The Room Reviews
The quality of The Room and the atmosphere it conjures is undeniable, and it's certainly worth checking out if you haven't played before. It's a pleasure to see some well-implemented pointer controls added to a classic touchscreen title, and the fact that this seminal release is now available on a dedicated gaming device is cause for celebration. Be aware that it's a slight offering by home console standards, though – it's crying out to be part of a compilation release with its three sequels. Perhaps one for the Wishlist, then, but it's a winner while it lasts.
Despite its short life (three hours only), The Room is probably one of the best puzzle games of recent years
Review in French | Read full review
The Room is a fun and well designed puzzle game that suits the Nintendo Switch perfectly, thanks to its original puzzles, good control system and overall environment. Where the game misses out is on its long-term replay value, as well as on its rather exaggerated price for a game of its size but fans of puzzle games will definitely get something out of this experience.
Review in Portuguese |
While it's to The Room's credit that the graphics and sound design remain impressive with the transition to PC, and able to compete against other PC titles, the gameplay does not, and without a compelling story the experience ends up being sadly forgettable.
The Room offers up a unique take on puzzle solving, with its intricate, ornate boxes and intriguing mystery. The touch controls and the game's beautiful, tiny details make the experience enjoyable on the Nintendo Switch, even if it's not too different from its mobile version.
Fireproof Games' The Room remains an engaging, clever puzzle game. It's a delight to uncover the secrets hidden within the mechanical boxes, but the Switch version just isn't a good value proposition.
The Room's puzzles are engaging and accessible, able to make you feel like you're using your brain without leaving you frustrated. This alone is enough for it to be held up as a success, but the game becomes something more interesting and affecting in how it uses these puzzles as the basis for subtle horror – not in its cliched story about an over-ambitious researcher, but the progression into its boxes-within-boxes, each impossibly larger than the last. It is disorientating, even nightmarish.
The Room is a unique puzzler on the Nintendo Switch
If you don't mind paying the extra premium, though, then you'll find a satisfying experience in The Room. Sure, the game isn't quite the innovative title it was in 2012, but the puzzles are still challenging enough to leave the player feeling like they've accomplished something once they finish the epilogue. It's a worthwhile addition to the Switch's library, and fans of other "escape-the-room" titles will get a real kick out of it for the few hours it lasts.
A great game, but with no value added it isn't worth buying over the mobile version. Too expensive for a game that's best played on a mobile screen anyway.
Still a great puzzle game, but a lower price would suit it a bit better.
Review in Slovak | Read full review
There are plenty of reasons to avoid buying ports of mobile games on Steam, but The Room is the exception to that rule. So many of these games feel like a quick cash-grab, but I am happy to say that The Room is not one of them.
That being said however, The Room is an expertly crafted puzzle box game that does a whole lot of things right and I doubt anyone would have regrets picking this one up.
The Room remains an excellent series worth following and playing. The Room VR: A Dark Matter excels in VR, offering hours of fun, puzzles, and a touch of unease. It's a valuable addition to your collection.
Review in Italian | Read full review
A very good start for a saga of puzzles. The time flies by and when you realize you want to go directly to the other titles for all the personality that this one shows. Relaxing and tense in equal parts, a very interesting proposal.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
The Room is based on puzzles to solve, where you have to find hidden mechanisms and figure out how to unravel the secrets of the room. This game keeps you tense and extremely interesting as the puzzles are very well thought out, it makes you want to look at the last detail of the gadget you are trying to open.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
While I would have preferred that they’d bundled all of the titles for this series together and let you buy them together. Instead, it appears the plan is to release them one by one (maybe once they’re all done then we’ll see a bundle) and though the price is a pretty reasonable one it’s worth noting the game is available on pretty well any touchscreen device and probably cheaper. Assuming the reason you haven’t already gotten it elsewhere is that the Switch is your preferred device, just keep in mind that though its physical controls offer some added convenience there’s nothing else clearly pointing to this version being superior. That said, I’d say that any self-respecting puzzle fan should buy at least one iteration of this series, as its stellar reputation for quality is well-deserved.
It isn’t often that I would recommend a port of a mobile game, but The Room is an exception. It is a game that simply works on the Nintendo Switch, regardless of whether you play it in Handheld mode or on the TV. The puzzles are clever, unique and engaging. Once you start, you will not want to put your Switch down. Its only real problem is I simply want more.
The Room has a nice and deep puzzle mechanics. And puzzle mechanics are easy to learn and fun.
Review in Turkish | Read full review
rerelease of games isn't usually a troublesome and odd thing, it just needs good timing and advertising. but the rerelease of The Room has many drawbacks, however it's still entertaining at its core and brings a good experience for the players.
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