Tell Me Why Reviews

Tell Me Why is ranked in the 83rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Karolina Kobylarz
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Sep 8, 2020

Tell Me Why is best experienced as an interactive move – discovering the unusual story of the Ronan siblings from this angle yields an extremely compelling experience. DONTNOD’s new game is worth your time and money not only because it has something important to say, but also because it does so in an extremely satisfying, and gracious way.

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9 / 10
Aug 27, 2020

Normally I would have to turn to the indie scene for any sort of good trans rep. But it seems the tide is turning, with Dontnod leading the charge. Whether other studios actually follow suit is unknown. But for now, Tell Me Why is a game way overdue; a captivating story, a huge win for diversity and a thoughtful, heartfelt experience.

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10 / 10.0
Aug 28, 2020

While Tell Me Why may draw people in because of a transgender character, it offers far more than just that. It presents a complex, psychological narrative that doesn’t use minorities as mere tools to shortcut emotional responses from its players. Take note.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 28, 2020

Tell Me Why is a Dontnod game throughout its every part, right down to its bones. Although those bones might be bare, it has a lot of soul. With care, Dontnod dive into discomfort and drag us with them throughout three concise episodes that explore the power that comes coupled with familial ties, both bound by blood and by the metaphysical, as well as memory and all of its heartbreaking deceptions.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 25, 2020

Tell Me Why pushes the boundaries of video-game storytelling with its mature, open-minded approach to its themes and its pioneering representation. The inclusion of a trans lead character is vital but the story is a lot deeper than what's on the surface.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 18, 2020

Overall, Tell Me Why is a wonderful and thoughtful game that values both its characters and story. Every little detail that is scattered across the game works in harmony to create a believable and engaging world. It is a game that is constantly teaching us more about its interesting side characters and rarely gives the player a chance to want to put the controller down. Despite not having a wild and climactic ending, Tell Me Why is one of the best stories to come out of Dontnod studios and a must-play for any fans of the adventure genre.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 14, 2020

When all is said and done, though Tell Me Why doesn't necessarily disturb the established Dontnod template too much, it executes it well enough that that doesn't ever seem like an issue. Excellent characters, strong writing, and a deeply personal plot help the player connect with the story. In the end, that most criticisms of the game can be boiled down to "I wish I had had more time to spend in its world and with its characters" should, ultimately, be all that really needs to be said about Tell Me Why.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 11, 2020

Tell Me Why's exploration of the complexities of memory, the difficulties of knowing our loved ones, and a world that can be better for our transgender loved ones make it a game worth experiencing.

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4.9 / 5.0
Sep 6, 2020

Woke, but not broke. A great implementation of the first playable trans character in gaming; but overall, a really good story!

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Top Critic
7.3 / 10.0
Aug 27, 2020

Tell Me Why lacks the emotion of Life is Strange and feels a little restraint in its three-episode structure, however it's a well written story-based game, with a complex and mature plot, and the ability to tell a tale about how extraordinary everyday life is.

Review in Italian | Read full review

10 / 10.0
Aug 28, 2020

Backed by stellar writing, a gorgeous presentation and the culmination of years of innovation in the genre, DONTNOD's latest episodic narrative game is their best yet

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 14, 2020

Tell Me Why could be the best game from Dontnod, but their gameplay is not as charming as the first time. Fortunately, the game offers one of the best stories this year so far.

Review in Slovak | Read full review

9 / 10.0
Sep 9, 2020

Tell Me Why is a memorable experience that's done well. The adventure portions are a good reminder to adventure game fans that the classic experience of logical puzzle-solving is alive and well, but the narrative becomes the driving force for completing the title. From the natural reactions to the characters to the assurances that the subjects of culture and transgenderism aren't just there for show, everything is elevated to the level of some of the best television dramas. For those who want something that's still considered new in the gaming landscape, Tell Me Why is a title that's well worth checking out.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 29, 2020

The first episode of Tell Me Why perfectly begins another groundbreaking story in the history of Dontnod. For lovers of genre, Life is Strange and serious themes, a must-have item!

Review in Polish | Read full review

8 / 10
Sep 5, 2020

Tell Me Why picks up the story just when the player feels it has nothing more to offer, and carries it until the very end. There are some weird gameplay mechanics going on, and the overall experience is not that solid, but there is no denying that Dontnod knows how to tell a story, and hopefully things will get even more exciting in upcoming season 2.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Aug 27, 2020

Tell Me Why diversifies from the usual narrative adventures, manages to strike deep thanks to a story based on hard and complicated themes.

Review in Italian | Read full review

69 / 100
Sep 3, 2020

Tell Me Why tackles a difficult subject quite well thanks to interesting central characters who interact maturely and drive the story forward. But limited use of telepathy, immaterial player choice, and a generally boring delivery tarnish this morose tale.

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9 / 10.0
Aug 27, 2020

Tell Me Why is a conversational adventure that follows the vein of previous titles in the genre. But that, thanks to its history, its interesting playable elements, decisions and characters, it becomes a game of its own, without the need to enter into comparisons. And also in a pleasant surprise for Xbox Game Studios. We can't say much more. Just that you are encouraged to meet the Ronan twins because they will surely conquer you and we are waiting for many more titles like this to launch on Xbox Game Pass.

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Top Critic
10 / 10.0
Aug 27, 2020

I’ve no hesitation in saying that Tell Me Why is Dontnod Entertainment’s best game yet.

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7.7 / 10.0
Aug 27, 2020

Tell Me Why tells an engaging story of twins unraveling a mystery and forming a bond after being separated for most of their childhood. It's a more mature narrative set in a cozy Alaskan backdrop that could draw the attention of gamers who are interested in story-driven experiences yet may have been put off by all of the teen drama featured in previous Dontnod titles.

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