Darksiders III Reviews

Darksiders III is ranked in the 37th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4 / 10.0
Nov 27, 2018

Darksiders 3 has heart, but a lot of the organs around it are failing, detracting from the experience. So much has been stripped away from the other Darksiders games, making it far too easy to stare at the flaws.

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Nov 27, 2018

In ways, Darksiders III founds its identity with Fury, a more mature and interesting character. Sadly, everything else falls short of what you expect from a Darksiders title.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 4, 2018

Darksiders III is a welcome surprise in today's gaming landscape. Its focus on tight action gameplay and excellent world design over massive maps or branching narrative paths feels refreshing, and were it not for some annoying camera issues, Fury's tale could easily be the best in the series.

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3.8 / 5.0
Nov 29, 2018

Overall for me this is just a little bit too run of the mill for me to recommend it to everyone, if you like a challenge along with a lot of hacking & slashing, you’ll get something out of this, if you are short on patience then I’d say not for you.

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6.5 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2018

It's truly a shame because the parts where the storytelling really shines in this game are the parts most people won't ever see because of the technical issues that plague it.

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69 / 100
Nov 27, 2018

Darksiders 3 opted to strip itself down a bit when compared to what Darksiders 2 offered, but after spending time with it, the game’s relatively straightforward experience can grow on you if you’re into challenging games that don’t hold your hand. If you wanted more of what you got in the last game though, you will be let down, because this sequel leans more towards a Dark Souls-lite experience than a new Darksiders one.

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6.5 / 10.0
Nov 26, 2018

Am I still a massive fan of the Darksiders series and do I think Darksiders 3 is a worthy addition? My answer of course is yes, however, I’m more looking forward to Darksiders 4 to see if the developer learns from its mistakes. Perhaps next time they can spend a bit more money on Quality Assurance too.

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6 / 10
Nov 27, 2018

If Gunfire Games fix the technical issues with Darksiders 3 – and I sincerely hope they get that chance – this will then be the sequel that the series deserves. As of right now though, this game is showing far too many frayed edges, bugs and glitches that’ll be enough to make you Furious.

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6.5 / 10.0
Nov 27, 2018

Darksiders 3 feels like the weakest entry in the series to date, which makes it hard to recommend to anyone other than those looking to continue and complete the story of the Four Horsemen.

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60 / 100
Nov 27, 2018

Darksiders has been a fickle franchise. The first game faced polarizing reviews due to the bland gameplay and mediocre puzzles but its sequel improved on many of the previous games issues thanks to incredible boss fights and more fluid combat. Darksiders III takes a different route, attempting to change the meta of the entire franchise by implementing modifications that make Fury's adventure distinct from the previous games. Making Darksiders III much harder and more linear than previous entries that can be seen either detrimental or beneficial to the overall gameplay.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 26, 2018

Darksiders III [3] delivers a different set of core mechanics over the previous games, both for better and worse. The combat feels heavier and more precise as it takes on a more strategic approach over the button-mashing prequels, however, it comes at the expense of ramping up the difficulty in order to fit the mould. I found the game to be both frustrating and confusing, in terms of its combat and puzzles, to the point where I actually appreciate the fact the developers are making us think about what we're doing as we take our time in order to progress. Will Darksiders III be for everyone? Probably not. As of release, the game is buggy, contains glitches, employs the new combat style, and prefers small areas over big open-world ones. However, despite these points, I was captivated once I got to grips with the controls and found myself hooked onto both the story and the outcome of Fury's adventure down on Earth.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 26, 2018

Darksiders 3 is a solid next entry in the series with Fury being a strong lead providing charm and rage fueled will.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 25, 2018

Darksiders III is a promising sequel for Darksiders series. if we forget numerous problems of its story, a classic, challenging and enjoyable experience awaits us, and experience that can surely bring the sense of excitement to the fans of Hack and Slash genre.

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8.3 / 10.0
Nov 25, 2018

Darksiders III is a great hack-and-slash action title that feels a bit dated but still manages to offer a well-crafted experience. It’s not the best title in the series, but it gets serious points for its polish and its focus.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 25, 2018

Darksiders III is a breath of fresh air in the Darksiders franchise. The game bet on a more defiant combat and a interconnected world, similar to dark souls series, and the result is very well.

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74 / 100
Nov 26, 2018

Darksiders 3 is more difficult than previous games. Terrible checkpoint system and long loading times makes game troublesome. But soundtracks, combat system and bosses are great. You should give it a try.

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IGN Middle East
Nick Rego
Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Dec 4, 2018

Darksiders III is something that fans will appreciate, and for new players it’s a fun little distraction from the massive open-world games that feature hundreds of side quests and collectables. Its boss battles are the only memorable thing to appreciate, as the overall gameplay is too unforgiving to be enjoyed in this franchise, while the game’s various bugs really dampens the enjoyment level.

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