Judgment Reviews

Judgment is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.5 / 10.0
May 8, 2021

Judgment is an excellent spinoff, with an intriguing script, striking characters, a fun combat system and an immense amount of content, as traditional in the Yakuza series. In addition, it introduces new mechanics that, despite not shining as much, differentiate it from other games in the series. The game is fun and can provide you with hundreds of hours of entertainment, and my caveats are the lack of Brazilian Portuguese localization and some mechanics that could be revised. Technically the game is very well polished and the remastered version, despite being visually very similar to the original, is advantageous for the accompanying DLC.

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8 / 10.0
May 8, 2021

This remastered version of Judgment is the definitive edition that all newcomers should go with first. The fluidity of the combats are very smooth and the loading times are basically completely gone. Its just too bad that this upgraded version doesn't really bring anything new to the table to entice returning players.

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9 / 10.0
May 5, 2021

Judgment is a great crime thriller and Kamurocho an amazing place for it to take place in. I enjoyed the story, but I had even more fun just going off and spending time with the wide variety of interesting characters and solving side cases. While there are parts that could be improved, overall I had a great time and feel that most people would.

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9.5 / 10.0
May 4, 2021

Judgement was already a brilliant game on last-gen consoles, but the PlayStation 5 enhancements see it moving close to perfection. It is renowned for its excellent story, action-packed battling, and wealth of content, but the revamped visuals and slick performance really take it to the next level. It’s a real shame that it’s not available as a free next-gen upgrade, but it’s the only real sticking point in what is otherwise a stellar release. If you missed out on Judgement the first time around, don’t make the same mistake again… play it now!

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Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
May 4, 2021

Jugdment itself is a brilliant masterpiece, but this remastered version sometimes seems to be complacent. However, it is also worth playing.

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8.5 / 10.0
Apr 29, 2021

The PS5 version of Judgment is a pricey endeavor for those who already own the PS4 version. That said, it has a lot to offer to Yakuza fans who have yet to experience Yagami’s story.

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95 / 100
May 1, 2021

The perfect detective title with the Yakuza twist

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88 / 100
Apr 30, 2021

The original game which was released on PS4 has received some visual and performance upgrades on the latest generation console. The game is known for its artistic structure along with the writing and interactions which is highly renowned as the key element of the game. Also so great that they’d cover up some minor hiccups if there were any. While the story plot is somewhat spectacular in scale, players don’t need to study up on any background history or other articles to understand and enjoy the game to its fullest. So if you haven’t played this game already, there’s no excuse to give it a try. Since there aren’t any added contents in this new version, if you’ve already played the PS4 variant, there won’t be much of a difference in gameplay. But all in all it’s a great value for a PS5 game so there’s plenty of replay value on its upgraded platform.

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9.5 / 10.0
Apr 27, 2021

Pertaining a semblance to its Yakuza roots while its disparities demonstrated a distinguished difference was appreciated, and I hope to see more Judgement, with the potential of an impending announcement soon to come. Judgment on PlayStation 5 and XBOX Series X, is truly an essential for thrill seekers and third-person exploration conessuirs.

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80 / 100
Apr 22, 2021

Perhaps it is not an especially remarkable version for the new generation. Beyond the resolution itself, the 60 frames per second and some improved lighting touch, it does not seem that much care has been put into showing that we are facing a different generation from that of its version of PlayStation 4, although where else we will notice the improvement is in the loading times. We miss that they have tried to take advantage of the possibilities of Dual Sense, for example. Still, in itself, Judgment is a great game, essential if we are fans of the Yakuza saga or good stories while we beat left and right.

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10 / 10.0
Apr 22, 2021

This new enhanced version of Judgment is the definitive way to experience the dark and gritty mystery on the current-gen machines. The game is essentially the same as the 2019 PS4 edition, albeit with a few arcade machines swapped out, but it feels new and fresh thanks to the smoother framerate, updated textures and lighting, and increased resolution. You’ll easily lose over a hundred hours if going for the platinum, becoming absorbed within the engrossing narrative and solid gameplay mechanics. The only negative is that the game didn’t offer a 4K/30 mode as we saw in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, but the 60fps mode is very stable and never buckled at any point.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 21, 2021

Judgment is a very good game that could have been great, if not for its uninspired detective gameplay mechanics. Aside from that one negative, it offers great drama, addictive action and a variety of activities that rank Judgment as one of the best the Yakuza series has to offer. It’s also a good introduction to the Ryu Ga Gotoku universe without having to play all 7 games of Kiryu’s story, making it a recommended title for new fans as well.

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Loris Lo Masto
8.8 / 10.0
Oct 24, 2020

Judgment shows us once again the quality of the titles developed by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio. A mature and exciting plot moved by a fun and spectacular gameplay, all surrounded by the myriad of activities available in Kamurocho make the game a complete and successful package, giving us new motivations to return to the Japanese streets to launch flying kicks.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jun 25, 2019

Judgment is a masterpiece in simple words. It shows the nuisance of detective work, adds an intriguing mystery to it, and presents an emotional drama backed by strong characters.

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Sep 11, 2019

In the end, the developers have made a decent game. It is by far not the best but certainly not the worst. With over 20 hours of main content to go through, with even more side content to pull through, the $59.99 price tag is dependent on how you value your purchase. In terms of raw content, it is definitely worth it. As far as quality content goes, however, I recommend waiting for a small drop before purchasing. For fans of the developer, it will most likely be satisfactory. Yet, for those unfamiliar with their style, it might be a more difficult bar to pass.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 24, 2019

Judgment is a fun game, with many diversified aspects to discover, with a story that once again hits the mark and a huge amount of activities with which to delight. A little déjà-vu could be felt, but it is blown away after a few hours. The question we asked in the introduction finds an answer: yes, Judgment manages to make itself loved as a title with its own soul and nature and does not remain in the shadow of Yakuza.

Review in Italian | Read full review

8 / 10.0
Jun 30, 2019

Judgment is actually a sub-version of the original Yakuza series, but the title is so powerful that it can easily be enjoyed as much as the original. If you are a lover of adventure with a detective theme and also love the Yakuza series, the Judgment experience is a must.

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Michal Burian
7 / 10
Mar 7, 2020

Spin-off of the popular Yakuza series leaves this review with its head held high. The developers did a solid job and offered us an interesting detective story, great characters and plethora of entertaining side activities. It's a shame that the atmosphere suffers greatly due to unattractive and simple evidence search, eventually tedious combat and dubbing absence in many cut-scenes. Judgment is an ideal starting point for those unfamiliar with Yakuza.

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Geeks Under Grace
Lucas Miller
9 / 10.0
Aug 7, 2019

If you enjoy Yakuza games, action games, or detective games like Heavy Rain or LA Noire, you have to pick this one up.

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8 / 10
Jul 22, 2019

Judgment is an exciting detective adventure that follows the paths of the Yakuza series. The new characters are all sympathetic, while the story is a motivating pacing. Thanks to the new game mechanics a fresh breeze enters Kamurocho, sweetening the return of Yakuza fans to Shinjuku. In a direct comparison with star lawyer Phoenix Wright, however, the Japanese detective gets the short end of the stick. The game never has a too big claim, we searched for tricky cases in vain. An English voice output, a completely self-sufficient storyline and the accessible level of difficulty make the title a successful entry point, especially for newcomers, that wonderfully shows what kind of games the guys and girls of Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio can create.

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