The Evil Within 2 Reviews
Speaking of annoying, the movement and combat in The Evil Within 2 are largely a source of frustration.
The Evil Within 2 is a great addition to the survival horror genre. It improves in a lot of aspects from its predecessor, but also makes some sacrifices that made the original so memorable from a horror standpoint. The Evil Within 2 is a damn good game and any fan of the genre should give it a shot.
The Evil Within 2 has fine-tuned its solid mechanical base and visuals, and even crafted some big improvements to areas such as exploration and character direction. Yet it lacks creativity and diversity with its level design and bosses. The game may be more presentable and refined than its predecessor, but it's also lost some substance in the process.
The Evil Within 2 is a game that wants to be a few different things: survival horror, mind-bending surrealism, action-adventure, and open-world exploration. It sounds like an unwieldy mix, but against the odds the game seems to hold it all together
The Evil Within 2 get so much right that it's predecessor got wrong, and it's actually a great game on top of that. The initial chapters of the game start off slow, but then once things get rolling, this game is really hard to put down.
The Evil Within 2 is a shining example of how to expand your game world while still having it remain a focused experience. Minor bugs cannot hinder what is ultimately a bloody (pun intended) good time.
Its characters aren't much chop, but The Evil Within 2 coughs up some gruesome enemies and scares, while mostly justifying its shift to an open world design.
The Evil Within 2 is a title that, despite the drawbacks, offers everything it promises: Terror, action and a good story. In conclusion, a Survival Horror worthy of a high budget production.
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At its core, The Evil Within 2 is still a survival horror experience, a modern take on the time-honoured suspense of having only one round but two deranged enemies lurching towards you.
If it's possible to preserve a sense of tension and genuine horror in an open-world setting, The Evil Within 2 hasn't discovered how. In an attempt to introduce a more contemporary gameplay style than that of Shinji Mikami's classics, this game ends up diluting its best qualities by filling your time with tedious milling about and resource-gathering.
The Evil Within 2 returns with a world more open to exploration plus plenty of extra polish to the familiar Resident Evil formula. Admittedly, the familiar gameplay might give veterans of the genre a been-there, done-that feeling. The addition of more open-world elements, however, improves on the old RE-style approach and the third-person perspective will be welcome to folks who didn't quite like Resident Evil 7's first-person switch. If you love the first game or Shinji Mikami's Resident Evil titles, this is worth taking a stab at the old bathtub once more, pun so totally intended.
Excellently playable survival horror, that combines his fascinating (linear) action with an open world.
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When compared to other games in the horror genre, The Evil Within 2 seems a few steps behind its contemporaries, both in terms of storytelling and execution. However, what it lacks in genuine scares and creepiness it makes up for in atmosphere and gore, especially during the final chapters.
Its is said that sequels are usually the best games in a series and we can say that with The Evil Within II that happened. With a new world to explore in a non linear gameplay, detective Sebastian Castellanos is ready to fight in a new nightmare in order to save his beloved daughter. Survival Horror fans must try the new game.
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There's no mystery to Union, which is grounded in exactly the way that the Beacon Mental Hospital was not.
The Evil Within improves the game mechanics by adding the exploration of a few open zones. A very good game for horror fans !
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The Evil Within 2 improves on the sequel in every way, while retaining the core of what made the first one special. Better gameplay, better story, and more options make this an all around excellent survival horror experience.
Since nobody really expected "The Evil Within" to get a sequel, expectations for "The Evil Within 2" were basically nonexistent. It was up to Tango Gameworks to show us why we should want this sequel, and they have accomplished this. It succeeds where the previous game failed, while adding more to the formula that could win over those who didn't care for the first game. For those looking for something creepy this October, or for those who want to give the series a second look, "The Evil Within 2" is worth your time.
As it stands, The Evil Within 2 is held back by a forgettable story and annoying AI issues that would probably put a serious damper on your gameplay experience if you were playing on Nightmare difficulty. And yet, it also does exactly what a horror game should do, and it does it well.