Hades Reviews
If you’ve only been hearing about Hades, you’re doing yourself a disservice by not playing it. The gameplay is addicting and full of variety, and the Greek mythology theme is incredibly enticing. With great performances, fantastic music and an incredible art style, Hades easily ranks high among the best of 2020.
Utilizing the experience gained from its previous projects, Supergiant delivers its best game yet.
Review in Greek | Read full review
Hades is an incredibly polished title that excels in every way and proves that the roguelite genre still has plenty of ways to evolve.
Review in Slovak | Read full review
If you’re new to Level Down Games, you should know that we reserve perfect scores for the very rare event that a game should be considered a true masterpiece of its genre and that, for the life of the reviewer, we wouldn’t change a thing about the game. In 2019, we didn’t award a single perfect score to any game. I hope that our miserly use of tens leads you to take it very seriously when we finally hand one out. When I say that the music, story, combat, and flow of Hades is very near perfect, I don’t mean that I would change something, only that there is something that might have room for improvement that I have not been able to identify after many hours of playtime. Hades is priced at an affordable $24.99, and since its release has already had a few sales. It is worth much more than the asking price, and I genuinely can not recommend it enough.
Well, praise the gods, it’s finally here! I have managed to play more hours of Hades over the last few days than I care to admit and I have relished every second. Supergiant Games are one of my favourite developers. Ever since I played Transistor I have been completely captivated by their games. They ooze charm, they drip with quality and everything about them is so impeccably done.
Hades is incredible. Every inch of it memorable, and writing this review has just talked me into doing another run. Supergiant Games have made their masterpiece, and it is wonderful.
Hades doesn't try to reinvent the wheel but the little seasoning that the developers has sprinkled on this old formula combined with the mysterious story and it's colorful characters make this one of the best games of the year so far.
Review in Persian | Read full review
It is no exaggeration to say that Hades is one of the best titles of 2020 and the best Supergiant Games ever made. The huge achievement that this game has achieved in the field of storytelling and its combination with exciting gameplay is really commendable and it is also a pleasant experience in terms of audio and video. Whether you are a fan of Rogue-lite games or not, you should not miss the Hades experience.
Review in Persian | Read full review
In Hades, Supergiant Games has crafted an exemplar of both the action and rogue-lite genres, while pushing narrative in a way that even non-fans can appreciate.
EXCELLENT - Hades revolutionizes storytelling by unraveling new dialog and exposition each time you die, making every single attempt at escaping the Underworld new and exciting. The replayability is extremely high here with randomized rooms and perks, and a gameplay loop that will have you saying, “Just one more time!” well past your bedtime. Don’t let the roguelike description scare you away from giving this one a try.
One of our favorite games of the year
Hades is a really special title. As we play, the impression we have is that Supergiant Games studied the genre and sought to deliver the best roguelike ever made, minimizing the weaknesses of the genre while providing a unique experience. The cast of characters is charismatic; the art direction, with characteristic animations and a vibrant soundtrack, is exquisite; the casting of voice actors is impeccable... and all this is wrapped in a robust package, with a precise and fun combat system, and progression that respects and rewards the player.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Hades wasn’t even close to being on my radar this year. However, it has managed to drag me into the depths of hell, and it will keep me here for the foreseeable future.
A rogue-like perfect for rogue-likers and rogue-haters alike, Hades utilises every strength of the genre to weave an unforgettable experience from beginning to end(s).
Hades is a brutal but highly entertaining trip through the Greek underworld. Although I got knocked down again and again much like the stubborn prince himself I couldn’t help but get back up and try just one more time. With so much content on offer, this will easily be a game I’ll have in regular rotation for a long time to come. Definitely a title worthy of the Gods!
Hades is a different experience in the roguelike genre. It blends together a narrative with the mechanics and gameplay of roguelike, dungeon crawling games. With the option to play with different abilities and truly craft your own playstyle, replayability is extremely high. And while death is going to be the norm in this game, you’ll be able to activate God Mode, making this game an enjoyable experience for everyone.
Hades is a game that teaches the player and the industry that it is still possible to innovate in any genre, in this case it does so in today's saturated market for games with roguelike mechanics. In perfect communion between gameplay and narrative, Hades will keep us hooked for hours and hours on his goodness without remission, and after the hours that I myself have been absorbed, despite the fact that it surely has some defect, I can only describe it as a masterpiece .
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Indie developer Supergiant have made a name for themselves by developing a series of titles diverse in genre but consistent in their striking art design, mechanical depth and distinctive utilisation of voice acting. Although their first rogue-like, Hades makes for a strong argument that this genre is Supergiant's snuggest fit yet.
Hades is as close to perfect that a rogue-like is going to get, with its engaging story, robust and enjoyable combat, and satisfying sense of progression coming together to make for a breath-taking experience. It absolutely looks the part too, with Supergiant Games’ trademark beautiful visuals on show across the entirety of the game. It does have the occasional technical hiccup here and there on the Nintendo Switch, but it wasn’t enough of a problem to even slightly hinder my experience with the game. Hades is simply gaming perfection that both newcomers and veterans of the rogue-like dungeon-crawling genre are sure to adore… just do yourself a favour and buy it. Immediately. What are you waiting for?!
If you’ve read this far and aren’t convinced that Hades is a must have on your Switch (or PC, if you prefer) then I’m sorry to inform you’re already dead yourself. Now on their fourth release, Supergiant Games have proven themselves masters of interweaving narrative and gameplay. Though their previous games were rooted more in a singular, linear experience that offered plenty of choices and customizations, they’ve found a way to bring that excessive excellence to a never ending rogue-like.