Remnant: From the Ashes Reviews
Remnant: From the Ashes is a tough, co-op centric third-person shooter hiding a surprising amount of depth in both its combat and narrative.
Remnant: From the Ashes boasts a beautifully realized world with awesome enemy design and top-notch gunplay. There's plenty of customization and incentive to go back for more. Unfortunately, the experience is ruined a bit by repetitive boss battles and lacking social features.
There's so much love poured into this game. It's a game well worth exploring if you're looking for something that just celebrates games' iconography over the years.
The longevity of the gameplay in Remnant: From the Ashes might be a bit grind-y for a mainstream audience. If you can accept that grind, then you have a good story waiting for you with a beautifully woven tapestry led by leveling and a competent upgrade system, which helps keep the gamer motivated to continue. Is it a perfect game? No, but it's a damn good one, especially with friends.
Remnant: From the Ashes finds a nice balance of emulating the Soulsborne games while retaining what makes a great third-person shooter, all set in an Action RPG world. Possessing a nice amount of combat, interesting gaming world mechanics, and a healthy amount of replay value. This is a must-play sleeper of 2019.
Remnant: From The Ashes is a game with a terrible title and extremely derivative design, but good gunplay, solid co-op play, and smart randomization means it's still fun, if not original, solo or with friends.
Remnant: From the Ashes is a surprisingly good combination of Gears of War-like third-person shooting with Souls-like difficulty.
Even though the Switch version is the less attractive of the bunch, Remnant from the Ashes remains a solid effort from Gunfire Games and an original spin on the Souls formula. We're curious to see what the studio will come come up with the second chapter.
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Remnant: From the Ashes is a somewhat overlooked 2019 title currently free for all PS Plus members. Gunfire Games' brutally challenging Action RPG 3rd Person Shooter is as charming as it is challenging and is an absolute must have for gamers who enjoy punishing themselves during their downtime.
Either way, when all is said and done – I kind of love this game.
Despite its flawed boss design, Remnant: From the Ashes has enough to make a case for it being an action RPG in its own right with solid progression systems, good combat and its own take on the Souls formula.
Remnant: From the Ashes is a fun, unique third-person shooter that proudly calls itself a Soulsbourne.
Remnant: From the Ashes is Gunfire Games’ best effort so far and punches high above its weight class.
Remnant turned out to be an amazing achievement and a game that can proudly stand as a great Souls-like, despite having its own identity and focus. Everything about it works almost flawlessly, from its combat mechanics to the way that the procedurally generated world offers fresh trials without feeling hastily stitched together. If there is one challenge that you need this year, that challenge is fighting the Root in Remnant: From the Ashes.
All in all, Remnant is an excellent game and definitely hits on both of our "MUST BUY" lists. Other than a bit of input lag on commands there really isn't anything we can complain about, which is pretty damned rare for the both of us, since the years have made us both bitter and picky when it comes to games. If you have the money, and you have access to a platform that will support it, you should be playing it. NOW.
Remnant has somehow distilled key aspects of popular games and brewed something that stands on its own merit
As a base to be built on, Remnant: From the Ashes has a lot of promise. In a year from now, I can imagine it being truly excellent. Hopefully Gunfire Games can make that happen.
Remnant: From the Ashes is a tough-as-nails cooperative shooter that brings together the best elements of games like Dark Souls and Left 4 Dead.
While certainly playable as a solo experience, Remnant: From the Ashes truly shines as a cooperative multiplayer experience! Fans of Left 4 Dead, Monster Hunter, Destiny, and other cooperative driven games should definitely pick this up!