The Persistence Reviews

The Persistence is ranked in the 56th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10
Jun 18, 2021

The Persistence is a unique and unsettling sci-fi horror roguelite that does an excellent job of transferring its tense atmosphere and absorbing gameplay loops from its original VR form to the Nintendo Switch. There are tons of weapons and toys to tool around with as you run the gauntlet, the permanent aspects of the gameplay are refreshingly generous and survival mode and New Game+ provide a properly stiff challenge for those who prefer their roguelites to be tough as nails. Firesprite Games has done a fantastic job of porting the entire ghoulish affair over to Switch, with flawless performance in both docked and handheld modes; overall, this is another very strong addition to the console's ever-expanding collection of excellent roguelite experiences.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
May 21, 2020

After playing The Persistence on Xbox One I’m sort of disappointed I skipped it on PlayStation VR. The game is really well done and is built in a way that every small step helps; even if I die on a level, as long as I have collected something my time is not wasted. I’m fairly open that horror games are sort of a new passion of mine and I really liked the atmosphere in this game and a big part of that is how good the enemy AI is. There is a lot to like in this game as long as randomized gameplay (rogue light elements) are not a turn off. The Persistence is definitely one of the best rogue light experiences I have played in quite some time and I will likely go back and try the VR origins of this title.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jun 17, 2021

Though The Persistence Enhanced represents the best non-VR version of what is a sizably satisfying stealth horror romp on PS5, the suite of upgrades, though welcome, is not roundly enough impressive enough to warrant previous players taking another run at the game. For the uninitiated that don't own a PSVR headset however, The Persistence Enhanced on PS5 is still a compelling proposition that unfurls into a taut stealth horror affair.

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7 / 10
Jun 11, 2021

Our only criticism is that the gameplay hasn’t quite made the transition to pancake play perfectly; looking at objects made sense on PSVR, but is odd in a more traditional medium. You get used to it quickly, though, and from there the rewarding loop hooks you in.

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7.3 / 10.0
May 20, 2020

The Persistence is still a good roguelite, but it is impossible to ignore to the absence of a fundamental element such as virtual reality in the new versions of the game.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
May 21, 2020

The Persistence is a good game for fans of space horror, which without PSVR lost a little effect of immersion. However, it is still interesting to play, especially if you get used to the monotonous generation of levels.

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80 / 100
May 22, 2020

Still, this version of the game does have enough depth, strategy, and replayability to make it a solid, worthwhile addition to your game library.

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7 / 10
May 20, 2020

The Persistence is worth playing overall, but the game is unfortunately plagued with artificial difficulty solely to pad out the length.

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8 / 10.0
May 20, 2020

Roguelikes aren't for everyone, but The Persistence manages to show that a few tweaks to the usual experience can make wonders for accessibility. With a great atmosphere, intriguing setting, and great mechanics that allow for a variety of play styles, The Persistence is a more than worthy game for both roguelike diehards and those looking to finally get into the genre.

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Mar 20, 2020

These are minor design flaws, however, and most can be overlooked because the rest of The Persistence is simply astounding. It's not just a successful port from VR to console and PC, it's a terrifying and unique roguelike/first-person horror hybrid. And every experience will be a new one, which means there's nearly endless scares to be found within. The Persistence is horror gaming done right, and that has little to do with whether it's VR or not.

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Jun 11, 2021

A spoonful of VR would help the medicine go down.

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May 20, 2020

A sci-fi horror that gets better with perseverance, The Persistence is worth delving into, despite more than a few frustrations. Give it time, though, and you'll ultimately discover a rewarding roguelike experience.

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Digital Chumps
Scott Vogt
Top Critic
7.2 / 10.0
Aug 23, 2018

The Persistence is a great entry into the survival horror genre, and I feel that it is best enjoyed in the original VR format. For those entering on Xbox side of this game, this is definitely one I would pick up and take in, even though you won't get that same immersive VR experience from it. The game still offers a great story and an insane amount of difficulty, which will challenge most experienced players. While it is rather short, the addition of ever-changing maps does add to the 'freshness' of the short game, as no playthrough will be the same. Definitely worth a go.

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7 / 10.0
Jun 1, 2020

The Persistence is a game built of components that any fans of the horror and sci-fi genres will recognise, in a format that merges seamlessly with them to make an absorbing and challenging game.

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7 / 10.0
May 23, 2020

The Persistence may not fully escape its VR origins, but it's a good game that's worth your time without it, provided you can endure the slog of the last areas.

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8 / 10.0
May 20, 2020

With a simple but engaging upgrade system; enough weapons and gadgets to make James Bond blush; and a great parrying mechanic that brings an unexpected rhythmic element to combat, this is one title that warrants a purchase even without any fancy VR setup. Repetition with enemy variety and level structure may mar the experience for some players, but it's easy to overlook these faults when the core game has so much to offer.

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7 / 10.0
Jun 17, 2021

The Persistence Enhanced is well worth checking out if you’re a horror fan, especially if you also like a bit of stealth. Those fond of roguelikes will no doubt get a kick out of it too. However, the game’s repetitive nature alongside its clunky and often unfair combat will likely result in some frustration, and maybe even cause some to give up on their bid for freedom. Players who do see their journey to its end, though, will find a welcome assortment of complimentary modes that will entice them to go back for more deck exploring action.

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7.5 / 10.0
May 25, 2020

Previously an exclusive for the PlayStation 4, The Persistence seeks to meld the roguelike genre with horror while bringing it all to VR. The recent...

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4 / 5.0
Feb 8, 2022

As a flat-screen experience, The Persistence is a title that I can’t help but feel is probably best played in VR, where its shortcomings are less likely to detract from the overall experience. That doesn’t mean, however, that if playing in VR isn’t possible for you, you should ignore it. Most importantly, The Persistence nails the fundamentals of the genre so well, with its compelling progression loops and vast scope for build experimentation, that it’s extremely easy to overlook any of the drawbacks.

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7 / 10.0
Jun 1, 2021

The Persistence has some very real design and technical issues. Despite this, I found it worth dealing with them because it also has an addictive gameplay loop, a fun challenge, and a brilliant atmosphere when playing in VR. I certainly recommend it, but feel it could be much better than it is.

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