Call of the Sea Reviews

Call of the Sea is ranked in the 71st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Dec 9, 2020

A dazzlingly different debut with a haunting sense of place and adventure.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Dec 8, 2020

Through engaging puzzles and a captivating story, Call of the Sea provides an excellent, poignant adventure.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 26, 2020

Clever puzzles and an engaging narrative make Call of the Sea a voyage worth taking

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3.5 / 5.0
Dec 8, 2020

Call of the Sea could benefit from having more substance, but otherwise it's a solid adventure game that manages to put a unique spin on the traditional Lovecraftian adventure.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 9, 2020

Out of the Blue's debut game manages to pack in some complex puzzles set amongst some beautiful environments, and has a story that keeps you hooked throughout.

Top Critic
7 / 10
Feb 5, 2021

Who would have thought that the solution to madness might be marriage?

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8 / 10.0
Dec 27, 2020

Call of The Sea brings a good story with a different than the usual narrative, and the gameplay is filled with puzzles scattered in a mysterious unique world that’s shaped with beautiful artistic design.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 8, 2020

Puzzles with a great design (mostly) and a story that captures without remedy from the first minute. A must for lovers of narrative adventures and puzzles.

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6.5 / 10.0
Dec 8, 2020

Call of the Sea is a great start for developer Out of the Blue but didn't entirely capture me on any front, despite standout moments.

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7.2 / 10.0
Dec 8, 2020

Call of the Sea could be considered as a puzzle and exploration video game where the first element weighs much more than the second; although both depend on each other to exist. Thus and with a series of puzzles that will take the player into a smooth back and forth between the frustrating process of looking for a solution to the problem and the satisfaction of finding it, Call of the Sea offers a proposal that complies with all the basic rules of the genre and the topped off with a colorful artistic design and a plot that delivers what it promises.

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80 / 100
Dec 11, 2020

Quotation forthcoming.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 10, 2020

If the writers weren't so eager to spoil their own surprises, I think we'd be looking at one outstanding narrative-driven adventure here. As it is, Call of the Sea is a pleasing piece of pulp fiction and a decent test of your puzzle-solving skills.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 8, 2020

Call Of The Sea is a good debut, that uses puzzle and riddle-based gameplay to tell an atmospheric story. Its weakness lies in a conception of riddles that is not always very clear, source of some moments of frustration, and in a limited duration. It will probably not remain among the most notable examples of the genre, but we must give credit to the fact that it manages to offer an alternative vision of the Lovecraftian narrative universe, potentially capable of satisfying those who do not always want monsters or scares.

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Steve C
Top Critic
9 / 10
Dec 8, 2020

Call of the Sea's original setting, narrative, and overall feel totally hooked me – even when I wasn't playing I found myself working over the puzzles in my head. If you're a fan of emotional stories and challenging logical puzzles then you should dive straight into this adventure.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 22, 2020

Call of the Sea has engaging puzzles, fantastic visuals, and a Lovecraftian story about love and sanity that make it unlike any other game from 2020. It's an engrossing puzzle game that’s too beautiful to pass up.

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Dec 10, 2020

Carefully crafted puzzles and clues in the story give this game, set on a Polynesian island, the satisfying feel of a journey

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83 / 100
Apr 24, 2023

Overall, Call of the Sea VR is a good port of a great game, that delivers a memorable and immersive experience. While it loses some of the stunning visuals of its progenitor, its engaging story and satisfying puzzles make it a game you’ll enjoy. Its use of VR is pretty good and it’s worth a replay if you’ve already finished the original. Despite its flaws, Call of the Sea VR is a well-crafted and enjoyable game that is sure to be a solid addition to your VR library.

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7 / 10.0
May 12, 2021

Call of the Sea puts all its eggs into its puzzles. They're fun to solve and feel as rewarding as slaying a boss in some of the most difficult games. The mysterious island Norah explores is gorgeous and full of mysteries that even Nathan Drake would appreciate. It's just a shame that its narrative is such a letdown. Norah may be the main character but I think Harry's adventure would have made a more compelling narrative.

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6 / 10
May 11, 2021

Aesthetically, the game looks really pretty and is totally evocative of its 1930s setting. The game is plagued with hammy dialogue that makes it feel totally campy and like an old B-movie, but not altogether terrible when coupled with the Lovecraftian influence it draws on. Call of the Sea is a mostly fun puzzle game that falls short on the mystery it tries to have you unveil. While it looks aesthetically pleasing and ticks a lot of boxes for its period setting, the story is lacklustre and predictable.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Jan 4, 2021

Call of the Sea is an example of a well-written and really captivating walking simulator, which, although inspired by the work of Lovecraft, tells a completely different story.

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