LEGO The Incredibles Reviews
LEGO The Incredibles is exactly the kind of inoffensive and family-friendly action adventure fun you'd expect from a TT Games offering. You're better off watching the film before you buy as it'll ruin the plot without a second thought, but with its activity-filled sandbox and the usual mix of platforming and puzzle-solving, it's an ideal way to keep younger fans happy once they leave the cinema. You just can't help but shake the feeling this should have been a LEGO Dimensions level pack rather than a full-game.
With content from both movies, plus a tonne of extra stuff included in a fun open world, LEGO The Incredibles offers a great adventure for fans of both the Pixar franchise and LEGO games. For everyone else, it may show that the LEGO games are growing a bit tired.
With the shortest roster of LEGO games of last years, and based on a franchise wichs probably the less popular of all seen in Traveller's Tale games, this game works well only as a product for The Incredibles fans. The rest of us, will better wait for DC Villians to fill the gap.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
More competent than incredible, this middle-of-the-road tie-in replicates the films well enough but doesn't mesh with the Lego formula as well as some other properties.
Better or worse, an amusing game of the twenty years long LEGO series.
Review in Italian | Read full review
All in all, Lego The Incredibles is another fun and enjoyable entry in the well-established series, but it does seem to have been simplified to be even more accessible for younger players.
I enjoyed playing through the game, but felt some of the questionable decisions and creaking technology kept it from achieving its potential. It's quite good for a licensed product, and can be fun for a couple of kids to play together, or for a parent to play with their child. It just isn't anything special, and in a game all about being Incredible, that's kind of a letdown.
The Lego formula bring us one great family game, true to the Disney Pixar characters, full of details, and even better in local coop multiplayer. The Incredibles is a perfect game to share with your kids or younger siblings.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
The LEGO games have always been known for their little quirks, but when it comes to pushing a game out with a theater release, they're fairly sloppy. LEGO The Incredibles has all of the symptoms of a rushed game, but at least it doesn't have any game-breaking glitches. It's not a bad LEGO game, but it's nothing to write home about either. It's just incredibly okay, when it should just be incredible.
The bugs are annoying and the voice acting is just about as bad sometimes, but the open world crimefighting, Pixar cameos, and perfect pairing of these two brands makes LEGO The Incredibles a fun family game, even if it's not quite super.
Compared with other Lego film tie-ins, this game feels slightly B movie – but with teamwork and other added Pixar characters, there's enough to engage your inner crimefighter
The Parr Family gets the LEGO treatment but it doesn't capture the same magic as the movie.
LEGO The Incredibles is a boring game with a nice graphics made just for fans of The Incredibles universe. If you a not a big fan, than you can safely pass by.
Review in Russian | Read full review
LEGO The Incredibles 2 isn't the best platformer, or even the best LEGO game, but for younger gamers, big Pixar fans and those just wanting more from The Incredibles, it's a decent choice, by no means essential for anyone, but absolutely packed with a good few hours of fun with family members.
With the ups and downs of the many licensed LEGO titles having been well documented by now, you'll know exactly what you're getting with LEGO The Incredibles. Even knowing full well you'll be contending with dodgy controls, and occasionally repetitive gameplay, you'll somehow find yourself propelled through the story by an overwhelming compulsion to pick up literally millions of studs along the way. Even stretching The Incredibles source material close to breaking point doesn't put too much of a dampener on your time with the Parr family, and while it doesn't come close the best the LEGO games have offered over the years, there's just enough here to make you reach for your super suit.
Lego The Incredibles simply does not meet up to the expectations its predecessors have set.
Based on the two movies of the Incredibles line, the Nintendo Switch is getting a game that features LEGO's and Disney's signature audiovisual quality, a fun, open world to explore with plenty of unlockable content, and an interesting plot full of humorous elements. If its loading times were shorter and there were less technical flaws on its execution, as well as a more involving combat system, then LEGO The Incedibles would be an instant classic, rather than just falling short of it.
Review in Portuguese |
Those familiar with the LEGO franchise won't be disoriented. LEGO The Incredibles is a fun game to explore and controlling the Pixar characters each with their own abilities can be really enjoyable. Alas, the game is not very challenging, especially when it comes to fight several minions by simply press the same button, and the main adventure is quite short.
Review in French | Read full review
While almost every LEGO game has included some sort of new mechanic to differentiate itself in some way, LEGO The Incredibles just feels like it's going through the motions. The formula is wearing mighty thin, and is the least inventive, most unexciting LEGO game in ages. Still, it's a decent kid's game, with plenty of family-friendly fun to be had.
Wer keine großen Innovationen erhofft, bekommt ein gewohnt actionreiches und unterhaltsames Abenteuer für die ganze Familie.
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