Floor Kids Reviews

Floor Kids is ranked in the 60th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10.0
Jan 10, 2018

Simplistic controls and formulaic song layouts lead to repetitive gameplay, but Floor Kids still delivers unique fun in the rhythm/music space

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4 / 5.0
Dec 19, 2017

Floor Kids is, at its core, Tony Hawk-style action where the beat is the rail and the dance moves string together into one long trick.

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9 / 10
Dec 17, 2017

Dizzyingly stylish and crazy fun, Floor Kids is an absolute joy. Its DIY-dancing gameplay grants players a freedom seldom seem in rhythm games, and that gamble completely pays off; instead of tapping along to the beat, you're tapping into a sense of flow, creativity and fun to make your own moves, and that's both immensely satisfying and wholly unique. Whether you're a wannabe breaker or a music game guru looking to dance to a different drum, Floor Kids is a killer cut.

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6.5 / 10.0
Dec 19, 2017

Floor Kids for Nintendo Switch is not without its faults, thanks to gameplay that puts a little too much faith into in-game exploration. However, it shouldn't be lost in everything else that Floor Kids has to offer, namely a distinguished art style, a fresh take on a genre, and beats to mash it up. If you are a fan of passion projects, Floor Kids is going to be right up your alley.

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8 / 10
Dec 6, 2018

Floor Kids brings freeform fun to the dance rhythm action genre, successfully delivering on a unique gameplay system that provides the player with freedom and the opportunity to improvise. The restrictive chorus sections disappoint and the game is all over rather quickly, but whilst it lasts Floor Kids is definitely a ninja floating nut cracker.

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7 / 10
Nov 20, 2018

Floor Kids isn't a game that's going to eat up a lot of time. The novelty can wear out quickly, even with the game's dozens of fresh tracks. But the multiplayer is enough of a fun diversion that it's worth trotting out on occasion with your significant other, roommate, or close acquaintance. It's a solid effort, one bolstered by its unique art style and its desire to dare to be a little different.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
8 / 10
Jan 9, 2018

An inventive and fun rhythm action game that keeps the genre alive through the unlikely medium of breakdancing.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 28, 2017

Ultimately, what we're left with is a somewhat flawed, yet enjoyable experience. It may lack in the variety and depth departments, but it manages to make up for its faults by offering up an absurdly stylish, good time. It may not be perfect, but it's a very well executed idea. It's boldly different, and it left me excited for what might come next.

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6 / 10
Nov 27, 2018

Floor Kids is a stylish and fun breakdancing title, with an intuitive control scheme and unique look and feel. There's a good chance you'll enjoy its scribbly presentation and Kid Koala's tracks, but the game unfortunately comes apart after a few hours of play. With no real increase in challenge, repetitive music, and lack of variety in the cast of characters, there's little reason to keep playing once you get to grips with it. There's plenty to like here, but there's just not quite enough of a game here to keep most engaged in its fun, freeform gameplay.

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87 / 100
Dec 17, 2017

Floor Kids is a laid back and fun music rhythm game that is hiding a deep and competitive layer that is hard to put down

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7 / 10
Feb 17, 2018

Floor Kids has what a good rhythm game should have: a good gameplay mechanic, with fluid action and a soundtrack that fits perfectly with the game. Pity that its visual environment and art style are completely out of touch with the rest of the game and look very much sub par in what is, otherwise, an enjoyable experience.

Review in Portuguese |

Top Critic
5.5 / 10.0
May 20, 2018

Floor Kids is a fun and fresh rhythm game. It is extremely easy to play and looks great. Unfortunately, it has not enough content for its price.

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7.5 / 10.0
May 20, 2018

Floor Kids has an unique gameplay and art style, it is different from the other rhythm games but it ends exactly when it'is about to take off.

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4 / 5.0
Dec 12, 2017

Floor kids is the type of game you just don't want to put down. Every aspect of the game, from the fantastic animation and art design to the incredibly catchy dance tracks, has a gorgeous undeniable charm that is immediately affecting.

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Dec 19, 2017

The Switch's library of games goes from strength to strength, but Floor Kids stands out for all the right reasons. There's nothing else quite like it on Switch - in terms of presentation nor gameplay.

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Dec 13, 2018

Floor Kids on Xbox One has been carefully and lovingly crafted, seems to contain no bugs or glitches, and shows great potential both in conception and execution

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8 / 10
Dec 3, 2018

Floor Kids is a truly fun and solid game to play, with some of the most original visuals around and an incredible soundtrack. If you're good at that kind of game though, you might find the $20 price to be a bit stiff considering you're getting around 3-4 hours of gameplay to get through all the songs. If you're into bboy stuff, turntablism or rhythm games, it's definitely one to play

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8 / 10.0
Jan 12, 2018

Floor Kids is a must play for anyone with even a passing interest in hip-hop or rhythm games. Its unique spin on rhythm gameplay does impose some limitations, but the core gameplay loop, stunning art design, and irresistible soundtrack make for non-stop fun.

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Top Critic
5 / 10
Jan 1, 2018

Floor Kids starts as a breath of fresh air for the rhythm genre, and a blessing for those who wanted a break-dancing title on Nintendo Switch, which, for people's information, is not really such an abundant group. It feels and looks quite good… but that's all there is to say about it, as its replay value is so low that it's impossible to recommend it to anyone but unique indie game aficionados.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 9, 2017

Outside of some convoluted details and a somewhat shorter length, this is a very rad rhythm game that stands out amongst others because of its gorgeous artwork and inventive take on breakdancing gameplay.

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