Collection of SaGa - Final Fantasy Legend Reviews

Collection of SaGa - Final Fantasy Legend is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
3.5 / 5.0
Dec 22, 2020

Collection of SaGa Final Fantasy Legend is obviously directed to either SaGa historians or people looking for an RPG nostalgia fix.

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5 / 10
Dec 27, 2020

Is Collection of SaGa Final Fantasy Legend for you? Well, that really depends on one huge factor. Did you play these games as a kid? If so, then this compilation may be worth the punt for a nice trip down memory lane. If you don't fall into that camp, however, it's difficult to recommend picking this up. These three games are simply okay when at their best, and rather disappointing when at their worst. The hard truth is that both your time and money are much better spent on the mountain of new or old RPGs you can buy for the Switch. There are worse games out there, but there are much better ones, too, and Collection of SaGa Final Fantasy Legend really only has value as a curiosity or nostalgic piece.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 9, 2021

For the $20 price, the Collection of SaGA Final Fantasy Legend is still a fun bundle of games that serve as a wonderful time capsule for handheld RPG adventures, even if it is light on features.

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70 / 100
Jan 3, 2021

Collection of SaGa Final Fantasy Legend contains three good games, but lacks any extras like manuals, save states, or cheats other than game speed to make it stand out. It's certainly a better effort than any of Nintendo's recent re-releases, but we can do much better to preserve the history of games.

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68 / 100
Dec 26, 2020

Collection of SaGa Final Fantasy Legend brings the joy of classic JRPGs back into our lives. It stays true to the retro experience by allowing players to utilize their handheld Switch as if it were a touchscreen Game Boy. It may not be the most polished adventure, but it is a faithful port bringing so many of us back to our childhood days. Overall, this collection successfully maintains the nostalgic feeling of gaming in the early 90s while creatively blending today’s technology to enhance the overall experience.

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Dec 20, 2020

Collection of SaGa Final Fantasy Legend is antiquated.

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Jan 30, 2021

While the games in Collection of SaGa Final Fantasy Legend certainly show their age, the ambition and complexity of these titles should still be celebrated even today.

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Renan Fontes
Top Critic
7 / 10
Jun 9, 2022

Collection of SaGa: Final Fantasy Legend doesn't do much to spruce up its titles beyond a turbo mode, but the original SaGa trilogy consists of three of Game Boy's most creative, and player driven JRPGs - all of which with their own unique identity. Legend is rough around the edges and almost has a beta quality, but its simplicity towards character customisation makes it very easy to start up a quick playthrough. Legend II expands on its predecessor everywhere it counts, featuring dynamic leveling, and a genuinely bizarre world with a lot of heart. Legend III is a conventional RPG comparatively, but it features enough oddities (nuanced character transformations and time travel) to even out into the most beginner-friendly entry in the collection. SaGa as a franchise prioritises smart battling at all times, and player driven party progression. This collection is a solid entry point into the series, and an even better dive into one of Game Boy's best trilogies.

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9.5 / 10.0
Oct 29, 2021

Collection of SaGa: The Final Fantasy Legend is the perfect collection of these classic Game Boy screens, looking and sounding even better than the originals. Just keep in mind that they are early style RPGs so they require a ton of grinding!

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Dec 22, 2020

As a relatively low-price collection of three retro JRPGs that will last you for a long time (if only because each offers dozens of hours of classic grinding), the Collection of SaGa is obviously niche in terms of its demographic, but these are games that are very easy to love. It would have been nice to have some of the features that more comprehensive retro collections have – digital art books, histories, music players and so on, but no-frills or not these are valuable, pioneering pieces of video game history, and they’re both worth owning and persevering with.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 22, 2020

Grinding aimlessly will lead to frustration, and the fairly high encounter rate can be taken advantage of when you know how and why your characters actually grow. The bottom line with Collection of SaGa is that RPG aficionados, with or without prior experience, should add these classic titles to their Switch library. It's great to see the saga of SaGa find a home on Switch, even if a little mental assembly is required to enjoy them.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 16, 2020

If you have fond memories of playing the Final Fantasy Legend games on your Game Boy back in the day then Collection of SaGa is simply a must-have nostalgia trip. They may not hold up as well as some other RPGs yet these titles remain wonderfully unique and special.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 6, 2021

Collection of SaGa contains one of the more fascinating chapters of Square Enix history, and I encourage any longtime or new Final Fantasy fans to check it out. Like I said earlier there are hurdles here, but with some real JRPG treasure on the other side.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 4, 2021

As a whole, this collection is definitely one worth picking up if you want a comforting trip down memory lane. I’d recommend it highly to anyone who played these games when they were released on GameBoy. To new players, maybe give it a thought since they can be considerably difficult to understand, but if you’re up for the challenge – what’s stopping you?

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Jan 31, 2021

If you’re a fan of SaGa or classic RPGs and don’t mind playing some early Gameboy games, you’ll get a kick out of this collection.

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Dec 22, 2020

After all, what other games out there let you eat mysterious meat that turns you into a giant slug monster, and then allow you to infuse yourself with bolts and gears when you decide you want to be a robot instead?

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3.5 / 5.0
Jan 1, 2021

Collection of SaGa: Final Fantasy Legend is a peculiar but enjoyable collection that lets you play some of the Gameboy’s more obscure RPGs.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 23, 2020

From a preservation standpoint, Collection of SaGa Final Fantasy Legend does everything people would need. You have all three games easily accessible in a single compilation. You can hop in without much effort, go through each one, and perhaps go through things a little more swiftly than you normally would.

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70 / 100
Dec 29, 2020

COLLECTION of SaGa FINAL FANTASY LEGEND gives us the first three deliveries of the little-known SaGa franchise published on Game Boy between 89 and 91. Using the name of Final Fantasy Legend in the U.S. market as a hook, they achieved relative success despite having little or nothing to do with the star franchise of Square. With some very peculiar mechanics and a high difficulty, they are not JRPGs for beginners, and they can be made hard for the current player, but those who know and follow the franchise will find an unbeatable way to know or remember their beginnings with this compilation. The options are correct, but there are a few more extras missing.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 17, 2020

Collection of SaGa Final Fantasy Legend is a great piece of retro RPG history made readily available for modern gamers. The added options add a layer of accessibility lacking in the series, but it still retains its minimalistic design and leaves progression in the player’s hands. Bottom line, this is an amazing collection for RPG fans, and you won’t be disappointed spending an afternoon pretending your switch is a Game Boy and going on an adventure.

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