Gal Metal Reviews
Gal Metal breaks a lot of rules that have been standard in the music/rhythm genre, but with good reason.
Gal Metal is wild, weird and cool. If you can embrace the vivid and wacky art style of the comic panel segments and strive for percussive nirvana, there is a refreshing, deceptively deep and gratifying experience here. What stops it from being truly great are the minor inconsistencies of the motion controls, the completely bonkers alien invasion plot and the slow, text-heavy teen melodrama stories. Even so, the game mostly succeeds by subverting many stale genre tropes. It will take time to master your set list and the absence of more contemporary music is initially jarring, but this is a title that is rewarding as well as just really fun. For those who are about to rock, we salute you.
While there may be plenty of things I'd like to change in Gal Metal, the core of the game is an unmistakably fun time. With so many heavy hitters on the market in 2018, sometimes you need to just sit down, unwind, and out-play alien invaders with electrified versions of classical music.
Gal Metal has some great ideas, but fails to execute them soundly.
Gal Metal it's a fresh offering in the musical genre... but some areas are a little bit ¿weird? Only classical music (with a rock paint coat) or the detection errors from the Joy-Con, ruin part of the joy. Also, the "too much" japanese adventure touches, and social elements, take the player far from the core (feel like a drummer).
Review in Spanish | Read full review
After spending several hours smashing away on imaginary drums, I found slightly more frustration than fun in Gal Metal.
Depending on your own musical talents, Gal Metal can be cute and satisfying, or dull and frustrating.
Gal Metal has a good concept and design, but none of the three controls options modes gives full satisfaction to the player.
Review in French | Read full review
Gal Metal features an unconventional gameplay which ends up fitting quite well with a game that has such an unconventional premise. Against it, Gal Metal has a limited repertoire of songs and does not offer a lot of incentives to return to it once finished but this is an original effort which stands out in the growing catalogue of the Nintendo Switch.
Review in Portuguese |
Gal Metal is a weird rhythm game that unfortunately doesn't live up to the hype that its premise promises. It's worth checking out if you want some metal in your Switch diet, but other than that, you can probably skip it.
Gal Metal is absurd and adorable in equal measure. There is no doubt it will find an incredibly passionate niche out there somewhere, but there's still plenty to entertain anyone with rhythm.
A group of high school students, an alien attack, and Metal. Gal Metal is a unique rhythm based game that mixes metal with a free form playstyle, from DMM Games. Nothing could quite have prepared us for this as we defend earth from certain doom.
If the time spent creating its passable story and stat-building busywork had been spent further developing the core music rhythm gameplay and adding more songs, Gal Metal could have really been great. As it is though, it’s simply a curio that will bore and frustrate more than it entertains.
Gal Metal is a game that is what you make of it. If you want a tall string of technical combinations, this is a game for you. If you want a satisfying and consistent beat through some brilliant metal beats, this is still a game for you. The flexibility and personal nature of the experience feels entirely unique, let down only by the limited list of 13 tracks. Pick this up if you're a fan of metal, of drumming, or of violently swinging a Joy Con; you won't regret it.
Gal Metalnot only offers a hilarious interactive manga story,but also an original approach to the rhythm game genre that shakes things up enough to set itself apart from pretty much everything else. The only real drawbacks?The occasional lack of response from the JoyCon,and a price that may be a bit too steep,depending on how hooked players get,and how willing they are to extract every last bit of creative musical freedom that this allows. Those only wishing to casually experience the story may not get much for their buck,while avid fans of metal and drum beats looking for a challenge to their creativity should not have any regrets.It is not a very long experience, but to the right audience, it has virtually infinite replayability.
Gal Metal is a rhythm game that may be an acquired taste for some players. The lack of direction will be confusing at first, but once you get used to listening to the song a few times, you'll come to appreciate the more freeform nature of rhythm. Though the game lacks original tracks, it does a good job with the metal-tinged classic songs, and while the story has seemingly endless cut scenes, at least it's humorous. While the Switch has a number of solid rhythm games, this flawed title is still worth checking out if you're looking for a different experience.
You will play through it and be done after an hour or five. Beyond this, there isn't much to the package, though I do find myself replaying tracks a tiny bit. It really depends on what you're searching for, but as a music game, it certainly knows how to entertain.
Gal Metal is a unique experience that combines cute high school girls, galactic adventures, evil aliens and metal music together in one unmissable experience. The characters all stand alone in their own right and the story line is engaging with a few plot twists mixed in which has you wondering as to what will happen next. The game took about five hours to complete however mastering the rhythms and besting those difficult scores aided in my eagerness to replay levels factor and kept me coming back for more.
I can see Gal Metal work for music game fans, casual players who are taken in by the motion controls and wacky antics, and anyone looking for something super Japanese and esoteric. It’s also arguably producer Tak Fujii’s best game in a decade. Grumblings about pricing and length aside, this is another welcome slice of eccentric, accessible Japanese game design available on Switch.
While Gal Metal won’t be for everyone it’s absolutely a unique title that caught me by surprise on multiple levels and that grew on me as I got more comfortable with its approach to the music. Much like real improv getting started with playing around in the music with different beats and combinations can be a complete mess, but with time and some confidence you can surprise yourself. While the story elements are completely bizarre they at least made me laugh, though I’d be curious just how much cultivating friendships and building specific stats influence things. Regardless, Gal Metal is a fresh take on music games and stands out from the crowd if you don’t mind its quirks.