistor in everything although this doesn't mean that Pyre is bad but when you compare it to something like Transistor it doesn't have a chance. So far, Pyre is still the best indie game of the year for me and it has achieved a lot but it's not THE best game of super giant. I hope to hear from their new games soon. Maybe this time they release their masterpiece.

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8 / 10
Aug 10, 2017

Pyre gameplay is quite unique and easy to get used to, it also offer amazing soundtrack along with memorable story

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Milad Deh Dashti
Top Critic
8 / 10
Jul 30, 2017

Pyre might be slow, dull and focused too much on storytelling at some points, but it's also a unique and fresh take on Action RPG genre with wonderful storytelling and top-notch art design. If you are an Action RPG fan, play it.

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9 / 10.0
Aug 4, 2017

Pyre is one of the most innovative games of our time, combining seemingly incongruous elements: visual novel and fast-paced team sport. This combination, of course, will not work for everyone, but even if these ingredients caused indigestion, you will still fall in love with story. A story which brings out the feeling of sweet sadness, like when you finish a wonderful book, and leave your new friends behind. A story where victories can be bitter, and defeats can be bright. A story that can be told each time in a new way.

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90 / 100
Aug 3, 2017

Pyre is one of those games that gradually captivates you, and in the end leaves you dazzled by the quality of the experience that is offered. Like the incredible universe created by Supergiant, the game slowly opens its doors to great characters, sublime levels of production and creative and distinct gameplay. Pyre is definitely an example of creativity and love of its developers.

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78 / 100
Jul 24, 2017

Pyre definitely suffers from structural issues, and doesn't solidify into a truly great experience until its later half, but on the whole it's another fascinating entry from Supergiant Games - and that second half is worth it. Somewhat flawed, but recommended nonetheless.

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9 / 10
Jul 24, 2017

Simply describing Pyre‘s spectacularly outlandish battle system doesn't do it justice… Pair that with a wonderful cast of characters, a riveting story, and enthralling music and visuals, and you have nothing short of a compelling game that demands your time and attention.

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Nov 29, 2018

Pyre is a wonderful experience. The story is captivating and the characters are full of charm and depth. It’s a pleasure to become invested in their tales and natural to come to care for them throughout their struggles. I would have appreciated more detail, though, for both story and characters, as I feel there is too much that is glossed over or never properly developed. The gameplay, while not revolutionary and somewhat tangent to the visual novel style of narrative, is still clever and fun, especially with the variety the characters can bring to your strategy. The visuals are simply incredible, yet I feel the soundtrack wasn’t quite up to the same levels as Transistor or Bastion. Regardless of its shortcomings, Pyre delivers in enjoyment. With my reading speed, conducting practice Rites, and my just taking in the atmosphere, my first playthrough took about 10 hours. That does not include subsequent playthroughs and discovering all of the individual and paired endings the game offers. Although I’m giving this a 3.5/5, it only just misses the 4/5 mark. With its intrigue and originality, Pyre is definitely a game that delivers enjoyment and is unquestionably worth playing.

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Aug 12, 2017

Pyre is a magnificently crafted game. Its captivating story and charming characters will weigh on your mind hours after you've made a potentially game-altering decision.

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9 / 10
Aug 2, 2017

Pyre completely blew my expectation out of the water as I was not prepared to be so emotionally invested in all of these characters and letting go was even harder. I don’t have any complaints for this game and I can’t wait to start a second playthrough. If you liked Bastion or Transistor then please do yourself a favor and check this one out. It is arguably the best one of those three.

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9 / 10.0
Aug 30, 2017

Overall, Pyre is another home run delivered by Supergiant games. It’s a game full of mystery, waiting to be uncovered and revealed, while containing a strategic sports game that has huge stakes on the line. The only other criminals, besides the characters in the game, is anybody who decides to skip out on this masterpiece.

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5 / 5.0
Aug 5, 2017

Pyre’s storytelling, fantasy-sports action RPG combat, grand sense of journeymanship and exquisite soundtrack all harmonize into a classical fable of a game that begs replays upon completion. I saved the Moonstruck girl with no name first of all, and saw the effect her absence left on each and every exile thereafter. Next time through, she’s going to stick around until the bitter end. Pyre is a thousand-stranded story. It ends in essentially the same place no matter what, but it hits the mark a lot of choice-based games miss. It’s not about the destination. It’s about the journey.

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93 / 100
Aug 11, 2017

Set in a desolate land called the Downside, Pyre’s shining achievement is in how it makes the player feel weary from loss and the journey, while remaining compelling throughout. The latest game from indie developer Supergiant, Pyre continues the company’s stellar track record in creating an engaging story, and marrying that story to gameplay. This is also a very different experience compared to Transistor and Bastion.

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Jul 28, 2017
Pyre - Logic Review video thumbnail
Aug 7, 2017

So, end of day, is Pyre for you? If you like fun, unique games with solid challenge, then yes. If you like your story to be more subtle, then yes. If you love gorgeous art and a stunning soundtrack, then yes. It is an excellent experience, and one that only gets better the further along you get.

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Aug 3, 2017

Pyre is a (Super)giant waste of time, energy, and money featuring gameplay so irrevocably interwoven into trends of its time that history is unlikely to treat it as kindly as Bastion and Transistor.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 3, 2017

Pyre is a brilliant game with a fantastic story and world building, beautiful visuals, an excellent soundtrack, and fun, clever combat and progression. Supergiant Games continues to impress.

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8.8 / 10.0
Aug 1, 2017

Supergiant Games delivers another unique, memorable title with Pyre. It manages to work on two totally separate levels, presenting a beautifully drawn fantasy virtual novel and a surprisingly complex twist on the classic game of football. Its story can be a little slow and a little bizarre, but it ends up having a lot of charm, and its core game is likely to become a local multiplayer classic

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