Star Wars: Squadrons Reviews
Without doubt, one of EA’s very best takes on the world of Star Wars.
Overall Star Wars: Squadrons struggles to find its identity. For a console gamer, it is a small spin-off of Battlefront with a great story and fun flight controls. Yet for a VR consumer, this is one of the biggest games of the year. Moreover, if we are talking about PSVR, this could be the most impressive game to come out all year on the platform. If you own VR on PC or console and enjoy Star Wars you have to pick this game up. The same can be said with flight sticks There is a fantastic story with unique game mechanics. Compounded with a high level of detail given to every aspect of the game. It is a fantastic all-around experience for even the most novice Star Wars fan.
A great space combat simulator that is fun to play and contains plenty of great moments, even if it is a little barebones in some places.
Star Wars: Squadrons is a great addition to the new Star Wars saga. Even though the concept is simple, it allowed the developers to fulfill all of the objectives they started with.
Review in Slovak | Read full review
Star Wars: Squadrons is a solid space combat sim, with great controls and immersivity, but with a forgettable plot and a bit scarce in contents. It will definitely be able to satisfy the appetite of the lovers of the genre.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Star Wars: Squadrons doesn't bring anything particularly new or inventive to the table that we haven't seen before in dogfighters, but it nails almost everything it embraces. The first-person perspective greatly benefits the immersive nature of the space battles, the sound design and music is about as perfect as they could ever be, and the story flips between the Imperials and Rebels to show us the ugly and beautiful sides of war.
Speed and adrenaline are the fuel that makes Star Wars: Squadrons a must-have game not only for Star Wars fans, but for those who are also looking for a solid PvP combat experience in which skill will be the real differentiator to take your fighter squadron to victory.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
If creating new iconic Star Wars memories interests you, I fully recommend Star Wars: Squadrons.
The last game I can remember that had this kind of immersion was X-Wing: Alliance for the PC back in 1999. Motive Studios had a daunting task tackling a game that Star Wars fans have been craving for a long time. And for the most part, they stay on target.
If you are looking for a game that can spend time and take you a long time, it is a good idea to give Star Wars: Squadrons a chance.
Review in Turkish | Read full review
With an entertaining but forgettable story and a sparse but enjoyable multiplayer, Star Wars: Squadrons shines through with its gameplay. Flying is incredibly immersive and if you have a VR headset (and the stomach) this one boasts the quintessential immersive experience. For those without though, this feels like a decent but not-quite-great game.
Star Wars: Squadrons is highly recommended for any and every Star Wars devotee, and also for the Virtual Reality enthusiast. It’s one hell of a ride.
Star Wars: Squadrons is exactly the space combat flying simulator I’ve been looking for from modern Star Wars video games. The flying feels smooth and the environments are absolutely stunning, making you feel like you’re really in your own Star Wars movie, piloting an X-Wing to victory.
Squadrons is the sort of game that EA needs to make more of. Tight, focused experiences that meet a need perfectly. Any fan of space combat should be diving into this the first chance they get.
Star Wars: Squadrons is, in a condensed summary, a game of ships. If we only stayed with that, we would have a good game, but if we add everything that surrounds the Star Wars universe we have a gigantic title with much to offer and an addictive gameplay that will give us many hours of fun destroying ships in online battles. It will dazzle both fans of the genre and fans of the universe created by George Lucas, and all this at a reduced starting price.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Star Wars Squadrons is a terrific dogfighter, reminding you beyond anything else that Star Wars, when done properly, is supposed to be really, really fun.
Despite the game’s flaws, Star Wars: Squadrons is currently the only modern Star Wars game that truly fulfils the fantasies of many fans; allowing them to experience the epic space combat that they’ve seen in the franchise for more than forty years.
I still cannot believe this game was developed and published by EA. Star Wars Squadrons is downright amazing. It’s a phenomenal VR experience, an addictive multiplayer title, and most importantly, a freaking fantastic Star Wars game. It’s something that could easily rival Lucasarts’ best titles from back in the day.
Star Wars: Squadrons provides players a genuine starfighter experience with a low cost of entry. The single-player campaign offers just enough distraction from the real meat of this adventure that is found in its multiplayer modes. The best part about the experience is how it rewards those who put the most time into it, so I’m hoping to see additional modes to keep things fresh.
Star Wars: Squadrons is a dream game for anyone looking for a worthy successor to the X-Wing/TIE Fighter series.