Untitled Goose Game Reviews
While Untitled Goose Game is a short experience, this also means that it doesn’t outstay its welcome.
Certainly not fowl, most definitely worth a gander, it’s a whimsical little game full of charm and joy and a wonderful experience for just about anyone.
Though this is one bird that requires more meat on its bones, the meagre length of Untitled Goose Game isn't enough to greatly detract from the impish comedy and free-roaming sandbox shenanigans that define it as one of the most enjoyable games of the year.
Enjoyable at any age or ability, Untitled Goose Game is worth a gander.
Untitled Goose Game is a joke. A great one. Sure, an evil goose is an excellent starting point, but you need a great awareness of how gags work to make people laugh with it.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Untitled Goose Game is a very fun project, which is nice to play together, sitting on the same couch and trying different solutions to problems. Goose is cunning and charismatic, people are a bit stupid, and the results of interaction almost always lead to comical situations. What else do you need for a chilly autumn evening?
Review in Russian | Read full review
The Untitled Goose Game is perfect for those who play games for creative, artsy experiences. I also think if you are looking for something to play with your significant other or children, this would be a hilarious experience for everyone involved.
Untitled Goose Game is an endearing and enjoyable combination of stealth, slapstick, and sandbox, but it ends before it can truly spread its wings.
Untitled Goose Game for the Nintendo Switch is...unusual, to say the least. Not just because it's a game that puts the player in control of a detestable goose but because it's fun and diabolically marvelous to commit some of the most morally reprehensible acts of bullying. Inevitably, it can end up feeling repetitive but the game's sense of humour, soundtrack and satisfaction that it gives to the player for playing despicable little pranks make this game a shameless delight.
Review in Portuguese |
Untitled Goose Game does not deserve to be played because of its being "game", but for the coherence of the authors in imagining, creating and pursuing an objective, which however simple and banal shows with strength a vision and a determined will.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Untitled Goose Game‘s consistent, simple themes are not dull by any stretch.
Prepare to ruin innocent people's days as you run around honking and throwing their stuff around in Untitled Goose Game. It's a simple and fun puzzle/stealth/goose simulator with clever ideas and a lively world.
Every puzzle feels just smart enough that it won’t be solved by your first guess. Even better, each puzzle usually results in something that’ll put a sinister grin on your face.
Untitled Goose Game is a delightful experimentation which delivers laugh after laugh, ruining the daily life of poor humans. Unfortunately, the fun stops way too quick after a very few streets corners, leaving the player thinking what this clever but unfinished business might have been.
Review in French | Read full review
Untitled Goose Game proves that you don't need complex mechanics or an involved story to make a great game. It takes a simple premise — you're a goose here to make trouble — and spins it out into a short but extremely satisfying slapstick journey. Untitled Goose Game is effortlessly funny, succeeding as much on its physical comedy as its clever puzzles.
The definition of short but sweet, except you're also short and a horrible goose. Possibly too short for some tastes, but an excellent and hilarious stealth-puzzler nonetheless.
Untitled Goose Game definitely has a few issues, not unlike our feather-brained hero, but you'll likely be having too much of a good time to notice.
While I wouldn’t go so far as to say it is the best game of the year or even an editor’s choice, I will say it’s one of the most enjoyable games I’ve played all year and that really says a lot. So, if you just want to have fun and mess with some people, give Untitled Goose Game a try.
Untitled Goose Game is a body-swapping fantasy that transforms any would-be suburban miscreant into a waddling force of mischief and destruction. Instead of putting your finger in everyone's freshly baked pie, you menace around town and devastate an ordinary Saturday afternoon. Untitled Goose Game is philosophical exercise to determine if the conniving will of a large annoying bird is either innate programming from a bored deity or a product of our broken society.