Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Remastered Reviews

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Remastered is ranked in the 96th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
89 / 100
Sep 25, 2019

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is not only one of the most beautiful JRPGs from this decade, but it's a one of a time experience. With this Remastered version, LEVEL 5 confirms the game as a unique experience for gamers, despite featuring only a few presentation improvements.

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Sep 24, 2019

The remastered version of this delightful and heartwarming JRPG packs a colorful and heartfelt punch, one that's sure to charm even the most jaded of JRPG fans.

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92 / 100
Sep 20, 2019

This remaster has lost none of its original charm. Another exceptional JRPG

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8 / 10
Sep 19, 2019

While Ni no Kuni : Wrath of the White Witch remains intact, and thus only gains mobility on Nintendo Switch, the PS4 and PC versions reveal subtle visual details from this truly magical piece of art. A great, classic JRPG, in every sense of the words, hereby presented through its ultimate rendition.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 16, 2019

Playing Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch handheld was still inherently delightful, getting to enjoy its world, characters, and presentation again. I was likewise swept away by the gorgeous orchestral score, and I would relive the emotional tenacity of the game’s messages on childlike empathy.

85 / 100
Sep 16, 2019

Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is a solid, no-frills, no-additions port of the original PS3 game of the same title. The first video game by Studio Ghibli has not only aged very well, but it also runs smoothly and quickly on the Switch, making it an ideal way to experience the whimsy, charm, and wonder of this fantastical world with Oliver, his friends, and his fearsome foes.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jul 17, 2018

For those that missed NNK the first time around or maybe sold their copy with their PS3 over the years, the remaster makes a strong case for itself simply because the game is still great and time has not tained the experience.

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4.5 / 5.0
Sep 16, 2019

Despite its age, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch remains a charming adventure. Since it's a straight port, there is nothing for returning fans besides the ability to play on the go. Even if you opt for the PS4 version, the only difference is performance and visual fidelity. Of course, newcomers should not sleep on this title and see why so many people enjoyed the original.

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Top Critic
Dec 17, 2019

This is one game that I genuinely enjoyed playing through and I think the satisfaction the story brought is absolutely worth that price tag.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 20, 2019

Gorgeous visuals, charming characters, and engaging story abound in this remaster. While changes are purely graphical in nature, Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch certainly deserves a play for newcomers and veterans alike.

Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Sep 16, 2019

We would have liked more new content and a more affordable price tag, but this Remastered version of Ni No Kuni makes a timeless classic available in 4K and for a new generation of gamers.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Sep 16, 2019

In the end, Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is just as fantastic as it was upon its initial release. From its Ghibli-illustrated cutscenes, to its brilliant world and characters you can’t help but fall in love with, it remains one of the finest JRPGs of recent years.

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8.4 / 10.0
Sep 19, 2019

Ni No Kuni is the same game on the Switch as it was on PS3, with the added benefit of portability and an overall more stable experience.

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Eric Zander
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Oct 18, 2019

Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch was a breath of fresh air in 2013, breathing new life into the dying JRPG genre. This breath still resonates with audiences today and the game holds up in every way. With such a beautiful world, score, characters, and plot, it's hard to find much to hate. Level 5 and Studio Ghibli really knocked it out of the park with this entry.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 16, 2019

Ni No Kuni is crafted with such care and detail that it feels as though I was playing through a Studio Ghibli movie that lasted me 30+ hours. In my mind, it is one of the most charming JRPG’s I have ever experienced.

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Makan Alikhani
Top Critic
9 / 10
Oct 5, 2019

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is a prime example of “Old but Gold”! If you are a fan of JRPGs, you’ll spend hours enjoying it. Period.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 7, 2019

The game looks better than ever but plays the same, so newcomers to the series should not skip one of the best JRPGs of all time, I would be "brokenhearted." On a serious note, Ni no Kuni remains the same charming game that I've played several years ago and I'm glad that Bandai Namco has decided to bring it to a larger audience.

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Oct 3, 2019

Despite Ni no Kuni not being enhanced on the Nintendo Switch; it is still a stunning game with a great soundtrack and enjoyable gameplay, and it holds up as well in the present day as it did originally in 2013. The story is emotionally touching and is a must-play for JRPG fans who own a Nintendo Switch.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 27, 2019

With a pretty high encounter rate, this caused more than a few issues. That's not to say Ni no Kuni isn't entertaining; it just feels a bit imperfect. Regardless, exploring the different sights within the stunning world and interacting with its fascinating characters helped to overcome the shortcomings.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 26, 2019

It is not every day that we see a JRPG like Ni No Kuni Remastered. It is crafted to perfection from the talented Studio Ghibli and molded into a video game by Level 5. The story, art style, and character development are the highlight of the game while combat being the only weak link.

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