Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales Reviews
The characters are layered and sympathetic; the twisting, turning plotline engaging; and the moral dilemmas fascinating in their unintended consequences.
You can play a Gwent game, written as an amazing The Witcher tale, wherever you want on your Nintendo Switch. There is literally nothing more you should ask.
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The console version stands up to its PC counterpart
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As to why or how, again, perhaps this is due to the nature of GWENT and trying to balance difficulty once the sheer variety and number of competing strategies and decks come into play. Whatever the reasons though no doubt it comes from creating an RPG story-driven game unlike anything else out there. One that features one of the best interactive bits of fiction this side of The Witcher III – with a flawed, interesting, and awe-inspiring protagonist in the form of Meve. No doubt, we can't wait to check out the next Witcher Tale.
The Thronebreaker is not just an expansion pack of Gwent, but also a brand new RPG in Witcher world. Although some cards might be overpower, the overall impression of this game is magnificent. It is a great present to all Witcher fans.
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Thronebreaker is a great way to learn how to play Gwent for beginners, but it will leave veteran Gwent players completely unchallenged even on the hardest difficulty.
Gamers everywhere should give the royal treatment to Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales. It is a stunning display of storytelling that rarely stumbles throughout a 25-hour runtime. While bogged down by the stiff card-playing, the easy mode can turn Thronebreaker into one of the best visual novels around. With 30 endings and an arresting art style, this is one utterly unmissable tale.
It may not be a terrific port, but Thronebreaker is a wildly addictive and relentlessly entertaining RPG-lite. The version of Gwent herein is the most fully realised to date, taking the core mechanics of previous versions and refining them into a malleable card game with endless potential. A beautifully written story and compelling characters make this a must-play for fans of The Witcher.
With Thronebreaker, CD Projekt Red has succeeded in making a fun, single-player experience about a simplified card game. It's a polished, story-driven experience that has a lot going for it. It's not a masterpiece, and there are some minor gripes, such as the difficulty (or lack thereof) and the absence of meaningful decision-making, but it is still an incredibly entertaining game. If you're into The Witcher and on the lookout for another story in the same universe, you can't go wrong with Thronebreaker.
To really get the most out of it, you'll want to be a fan of Gwent, a card game that often gets ignored even by the most hardcore of Witcher fans. The story is worth the price of admission, but if you're not a fan of card-based combat mechanics this title is probably not for you. Thronebreaker certainly is fun, but it might be worth trying out a few hands of Gwent with Geralt back in Witcher 3 to make sure your interest can be sustained for 30 or so hours.
Overall, Thronebreaker is a revolutionary game within the CCG genre, and I hope other companies take note. With a 40-hour story to support an engaging card game, there's nothing else quite like it, and its unique nature is to its overall benefit. It's made me realize how much I can and do enjoy card games when they're done right. I always loved the idea of CCGs, but it often takes a lot of time and grinding to get up to par with others. CD Projekt Red remedies this by slowly teaching the complexities of Gwent to the player with an engaging plot to keep players enthralled all the way through. It's time to take all my hard-earned rewards and experience gained in Thronebreaker and have my ego obliterated by a horde of Nekkers controlled by a 13-year-old kid — and I couldn't be more excited.
It doesn't matter if you have played the Witcher series or not, Thronebreaker could be the great entrance to this amazing world.
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Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales is a very well done game, has an impeccable location (dubbing), and it fuses the genre of RPG and card game very well. Within the universe of The Witcher, addressing so many ethical issues and with so many decisions to make, finding out what will be the end between the 20 available is more interesting by the hour. It's a beautiful game, full of details, animations and interactions that make the gameplay a great experience.
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When we are all amazed by Cyberpunk 2077 and waiting to hear more about it, CD Project Red surprises us nicely and takes us back to our beloved world of "The Witcher" with "Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales", An amazing RPG with deep strategy elements that sets in the fantasy world of Witcher. you must build your army and battle with your enemies in a unique combat system, gather resources and develop your camp and do a large number of side and main quests. If you are looking for a valuable and deep RPG-Strategy game, Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales is one of the best of its genre and takes you to a 30 hours journey in one of the most beloved world in gaming history. Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales is a game that absolutely worth your time and money. Nothing new for CD Project Red! Right?!
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CD Projekt did it again. It's not just a Gwent-game, it's a brand new Witcher story.
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An exquisite combination of deep storytelling and refined card game combat mechanics, Thronebreaker delivers an exceptional RPG experience that not many developers can achieve these days. It's a pity that Geralt's saga has ended after just three games, but Thronebreaker is definitely going to quench your thirst for anything The Witcher related, at least for a while.
As spin-off to the Witcher series, Thronebreaker is a worthy and appreciated game. It is totally worth the money one would spend on, offering more than 30 hours of joy and entertainment. If you are a fan of the Witcher series and would like to drown yourself even more in it's universe, Thronebreaker is a must for you
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The Witcher Tales is a strange potion that is surprisingly good. From a logical point of view, a game that mixes so many genres together can't be this amazing, but then comes CDPR, a company that is just unable to develop bad titles.
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This is the best singleplayer story ever seen in card games. Witcher's world is still charming and CD Projekt Red rocks!
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If you couldn’t get into Gwent before, Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales won’t change your mind. For everyone else, it’s an RPG you don’t want to miss.