Warriors All-Stars Reviews

Warriors All-Stars is ranked in the 44th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
5 / 10
Sep 26, 2017

Musou Stars gives you a lot of fan service, but lacks a lot of content, and have some gameplay issues.

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3.5 / 5.0
Aug 29, 2017

Warriors All-Stars sticks with the formula it knows best, and that works. For players looking to dive into a lengthy game with nothing but that satisfying punchy feel of the hack-and-slash combat, this is absolutely perfect.

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RPG Site
Top Critic
7 / 10
Sep 23, 2017

A gratifying love letter to fans that appeals mostly to those who also enjoy the Dynasty Warriors series.

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70 / 100
Oct 14, 2017

While Warriors All-Stars isn't the best crossover, it's great for fans of Koei-Tecmo. With a lovely cast of characters and a whole lot of content to unlock, it's a good way to pass the time until Dynasty Warriors 9. Just be prepared to go through the motions more than you'd like to.

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8 / 10
Sep 8, 2017

The game rehashes several locations/areas from other Warriors titles, as is usual with these combination games. Most of the game looks great and plays well, but I'm not sure I fully understand some of the crazier elements to the game. Koei Tecmo has been putting many extras into their games in recent years, but some of the ones in this feel too tacked on, too forced. The core gameplay is still fun, and the goofy story is attractive, plus the ability to pick your battles across a large map, but I don't need a billion little things to worry about. One of the attractions of Warriors is the ability to just go hack and slash hundreds of enemies. Now that I've got an option of which character I want from whichever franchise, I'd prefer to not have all of the excess baggage with it. That being said, the game is still solid and fun experience for those who enjoy Warriors.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 8, 2017

Interesting friendships between varied characters from multiple games, a fun combat system with some welcome additions, and that same soldier stomping fun make Warriors All Stars a solid Musou game.

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Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Aug 31, 2017

Twelve heroes from Koei Tecmo games are back in action. Once more become your favourite character and prove there is no match for you on the battlefield. If only the story was any better…

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William Gallon
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Sep 1, 2017

Warriors All-Stars adds a few fun new additions to the series, but ultimately falls short at making itself stand out for any reason other than the cast. It allows many of Koei Tecmo’s stars from multiple games to meet up and cause massive amounts of mayhem in the name of good, but adds no interesting mechanics or hooks outside of continuing to provide a great Musou experience.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 4, 2017

Warriors All-Stars is a dress rehersal. It's a great party with many special guests, waiting for the upcoming Dynasty Warriors 9. It mantains the funny and the canonic gameplay of the series, and it also features good ideas that try to deep the experience, in a manner similar to RPG. Is it is now, the game is a very good example of fanservice, but it also may represent a good starting point for newcomers.

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Sep 1, 2017

Warriors All-Stars has quickly become my favourite Warriors game of recent times.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 28, 2017

Your reaction to Warriors All-Stars will depend on how big of a Musou fan you are. If you're a hardcore fan of the series and have played through many of the main entries and a number of the side titles, then you may be fine with renting this one or getting it when it's cheaper. The crossover appeal and the new mechanics are very nice, but the lack of modes can make this feel incomplete. If you're a more casual fan or new to the series, this is much easier to recommend, as it's a good introduction to past games and prepares you for the changes in the upcoming ninth game in the main series.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 7, 2017

Warriors All Stars does a fair job of being more than just a tie-in, and brings some genuine innovation to the table. If you ignore the trope-filled storyline and strange setting, it functions as a great stop-gap before the larger release of Dynasty Warriors 9 or as a meaty hack ‘n' slash to get into in short bursts.

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90 / 100
Sep 11, 2017

Warriors All-Stars is a love letter to Koei Tecmo and Omega Force written in the best way possible: an intense and fun action game, with exaggerated combat and great balance between comedy and drama. The lack of content and multiplayer holds it back a little, but it is undeniable the care and passion behind it.

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Gamers Heroes
Top Critic
6 / 10
Sep 6, 2017

I, for one, probably belong in the middle of these two relationships. I can't say I was displeased, but I also can't say I was smitten.

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7 / 10
Sep 12, 2017

PSN Price (PlayStation 4): $59.99

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8 / 10
Aug 29, 2017

Warriors All-Stars is one of the better efforts from Koei Tecmo with a whole lot of content to play in the game. However the quality of this content is debatable but if you are a fan of the various Koei Tecmo franchise, you might find the appeal in it.

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Az Elias
Top Critic
6 / 10
Aug 29, 2017

Knowing that Warriors All-Stars is only really going to appeal to Warriors fans, this is definitely a let-down when it comes to being a celebration of some of the best characters and franchises Koei Tecmo has to offer. There just aren't enough characters, the story is the only mode available, and it is pointlessly confusing in its explanation of reaching particular missions and endings. On the other end of the spectrum, though, the gameplay is some of the flashiest and fastest there is, with plenty of variety in move sets across the roster. There will be enough here when it comes to working through the endings for characters that appeal to the individual, but the lacking long term appeal and frustration involved in redoing missions to unlock the same allies and reach previous paths again hurts it.

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Aug 29, 2017

Fans won't want to miss it.

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Aug 29, 2017

Warriors All-Stars is a delight.

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7.7 / 10.0
Sep 10, 2017

With an enjoyable take on the Musou formula and boasting a fantastic cast of both mainstream and obscure Koei Tecmo characters, Warriors All-Stars is sure to delight a variety of fans and perhaps recruit a few new ones in the process.

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