Returnal Reviews

Returnal is ranked in the 96th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.5 / 10.0
Apr 29, 2021

Returnal is a really strange beast. It’s a game from a studio that have very clearly been given the funding to make a big budget version of the type of game they want to, and it really shows. There’s a very thin line between accepting that you made a mistake and ranting that the game screwed you over, and Housemarque have got it right with their mechanics. If you die, you learn from it and go again. Thankfully, the PS5 makes this incredibly quick, and it’ll have its hooks in you for “just one more run”. If I had to pick holes in it, I just wish there were a little bit more permanence to some of the upgrades you pick up, but I know this will diminish some of the ‘purity’ of the game. While I know some of this will be met with derision at openly admitting to not quite finishing it, I can only hope that the impressions I’ve had of Returnal give you an idea of what to expect if you pick up this absolute gem of a title. Now, Housemarque, here’s the Yellow Pages. Make a game based on that.

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9.5 / 10.0
Apr 29, 2021

As much as I can break down all the great things about Returnal, I think a simpler statement would be that this is the strongest candidate for Game of the Year so far for me. More importantly, is the addictiveness that is repetitive insistence in trying to conquer a challenge that has done nothing but beat you down. The joy and elation when you finally beat a section you have struggled with, or a boss that has given you your backside, is a feeling that is indescribable, and that is what Returnal is: indescribable.

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8.5 / 10.0
Apr 29, 2021

Returnal is a whole lot of fun to play. The adrenaline-fueled combat is complemented with flawless controls. The Dualsense haptics further amplifies the action, absorbing you into the game. The story contains more than enough mystery to catch the attention of any sci-fi lover. It drives you to discover more and does a great job at trying to explain the mechanics of a roguelike in a more mature and detailed way. The randomness of the game can be a little frustrating at times when you just can't find the items you need to survive. The inability to apply any permanent upgrades that impact your combat strength makes it very hard to stay engaged when you are faced with an obstacle that is proving to be a real challenge. Difficulty goes hand and hand with the genre and despite making your blood boil from time to time, Returnal is a masterpiece for the roguelike genre and was a worthwhile risk for the development team that really paid off. It doesn't matter how much you get your ass kicked, you will keep coming back for more.

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Apr 29, 2021

I have thoroughly enjoyed playing Returnal so far and its unique die-and-start-over mechanic, excellent graphics, gameplay and sound all work brilliantly to deliver yet another fantastic first-party exclusive for the PS5.

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9 / 10.0
Apr 29, 2021

Returnal went from a tough horror game to a brilliant arcade roguelike bullet-hell shooter. Very few games can evolve this way. Returnal is roguelike at its finest and one of the best reasons to own a PS5.

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Apr 29, 2021

You’ll die. A lot. But then, you’ll stand up and go deeper into madness. Housemarque made a brilliant piece of code, elevating bullet hell genre to another level. Now, they can proudly stand among other AAA creators.

Review in Polish | Read full review

Apr 29, 2021

If you like challenging games which require reflexes, juggling several different threats at once, and grinding through levels to improve your skills – and are interested in a sci-fi thriller – then Returnal will have a lot to offer. For gamers looking for a more accommodating action/adventure experience, or wanting something that doesn’t have more grind than a lensmaking factory, however, Returnal is not the game you’re looking for.

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80 / 100
Apr 29, 2021

Returnal the game that combines roguelike and metroidvania genres, using horror elements as spice. Combining so many different types in them, it has managed to keep the aspects that all of them are successful in, despite some of their shortcomings.

Review in Turkish | Read full review

Apr 29, 2021

By remixing ideas and concepts from other high profile games, the bits of originality stand out. While its refreshing, Returnal is also very intimidating in the long run with risk reward decision starting with time to play confortable.

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80 / 100
Apr 29, 2021

I won't mince words. If you're expecting to play through Returnal just for the story or expecting it to be like any other AAA PlayStation exclusive before it, then you should probably skip it altogether. Returnal is for those who are ready to grit their teeth for some truly unforgiving and punishing combat. Consider that a genuine warning.

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Apr 29, 2021

Housemarque has delivered its finest title to date and while it may not be for everyone, when the clicks, it is impossible to put down. Returnal offers a satisfying loop strengthened by a sense of discovery that few games offer.

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9.5 / 10.0
Apr 29, 2021

A truly AAA sci-fi roguelike masterpiece full of intense moments and inviting mysteries, Returnal continually reminds us of why we love Housemarque so much in the first place.

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8.5 / 10.0
Apr 29, 2021

Returnal makes an important, evolutionary (house)marque on the arcade shooter landscape.

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Apr 29, 2021

Returnal is undoubtedly one of Housemarque’s best games and is a triumph for the PlayStation 5. The premise is interesting right off the bat, and the way the game feeds narrative breadcrumbs throughout the game only made me want to continue on. With the tight gameplay that the studio is known for, along with an intriguing story and blockbuster presentation, Housemarque hits all the right spots. Returnal sits as one of PlayStation’s most unique exclusives.

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8.7 / 10.0
Apr 29, 2021

Returnal is by far the most interesting game this year and offers everything that we are used to from Housemarque, in a level of quality and scope that I didn't thought was possible for this studio. A lot of excitement is lost due to random collectibles later in the game and not all of the roguelike elements fully come together in the end as intended. Still, no PS5 owner should miss out on Returnal.

Review in German | Read full review

7.5 / 10.0
Apr 29, 2021

Returnal brings smiles, combining relentless action with amazing people and a good story, but also a very atmospheric sound and deep lore. However, to enjoy it for ten minutes, you will probably spent hours irritated, without feeling that you progress.

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9 / 10
Apr 29, 2021

It’s almost hard to believe that Housemarque have created their first third-person shooter with Returnal. Yet in doing so, they've instantly catapulted themselves to the top of the heap of action shooter developers.

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8.9 / 10.0
Apr 29, 2021

Returnal is both a stark departure from Housemarque’s previous stable of games, and also a familiar experience that the studio is well known for. It at least proves that they are capable of producing AAA-games that are able to take strides with the best of PlayStation exclusives, even when they are tackling an entirely new genre. It’s an expert blend of third-person exploration and bullet-hell shooting with many layers of customization that makes every playthrough exciting - even if the current system is skewed towards more of a roll of the dice than pure skill. Returnal is a punishing and a heart-pounding affair that requires precise execution and utmost mastery of the game, neither of those that will be easy to come by.

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