Mechstermination Force Reviews
Climbing and destroying a massive robot is exciting, but the basic gameplay falters too often for a game that requires such precision
If you enjoyed Gunman Clive, this is a great expansion on the concept and well worth investigating.
If you're a fan of boss rush then you already know what you're in for with Mechstermination Force. The difficulty is punishing, but the feeling of accomplishment after each victory makes it all worthwhile. Well, mostly.
Hörberg Productions produces yet another fun title in Mechstermination Force, currently a Nintendo Switch exclusive.
An enjoyable companion piece to Cuphead, but despite some fantastic enemy designs the single-mindedness and lack of visual variety doesn't have quite the same charm.
If you're a fan of run and gun games like Contra or Metal Slug, Mechstermination Force really captures the essence of how tough those titles were, while pairing it with a modern look and a wild penchant for mech design. There's no easy mode.
My complaints with Mechstermination Force are straightforward because that's really what the game is, a boss rush shoot-fest. If the stars align and you can find someone who really enjoys 2D shooters, give the game a go: even its fleeting joy is worth the entry ticket. Hell, it's worth it if you go alone, so long as your expectations are in check.
Mechstermination Force is a pretty fun game, but it’s definitely not easy – so if you’re easily deterred from frustrating challenges, be warned.
Though the difficulty may be a deterrent to some, Mechstermination Force's terrific core mechanics make trying (and dying) worth the effort.
Mechstermination Force feels like it comes very close to having a manageable learning curve. Quality-wise, it's great, and a good homage to its boss-filled predecessors. However, there's nothing more game-ruining than, you know, not being able to play the game. There's hard, and then there's hard hard, and then there's Mechstermination Force. It can be done. It can be beaten. I just hope you have a spare hour or two for every boss, and some throat lozenges and ice water nearby.
Mechstermination Force has solid gameplay and plenty of heart. It knows exactly what kind of game it wants to be, and it manages to stick the landing when it comes to addictive gameplay and rewarding progression.
Mechstermination Force is yet another welcome addition to the Nintendo Switch catalogue, this time in the shape of a game that consists of one boss rush after another. With its tough, demanding and elaborate boss fights, Mechstermination Force is certain to appeal to players looking for a very challenging experience.
Review in Portuguese |
Get Mechstermation Force, get a partner if you can, and get ready to save the world. You're going to frequently die trying, but the process will be a blast.
Mechstermination Force is a wonderful follow-up to Bertil Hörberg's Gunman Clive series. While it can get a bit frustrating at times, the silly atmosphere and tough but entertaining gameplay make for a great time for those who want some simple, unadulterated fun.
Fun, creative, and challenging boss battles dampened by outdated controls. Frustrating fun.
Silky gameplay, bright graphics, and stellar MegaMech encounters make it required playing for fans of run-and-gun action.
Overall, Mechstermination Force is a pretty good title for the Switch. I wish it had full levels like games had in the '90s. It would feel like a much fuller game, and I think people would have a lot more fun. For the very low price of $11.99 USD, you can't go wrong with the purchase of this game. Just be sure all you want to do is play against bosses. Other than that, have lots of fun with this game.
When it works, Mechstermination Force is an enjoyable experience, but those moments are marred by some faulty design and monotonous grinding.
Mechstermination Force is enjoyably challenging, reasonably cheap, and mildly humorous. That makes it a success in my book.
Mechstermination Force is a terrific boss-rush adventure that grants a few hours of undisputed, frenetic, and fast-paced gunplay against gargantuan robotic titans.