Elite: Dangerous Reviews

Elite: Dangerous is ranked in the 79th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10.0
Jul 4, 2017

Elite Dangerous is a massive, living game with plenty to see and do. Like a lot of sandbox, open-world games, you get out what you put in to the game. The various systems at play, including flight mechanics, are just complicated enough to be believable, while not hindering gameplay. It also helps that the game looks gorgeous, and runs solidly. While the online-required aspect may become an issue if the servers shut down years from now, in the meantime, Elite Dangerous could very well be a game that you play all through the summer, and then some. It's a game that all sci-fi fans must play.

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85 / 100
Oct 9, 2015

Frontier Developments have done a magnificent job of creating an affordable universe that is fun to play. With tons of game styles and the entirety of the Milky Way to explore, this one is truly for space sim buffs with one caveat – if you're feeling lost, we recommend you check out video tutorials online.

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Jan 4, 2015

[W]ithout doubt, Elite: Dangerous is a purchase that will provide inestimable value, delivering many hours of gameplay opportunities and experiences. Furthermore, this is a developing universe, with many planned updates and new features due over the coming months. It seems likely that the depth and scale of the experience is only going in one direction: to the stars.

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Oct 15, 2015

Elite: Dangerous is a unique game. It's given us a gigantic galaxy to explore of which it is nigh-on impossible to see the full extent. It's a classic space simulator through and through, to the point in which the controls and game mechanics can be hard to grasp. This in itself isn't a bad thing, but it won't appeal to everyone. Those who enjoy this genre of games will have a blast, but others will find it hard to fully enjoy. Only with a huge time investment will players get the full experience of the title, but with that comes a greater feel of reward. The powerplay and CQC aspects can be exciting, but they can be completely ignored. The servers have caused the game to have a rocky start on the Xbox One, but the developers are thankfully listening to the community and doing their best to fix the problems. Now that Elite: Dangerous is available to all, it is a good alternative to exploring the Milky Way galaxy in all its glory instead of training in real life to become a fully fledged astronaut, but be prepared before you suit up.

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7 / 10
Dec 16, 2014

A "launch" build with some features still in infancy, Elite: Dangerous nonetheless offers terrific space flight ambiance and trading progression befitting of the once-revolutionary series. In a few months time, this title could be outstanding.

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Drew Leachman
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Oct 15, 2015

Elite: Dangerous is a massive game. I can't even begin to talk about how many star systems there are in the game, and you can go to them all if you choose to do so. That statement is both what defines this game as well as holds it back, but it only does that for the first few hours. The lack of direction is its biggest gift and its biggest curse. It is up to the player and player-base to make the fun for themselves. This is one of the best space sim games I have ever played. It can be a scary game, but if you let yourself get into it and really dig in deep, you will begin to see just how brilliant this game can be, just like I did.

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82 / 100
Jan 4, 2015

There's definitely a strong core game principle here, and all my problems with it are ones that can be solved with some continued developer TLC. Flying your ship feels good, the galaxy accurately conveys an immense sense of scale, the use of real life stars and planets adds an amazing sense of wonder, and the trading and combat systems have strong cores. Overall, Elite: Dangerous is really cool, but mostly as a tease of what it could be. I genuinely hope the developers continue to support it as they have thus far, because this game is just a few more levels of progression away from being truly incredible.

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Jan 14, 2015

Everyone's experiences in Elite: Dangerous will be unique to them, and it only takes a couple of mesmerising ones to justify the early grind.

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8.8 / 10.0
Oct 8, 2015

An absolutely brilliant space sim that has no equal on the Xbox One. Despite the relative lack of "depth" and other small issues, Elite: Dangerous still manages to impress with a very dynamic, unique and incredible experience. For space sim fans, this will no doubt become a staple in this genre on console.

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8 / 10
Jul 7, 2017

With a legacy stretching way back in gaming history, the Elite series has always asked a lot of its commanders and Elite Dangerous is no different. With so many game systems packed into this gigantic space-sim, it's unsurprising that for new players the first small step can feel more like a giant leap. Even after getting over any initial frustrations, the frequently vexing mechanics will test your patience time and time again, but despite these issues there's a magic to Elite Dangerous that will keep you playing. Whether it's a close encounter with a white dwarf, an intense dogfight, or a just cruising between star systems, the freedom and opportunity laid across its billions of stars means that Elite Dangerous offers spectacular space-tourism all from the comfort of your sofa.

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72 / 100
Jul 3, 2017

Elite: Dangerous is a well crafted and complex space simulation in flight, combat, and a number of RPG elements such as resource management, questing, and upgrading gear. With real world science creating the games universe and some very nice graphics, the game's downfall comes from the overly complex controls used for flight, making the game difficult for newcomers who may be expecting a more user friendly experience.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jul 5, 2017

Minor shortcomings aside, Elite Dangerous delivers with aplomb on its promise of a massive galaxy for players to explore and write their own stories within. There are very few games on PS4 that will devour your social life as completely as Elite Dangerous.

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Will Greenwald
Top Critic
Jan 30, 2015

Elite: Dangerous is a fascinating exploration of space that will endlessly appeal to some players and thoroughly bore others.

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8.3 / 10.0
Jan 13, 2015

Can I go back to my spaceship now? There's a real sweet run I want to make….

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7 / 10
Jan 9, 2015

Elite: Dangerous is a beautiful arcade experience, plugged into an empty galaxy, one so big and bold that it might trick you into thinking there's more to see and do than there really is. You'll probably love it anyway.

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3.5 / 5.0
Nov 23, 2015

Elite Dangerous is a great representation of the space sim genre that will have fans tickled by its large galaxy, open world and solid combat. Admittedly, it isn't for everybody. The more measured pace will be boring for folks who want action all the time and the lack of guidance also will likely turn off newcomers. At the same time, if you love the genre and you're looking for something to sink your teeth into before Star Citizen comes out, this will definitely scratch that space sim itch.

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Oct 15, 2015

There's a really special game inside Elite: Dangerous for those that are willing to put up with the steep learning curve. If you're not though, it's too confusing of an experience.

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Nov 6, 2015

Frontier Developments proves that hardcore space sims can deliver on home consoles with the Xbox One version of Elite: Dangerous.

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Oct 16, 2015

On a technical level, it nearly pulls off the impossible task of dazzling on par with its predecessor.

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8.6 / 10.0
Jul 5, 2017

Elite Dangerous is more than a simple 'videogame': it's a mesmerizing space-simulation, which offers the player an incredible experience among the stars. The PS4 version preserves all the quality of the PC edition. It's almost a masterpiece.

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